As an Art Below exhibitor we wanted you to be the first to know about Art Below membership.  We are awarding the first 100 succesful applicants a 50% discount on membership, so for just £6 a month we can offer you the following 
  • Special discounts for members on poster space, starting with 15% off our next show 'Art Below Regent's Park', that co-insides with the Frieze Art Fair this October.  Click here for further details.
  •  Monthly Newsletter for members only loaded with events, invitations, and opportunities. See August Newsletter for members here.
  • Sell your original work / prints directly from your Art Below profile page. (Functionality in construction)
  • Be the first to know and  be involved with up and coming collaborations including The Moniker Art Fair, Culture Label, The Hospital Club and The Other Art Fair, as well as international public art campaigns planned for Istanbul, Los Angeles, Paris and Berlin.
  • Hospital Club Membership (Optional): As an Art Below member you are also invited to become a member of the Hospital Club in Covent Garden.  The Hospital Club is the only members Club in the UK exclusively for the creative industries. As a member of the club you and your guests are welcome to enjoy all the benefits of the 60,000 sq ft of amazing spaces including a gallery, screening room, a loft lounge, a pool lounge, a restaurant and two wonderful cocktail bars.     The club is often the focus of the art world and media at large with artists including The Chapman Brothers using the gallery space, and Radio Head shooting their videos there. More about the Hopsital Club here.    As an Art Below member you get £100 off membership with no joining fee (joining fee is normally £250).  
London membership: £750 a year  + Joining fee of £250
With Art Below membership: £650 a year with no joining fee

Out of Town membership £600 a year + Joining fee of £250
With Art Below membership: £500 a year with no joining fee

International membership £550 + Joining fee of £250
With Art Below membership: £400 a year with no joining fee

If you would like to apply for membership please click here, or email info@artbelow.org.uk, or call (0044) 207 731 033 with any questions and a member of our team will be happy to assist.
Thank you for taking the time to read through our newsletter.
Art Below Ltd.
Tel: 0207 731 0333
Fax: 0207 731 3914
Facebook.com/art Below
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Art Below Ltd. Registered in England No.05697608.  Primary trading address, Art Below Ltd., Studio 21, Sulivan Enterprise Centre, Sulivan Road, London, SW6 3DJ