Saturday, March 25, 2017

Psalm 23:1 The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want.

When I look at verse one of Psalm 23, what immediately grabs my attention? Is it the word "LORD" in all caps, or the fact that the LORD God Almighty is personified as our "shepherd?" Both are important points, but in my humble opinion there is another important word in the first line: "is." How sad and unfortunate would it be if I were to read that "The LORD was my shepherd"! The one true LORD God is real and is active as my ever present help in trouble.


Psalm 23 comes very fittingly after Psalm 22 and the description of the one and only sacrificial Lamb of God-- who is now shown to be my Good Shepherd. He truly IS the God of action! Without this first assertive statement, the rest of the psalm really comes into question, doesn't it? If the LORD maybe is my shepherd, then hopefully I won't ever be in want or need. No, rather I confidently rejoice with David that "the LORD is my shepherd. I shall not want." I will not lack anything that I need. This is an expression of faith! It is a simple trust in the words of a loving Savior, words that continue to move me (a stubborn sheep) to consider what He has done for me as well as giving me the eager desire to listen and learn from Him more and more.

The Lord my Shepherd is, I shall be well supplied.
Since He is mine and I am His, What can I want beside?
(The Lutheran Hymnal, 426:1)