Friday, September 5, 2014
Psalm 119:105 Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.
Most of us have experienced a power outage. This isn't so bad when it happens during the day or when the moon is close to full. Enough light filters in through our windows to avoid that painful bump into the furniture or that irritating trip over the toys in the hall.
But imagine waking to find yourself in a huge mansion during a power outage. Imagine that the moon is not there and the stars offer no gentle glow to give perspective to your eyes and balance to your body. It would be slow going in complete darkness.
But with a flashlight in hand, it wouldn't be hard at all. You could easily discover the room around you, the hallway, and the other rooms. You'd easily avoid tripping, and you wouldn't bump painfully into the furniture.
God says the Bible is like a flashlight. When we read God's Word, we learn all sorts of things that would be impossible to know otherwise. We learn where our universe came from--God made it with his powerful voice. We learn where the animals came from, and why there is such order in the living world--God is a God of order. We learn where all the different languages came from, and how different cultures developed--God mixed up the language of man because they weren't following him or his commands at the tower of Babel.
Most importantly, when we read the Bible we learn about sin and what God did to save us from sin. He sent Jesus to be the greatest light, showing us what he did on the cross to take our sins away. Jesus is the light that shows us the path to heaven. Trusting in him as our Savior is the way.
If we didn't have God's Word, we couldn't learn about the beginning of the world or ancient history. And we couldn't learn about the way to heaven either. We'd be lost in a dark, a dark world of sin.