T H E   B E S T   N E W   W O M E N   P O E T S


Tuesday, December 3 is #GivingTuesday! This initiative is a response to Black Friday and Cyber Monday, and it is a chance to practice philanthropy by supporting your favorite non-profits! Please consider donating on our Facebook page on 12/3, or anytime on our website. Thank you!

December 1, 2019

Dear Supporters and Friends of Perugia Press,

The 2019 Perugia Press Prize winner, Hail and Farewell, was released on September 15. Like each of our books, the winning poet worked closely with the editor to create a book she loves. This is what makes Perugia Press special: producing and launching one excellent book at a time. 

Hail and Farewell is the first book for poet Abby E. Murray, the current poet laureate of Tacoma, Washington. As a pacifist and feminist married to an active-duty soldier, Abby’s poems build powerful bridges between disparate communities. We witnessed this firsthand earlier this month when Abby traveled east to read from her book and have conversations about its content, including at the Smith College Poetry Center and at Westfield State University. Abby spoke to audiences about the power of poetry, noting: “Poetry is a survival skill. It helped me survive my husband’s deployment, PTSD, and the loss of our friends.” She also spoke about how she felt welcomed into the poetry community as we celebrated her first book publicly through readings and events. We are honored to bring more readers to the power of poetry and bring more poets into the limelight.

We’re also excited to share that we started using the tool Submittable for the 2020 Perugia Press Prize contest to choose the next stellar title for Perugia’s library. This move spread the word about our press to more women poets, and it also provided a user-friendly platform for our potential poets, volunteers, and the director. Like all of the work that we do, this important change was made possible by donations from supporters like you! 

Please help us to get the word out about Perugia Press and to get the collections of all of our poets into the hands of readers far and wide. Gifts of any size aid us in our mission to right gender inequity in publishing by producing groundbreaking books of poetry by emerging women poets. 

$25 helps to keep our use of Submittable sustainable for our small press
$50 helps us to hold events to increase the audience for our poets’ work
$75 helps us to present at the annual national AWP book fair & conference
(in San Antonio in March)
$100 helps to cover the cost of creating this year’s book (and, at this level
or above, you get a copy!)

You can pledge for poetry on #GivingTuesday (December 3) through our Facebook fundraiser, or anytime on our website (www.perugiapress.com). Thank you for contributing, which also happens when you read our books, use them in your classrooms, volunteer for the press, submit your manuscript, and participate in Perugia Press events. 

With gratitude,

Rebecca Olander, Editor/Director

Perugia Press is a non-profit, Section 501(c)(3) organization;
donations are tax-deductible; EIN #861159639

PO Box 60364, Florence, MA  01062