Council Temporary Stalemate
Last Monday night, December 2, Pittwater Council failed to reach a
decision on the options for additional parking at Church Point. The
major focus of the meeting was whether Councillors would or would not
support the Council staff recommendation for Option 2 - the Deck
Option. Option 1 is the Ground Level in the original CPPOM
with 60 spaces and Option 3 is the Church Point Friends design with 39
spaces as assessed by the Hyder Report.
A crowd of about 150 were in attendance for the two and a half hour
session with the majority being Offshore community members. There were
banners, cheers and generally good behaviour. Unfortunately, the result
of all that effort turned the energy into disappointment and
bewilderment with most Offshore community members leaving in despair,
confusion and, in some cases, anger.
What Happened?
Before the main debate, the Mayor permitted three additional speakers
from both sides in addition to the three scheduled speakers For and
Against. Three Offshore residents volunteered and spoke brilliantly at
short notice. After half an hour of public speaking, Council staff were
questioned by Councillors for a further half an hour, followed by close
to one and a half hours of debate between Councillors and then,
finally, a series of votes.
It was not possible for Councillor Ian White to participate in this
process. As he owns a property on Scotland Island, he has a conflict of
interest precluding him from discussion and voting. This is very
frustrating for Ian as he would love to be able to contribute to the
So in this chess-like game the moves were:
- Original motion to support Option 2 - Deck Option
(including other important points in the recommendation) Moved Bob
Grace; Seconded Selena Griffith
- Amendment to support Option 1 - CPPOM (including
other important points in the recommendation) Moved Jacqueline
Townsend; Seconded Kylie Ferguson
- A further amendment to support Option 3 - Church
Point Friends Moved Sue Young; No Seconder. Motion Lapsed
- There was much debate with some good and not so good
arguments, some common sense and some common nonsense. Votes were then
- Amendment for Option1: Three votes FOR; Jacqueline
Townsend, Kylie Ferguson, Sue Young; Five votes AGAINST; Bob Grace,
Selena Griffith, Julie Hegarty, Alex McTaggart and Kay Millar.
Amendment Lost
- Motion for Option 2: Four votes FOR; Bob Grace,
Selena Griffith, Julie Hegarty and Kay Millar; Four votes AGAINST;
Jacqueline Townsend, Kylie Ferguson, Alex McTaggart and Sue Young.
Casting vote by the Mayor, Jacqueline Townsend AGAINST. Motion Lost
- Stalemate!
Julie Hegarty foreshadowed the submission of a Recission Motion. This
means that the matter will return to Council on December 16 for further
discussion and hopefully a decision.
There are some Councillors who clearly understand the dilemma and have
our appreciation. For those supporting Option 1, whilst we acknowledge
their point of view, SIRA opposes this position. Those that supported
neither Option do not seem to understand the real needs expressed by
the significant body of Offshore Pittwater residents or, at best, their
priorities seem idealistic and out of touch.
This issue has been going on for so long that some of the history has
been lost. During the debate remarks were made about further
investigating dispersal options as an alternative to additional parking
infrastructure. In fact, from 1994 - 1998, when we were fighting to
prevent half the main carpark being removed, investigating dispersal
options was Council's major focus. Specific locations were identified
and nearby residents consulted, distances calculated and a list of
necessary infrastructure prepared. There are literally hundreds of
pages of Council’s “Church Point Management Plans” on this issue from
that period. It was broadly concluded that dispersal would not
work, except as a marginal complimentary strategy. In particular local
residents at some dispersal points e.g. Bayview Baths formed their own
pressure group to object to Council exporting “the Church Point
problem”. Safety considerations for commuters was also a major concern
for the increase in travel distance.
Most important, once again we need the community to hang in there.
Although many are “over it”, we need resilience and persistence, as
this prolonged saga draws to an end.
Why is there such pressure to get this through now? The reason is that
the opportunity for a very low interest rate loan from the State
Government to fund the project will close December 31. It would be a
real tragedy if an application for funding is unable to be submitted as
the whole project will become a more expensive exercise i.e. fees could
We urge all residents to participate and support Offshore
representatives at the next Council meeting so a resolution can be
finally be achieved.
Notices |
The Council will reconsider options for the Church Point car park at
its final meeting in 2013.
Councillors debated three possible designs for the car park at its
meeting this week, but were unable to agree on a preferred option.
Three Councillors have signed a notice of motion asking that the
proposed option for a decked car park be reconsidered at the meeting on
16 December.
The three options for the car park were presented in a detailed report
at this week’s meeting, following several months of consultation with
affected residents and a 12 month process developing design options
through a working group composed of residents associations, Councillors
and Council staff.
The three options presented at Monday night’s meeting were:
- Option 1 - a 60 space single level car park with
front or rear to kerb parking in McCarrs Creek Road near the Church
Point Wharf costing $5.4 million to build
- Option 2 - a 120 space decked car park with front or
rear to kerb parking in McCarrs Creek Road near the Church Point Wharf
costing $7.3 million to build
- Option 3 - a car park of up to 60 spaces with
parallel parking in McCarrs Creek Road near the Church Point Wharf with
an approximate cost of $5.4 million.
The first two options were included in the Church Point Plan of
Management adopted by the Council in 2009. The third option was
developed by the Church Point Friends residents group and submitted for
consideration by the Council in September 2013.
Around 120 offshore and onshore residents attended the meeting on
Monday night at Mona Vale Memorial Hall. Eleven spoke either for or
against the report’s recommendation that the Council choose Option 2
(the decked car park) as the preferred design and seek state government
funding under the LERS grant program.
General Manager Mark Ferguson said the Council had voted on Option 1
and Option 2.
“Both options failed to pass through the lack of a majority of the
Councillors in support. However Councillors Hegarty, Grace and Griffith
have lodged a notice of motion asking their colleagues to reconsider
the report recommendations at the last meeting of this year.”
To view the report for this week’s meeting visit www.pittwater.nsw.gov.au
and click on the link to agendas and meetings. The meeting agenda for
16 December will be publicly available by Wednesday 11 December.
Media contact: Mark Ferguson Pittwater Council Ph: 9970 1105 3 December
Quick and Effective Response
Following our recent power outage I was pleased with how Ausgrid
reacted and, despite the challenges, had electricity restored as
quickly as they did; including knocking on my door to check that water
was again being heated.
Simon Lambe
Concur fully ! (Ed)
Sly Dogs - Dinner with the Dogs
Gig for the Year
Scotland Island
School Ferry Walk.
If you are new to the island and have a child starting at Newport
Public School in 2014 OR if you have a Kindie starting school at
Newport in 2014 and will be taking the school Ferry please could you
let us know if you would like your children to join the supervised
walks to school and from school.
Contact Jenni on: jena50@hotmail.com
The walk between the Newport Wharf and the school can be busy with
potentially dangerous driveways, unsupervised crossing (no traffic
lights), crossing two entrances at Newport Arms Hotel and the end of
the road toward the Newport Wharf can be busy too. Hence 2 Adult
walkers are rostered to supervise each walk, to school and from school
one leading the walk and one at the back.
The ‘Ferry Walkers’ Service is currently run as both a ‘part
paid’’ AND a ‘volunteer rostered weekly walk’ by parents of all
children who require supervised walks from Newport Ferry Wharf to
Newport Public School and back again. This is a community initiative
co-ordinated by the offshore community utilising this service.
The term fee does fluctuate and the cost is determined by the number of
children participating in the supervised walk service. The more
kids walking, the cheaper the term fees will be and ultimately less
rostered walks per family.
Thank you.
RFS Goodwill Christmas Lunch
Christmas Day 12-2pm
Booking is essential
We know that ticks inhabit
the Pittwater area and that they can cause problems for humans and
animals. There is now another way for you to find out more about
managing the risk, avoiding problems and dealing with those that arise,
especially as they affect humans.
We can start with the Fact Sheet that appears below. It has been
prepared by doctors, entomologists and a veterinary surgeon. It is a
brief, accurate and reliable introduction.
As you read the Fact Sheet, remember the following further facts:
- ticks like moist conditions and do not like dry areas;
- ticks do not jump up from below or drop down from
high trees – they “quest” by climbing no more than about 1.5 metres on
vegetation (they dry out if they go too high) and sit, waving their
front legs to latch onto passers-by;
- as they climb your body, they will stop at tight
clothing – hence concentrations of bites occur along underwear lines,
etc; if they do not meet any insecticide or tight barrier, they may
climb to the neck and head;
- it is best to kill them on the body and let them drop
off or later brush them off; it is not helpful for non-experts to pull
them off/out, because the trauma may cause more of their saliva to
enter the bite and add to the health problems;
- ticks can be killed by spraying them with a spray
that contains ether, which freezes the tick immediately (eg. WART OFF
or Wartner); ether is also an ingredient of Aerostart, the spray that
displaces water and enables wet engines to start – but it is not an
approved medical substance; for larval/nymph stage ticks you can apply
Lyclear on the tick (an over-the-counter cream available from
- DEET is in products such as RID, Tropical RID,
Tropical Aerogard or Bushmans;
- Picaridin is in products such as OFF.
“Anaphylaxis” is a severe allergic reaction that may have potentially
life threatening symptoms, such as:
- difficult/noisy breathing
- swelling of tongue
- swelling/tightness in throat
- difficulty talking and/or hoarse voice
- wheeze or persistent cough
- loss of consciousness and/or collapse
- pale and floppy (in young children)
In some cases it may be preceded by less dangerous symptoms, such as:
- swelling of face, lips and eyes
- hives or welts on the skin
- stomach pain, vomiting.
We know that a number of Pittwater residents have the red meat (or,
more accurately, mammalian meat) allergy caused by ticks – gut
reactions and sometimes anaphylaxis from eating the meat of any mammal
(any four-legged animal – and whales!). Some people also develop an
allergy and react to other mammalian products – gelatin, milk, cream,
soft cheeses, etc.
These problems are not confined to Pittwater – this is an issue along
the entire east coast of Australia and has been identified in Europe
and the USA. (And no, this has nothing to do with Lyme disease.) For us
in the Sydney area, bandicoots are the main carriers of ticks. About
two new people with tick-induced red/mammalian meat allergy present at
Royal North Shore Hospital every week and there are over 450 sufferers
already known to RNSH – and over 300 more elsewhere in northern Sydney.
Many more people suffer tick anaphylaxis (severe reaction to the bite)
without the meat allergy, especially in the tick season from August to
To address these matters a committee has been formed at Royal North
Shore Hospital, convened by A/Prof Sheryl van Nunen, Department of
Clinical Immunology and Allergy. It is called the Tick-induced
Allergies Research and Awareness Committee (TiARA). Its website
contains much useful information, including a two-part PowerPoint
presentation that fully explains the situation for anyone interested: www.tiara.org.au
Nicholas Cowdery
Co-Chair, TiARA Committee
Sheet: Tick Avoidance & Management
May Make You Sick!
Most tick bites are harmless, however Ixodes holocyclus (commonly known
as the “Paralysis tick”) may make you sick in several ways:
- A range of minor to major allergic reactions, even
- The development of allergy to red meat, often
- The transmission of specific diseases.
- Rare life threatening paralysis.
Paralysis Tick Biology
- There are four stages; the egg, larvae (0.5mm), nymph
(1.5mm) and adult (3.5mm).
- Tick stages are seasonal, with larvae active during
the autumn, nymphs in winter, and adults in the spring.
- The adult stage is the most dangerous, but any stage
can lead to allergic reactions.
When Going Into the Aussie
- Try to avoid peak ‘ticky’ times, especially after wet
- Wear light coloured clothing to help spot ticks, and
check yourself regularly.
- Tuck pants into socks, and shirts into pants.
- Apply repellents to the skin. Use those that contain
DEET or Picaridin, and apply (and reapply) as per label directions.
- Soak clothing in permethrin washes (available from
outdoor stores). Follow label instructions for application and
- After being in a ‘ticky’ area, remove clothing and
place into a hot dryer for 20 minutes to kill any ticks that may still
be present.
Avoiding Ticks Around the
- Install animal proof fencing. This prevents the host
animals coming into your yard where they can drop ticks.
- If there are tick prone areas around the home,
install fencing to prevent children from entering those area.
- Ticks do not like dry conditions! Keep overhanging
foliage and leaf litter to a minimum, and mow lawns regularly.
- Apply insecticides to areas where ticks occur, you
may need the service of a professional pest controller. Ensure that
ticks are on the insecticide label.
- Regularly treat pets to prevent ticks; many dogs and
cats die every year from tick paralysis.
More Information?
www.tiara.org.au (Tick induced
mammalian meat allergy & tick allergy)
(Tick fact sheets)
Download Tick Fact Sheet HERE
Bel’s Scotland Island
Fashion House
14th December, 10am to 4pm:
Richard Road
to load PDF Flyer
For Sale
Half Cabin
Cruise Craft, 5m half cabin, hydraulic steering, new transom 2010.
2008 Mercury 60HP 4-stroke with new power head, recent 100hr service.
No trailer.
$5500 neg
John Morgan
0416 733 147
can now join the
Scotland Island Residents Association by clicking
here. Please print the
page and return the completed form to
SIRA at this address:
The Treasurer, SIRA, PO Box 70, Church Point
Please NO CASH.
Contact SIRA at sirapittwater@gmail.com
To join the
Western Pittwater
Association, contact Michael Wiener at m2wiener@bigpond.net.au |
A complete set of past electronic newsletters since May 2000 can be
found and read at https://ymlp.com/archive_gesgjgm.php or
by clicking
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by visiting the Mona Vale Library.
The Island website is at www.scotlandisland.org.au
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interest to the community, does not include matter of a political
nature and is not offensive, it will
appear next month.
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views expressed in this newsletter are not necessarily the views of the
Scotland Island Residents Association (SIRA), or
the Western
Pittwater Community Association (WPCA)