Pittwater Carols Afloat
Thursday 19 December 7pm at Lovett
then onto Church Point Wharf from 8.30pm


Afternoon with Young
Today !
Sunday 1st December at the
Community Hall

Island Dog Race
It's on again!
Same time same place
Christmas Eve 6pm at Church Point
Register your Dog from 2:30 to 5:30pm
Entry fee is 1 Longneck (Cold !) and 1 x Large Tin Dog Food Official starting time around 6pm at Bell Wharf

Scotland Island Fire
Brigade Goodwill XMAS Lunch
December 25th from Midday at the fire shed
Booking is essential !
To help us with the catering please RSVP by 18th
December at the
Church Point Ferry
Ferry Fare 2020

The Scotland Island
Recreation Club (SIRC)
Summer Table
Tennis Sessions on Saturday
Over the summer Saturday
afternoon table tennis sessions will be from 4.00-6.00pm.
Come along and have some exercise and fun.

The Co-Op
Club Presents
December 2019 Bookings
Church Point Cafe -
Artists play between 3:30 - 6:30pm
December 1st: CJ Raggatt Rhythm & Blues Band
Get ready to stomp your feet, shout & holler
& shake your booty. The Rhythm & Blues Spectacular at Church
Point Music Co-Op Dec 1st will take you to a better place. Where you
can boogie woogie, boogaloo, shimmy shango and shake.
Meet the six piece band…
Vocals: Ms Milena Barrett - winner of Syd Blues International Blues
Guitar: CJ Raggatt - fantastically talented singer / guitarist
Drums: Mr Rosscoe Clark - the king of swing & the sheik of shuffle
Bass: Paul Christie - from Mondo Rock, The Party Boys, The Big Daddys
& Rockhouse.
Harmonica: Kelvin Carlson, a killer harp player
Keyboards: John 'The Storm' Tweed..
December 8th: The
Bellhops - Award Winning Blues, Jump’n’Jive Swing Band  THE
BELLHOPS Sydney’s Premier Award Winning Blues, Jum’n’Jive & Swing
Band!! With numerous award winning albums under their belts, they are
frequently found performing at Blues Festivals as well as many clubs,
winery’s and ski fields all around NSW - If you love to dance this is a
Sunday at the Co-Op you won’t want to miss.
The Bellhops have
been influenced by Chuck Berry, Wilson Pickett, Big Joe Turner, James
Brown, Ray Charles and Louis Jordan to name a few and pay tribute to
the Swing and Jive ear of the late 40’s, the Rock’nRoll of the 50’s,
the Soul and R&B of the 60’s and the East Coast Blues music of the
Their lineup is big and brassy, featuring their very own
Horn Mafia. Virtuoso Guitarist and slide specialist John Russell with
Ian Ditman on Vocals together with Kevin Egan and Mark Roulston in the
rhythm section.
December 15th: Jade MacRae - Tickets On Sale Now!  he
Co-Op Club are proud to present ARIA AWARD winning JADE MACRAE! While
touring the globe with U.S. guitarist Joe Bonnamassa she steps away to
bring home an incredible new body of work ‘Up Above Your Head’ to sell
out shows in Sydney & Melbourne, together with her absolute monster
team of Sydney musicians.
Sept 11 2019 - Sydney Morning Herald’s – John Shands… “Gladys
could have saved us all a fortune by having Jade MacRae demolish the
Sydney Football Stadium. One note should have done the job, such is the
singer's staggering power. Having penned a batch of songs buried deep
in the R&B tradition. MacRae, who should have become a major star
15 years ago, were such matters decided by talent rather than luck,
joins a rich tradition of Australian female R&B singers that
includes Wendy Saddington, Jeannie Lewis, Renee Geyer and Tina Harrod”
soul, delivered with a unique blend of vulnerability and power. Jade
MacRae’s voice tells a thousand tales, from joy to despair, bearing all
the marks of humanity in between. Daughter of local Australian Jazz
Royalty Joy Yates & David MacRae, Jade’s rich and varied musical
history colours not only her vocal delivery, but also her song writing
which channels the great RnB artists of the 50s and 60s, and tips a hat
to her love of jazz sewn from a young age.
Jade has worked
with Jimmy Barnes, Cold Chisel, Renee Geyer and Neil Finn, as well as
international luminaries such as Ray Charles, James Brown, Dave Stewart
(Eurhythmics) and John Legend.
Don’t miss this opportunity to see our own incredible Australian Artist
Jade MacRae.
Tickets $15 -
Contact Waterfront Store (Co-Op Club)
Thurs. December 19th: Carols Afloat
The first performance is at the Lovett Bay
Boatshed at 7
pm. This is one for those in boats which can raft up around the
boatshed and hear the choir’s dulcet tones echoing around Salvation
Following the first show the choir embarks on a ferry – courtesy of
Penny Gleen and the Church Point Ferry Service - for the trip to Church
Point for the second performance which will start about 8.30.
The choir sings on the end of the old ferry wharf and can be seen and
heard from Thomas Stephens Square, the Waterfront Restaurant and many
other vantage points on land as well as from the water for those in
December 22nd: The Fukers -
are back by popular demand!
The FUKERS are back! Look out Folks!! The Big
Men of Little Music are returning once again to the Co-Op!! If it
hasn’t already sold out then it will shortly after this event goes up…
so don’t wait until tomorrow to book a table…
That's right,
quirky crowd favorites The FUKERS will be back with their crazy bunch
of Ukuleles to warm up your winter blues. Bring your friends, bring the
kids, bring Grandma & Grandpa but most importantly bring your
dancing shoes for yet another afternoon of great tunes and madness.
Their last few shows here have packed the joint, so make sure to book a
table early, you wouldn't want to miss out on the fun!!
December 24th: John
Brownrigg - Classic Rock ‘n Roll, Soul, R&B & Motown
On the Eve of Christmas and the Scotland
Island Dog Race, The Co-Op presents the JOHN BROWNRIGG BAND with
friends galore!
Please note the early
start time of 3pm.
is a life long musician from Liverpool UK. From the golden age of
Merseybeat to today’s memories of yesteryear playing Classic Rock ‘n
Roll, Soul, R&B & Motown.
A feature of the local Aussie
music scene since the sixties. John continues working today presenting
music from the Brit Invasion era as well as his ever growing original
music. Influenced by the blues music of America and the interpretations
of the British beat bands. The melodies of Lennon, McCartney
Harrison and Starr and the sensual appeal of Jagger, Richards and Stones.
Grab a table booking & join us for a fabulous afternoon of great
music, this is one afternoon you won’t forget!
December 29th: Look out! The
Lionel Robinson Agenda
Look out!.... THE LIONEL
ROBINSON AGENDA. Local Keyboard player, singer songwriter has
enlisted the Northern Beaches’ top musical talents for this end-of-year
show at the Co-Op Club.
Lionel has been wowing audiences across the Northern Beaches with his
jazz, blues and popular music of the 1960s with the rhythms of Latin
His show is guaranteed to get you up and dancing! Expect Ray Charles,
Georgie Fame, Beatles, Bacharach as you’ve never heard them, plus a
stack of Lionel originals. Make the most of this Sunday and join this
amazing afternoon of entertainment from 3.30pm.
Waterfront Café’s Co-Op Club presents the finest live music North side
of the bridge from 3.30pm every Sunday. Come and immerse yourself in
some wonderful music by the waters edge with great friends, your
favourite beverage, some wonderful music and a huge range of delicious
menu specials.
1860 Pittwater Rd Church Point – bookings 99796633

So long and thanks for all
The list could be
quite lengthy so I think THANKS says it all.
We have truly enjoyed our time here on the Island and have often
mavelled at the amazing spirit and generosity of this very eclectic
community. But, after 13 years of Island life Jonathan and I are
looking forward to our next adventure.
Officially homeless as of the 26th November, we plan to roam the
country for a while in our twin cab ute, Rex the Raptor.
The new owner of our old home is Christine Simpson. She is
already known to a few of you on the Island, everyone else please make
her welcome. Among many things Christine is a sculpture and
exhibitor at Sculpture by the Sea this year.
So farewell and hoping that some of our paths will meet again and one
last thing before we sign off…don’t forget to miss us!
Linda & Jonathan

Folkboat, Stella Ilimo
On April 19, 2010, the Pittwater Offshore Newsletter carried an
advertisement for the sale of the Stella Folkboat, Stella Ilimo, that
was built in 1978 for Ann Gash after the loss of the original Ilimo.
Ann Gash was a female Joshua Slocum: the first woman known to have
sailed a small boat around the world, westbound with stops, between
1975 and 1977. It was not an official record attempt nor an official
circumnavigation. She was simply proving to herself that she could do
it, as a 52 year-old grandmother from Pittwater with no blue-water
She was sailing a Folkboat named Ilimo, which ironically hit an
uncharted rock and sank at the entrance to Broken Bay a few months
after she returned. The Australian Folkboat Association raised money
for a second boat for her, named Stella Ilimo, which she sailed to
America and back.
I have heard that this boat is still in Pittwater, and am wondering if
anyone there knows if this is the case. I'm writing a piece about Ann
and I'm trying to establish what happened to the Stella. If possible,
I'd also like to find a photo of her.
I would certainly appreciate any information or memories about either
boat or about Ann. I can be contacted at:
Chrystopher Spicer

Lost - Blue
Corrective Glasses
If by any chance anyone found a pair of blue corrective glasses around
the time of the festival, could you please contact me?
Jean Paul Raynaud

The Local Guide
Community Information
Scotland Island Web Site -
Scotland Island Residents Facebook Page - click to go to Page
Island Rural Fire Brigade - 9999 4404 -
Pittwater Rural Fire Brigade -
9997-3795 |
Photo Gallery - offshore
Scotland Island Residents
Association (SIRA) Membership details - click here for details
Pittwater Community Association (WPCA) -
Island Emergency Non-potable Water
- Agreement for Sale of Non-potable Water
- SIRA Membership Application
- Emergency Non-potable Water Guidelines
- General Information, Map & Contacts
Island & Offshore Children's Services (SIOCS)
- Long Day Care at The Island Kindy in Catherine
- Days of operation: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
& Thursday
- Times: 8.00am - 6.00pm
- Before & After School Care
- 8.00am until walked to school ferry - collected
from school ferry until 6.00pm
- Vacation Care, Casual Care and Playgroup on
- Hire the Kindy for Birthday Parties
Please call 02 9979 7856 or
Website: |
Island Community Hall Bookings: Lucy Gregg M: 0424 233
674 or
Pittwater Online News -
Tick Fact Sheet |
Waitlist (Tennis User Group) - Application Form |
Real Estate
Services, Clubs & Accommodation
of the Peace - Bob Mitchell (Mackerel Beach) - 0419 745 628 |
Justice of the Peace - Tony Hendel - 0419
242723 |
Justice of the Peace - Andy Derijk -
Elvina Bay 0418 613 890 |
Justice of the Peace - Lexie
Le Blang 0418399674 or
99992574 |
Justice of the Peace - Graham
Stenner - 0407216405 |
Justice of the Peace - Carolyn
Milani - 0409914699 |
Community Arts Inc. - Enquiries Lorrie Morgan 9997 8079 |
Music Club - enquiries Janice Tuynman - 99991937 - jt@swift
Point Yacht Club -
Prince Alfred Yacht Club - 02
9997 1022 |
Motor Yacht Club - 02 9997 5511 |
Island Lodge - Bed & Breakfast - 02 9979 3301 or |
Youth Hostel - (02) 9999 5748 (8-11 am and 5-8 pm)
Service - "No job too small" - Call Alan 0447 775 541 |
Wayne on Scotland Island 0418 229 277 - offshore community
sparky -
David Walsh - Graphic Design - Custom Made Sculpture - 0404 239
212 -
Dog Wash & Grooming - Call
Jenni: 0450 444 100 or Email:
Free Pump Outs for Boats - Council
with RMS installed a pump out at Careel Bay wharf |
Top water
purification system installed for offshore homes:
Call Juliette 0418349448 |
Solicitor - Rachel
Carter - Carter O'Neill Legal - 0406 239 946
Island Based
Domestic Cleaner - Kath - 0405097424 -
Building Design and
Drafting Services - Samuela Madej – Murphy ph.
Architect / Drafting / 3D sketches /
Council submissions services - Sabrina Phillips, NSW Architect
0426223407 -
Qualified Deep
Tissue & Swedish Massage - Mona 0490701213 |
Island Based Cleaner - Uses predominantly
Organic & Natural Products - Mona 0490701213 |
Broken Bay Barges
& Sydney Commercial Diving Services - Brent
Taylor - 0409 269 404 -
J&M Property Care - Jamie -
0488665 685, Michelle - 0402 942 063 - Brochure -
Island Classes (Fitness, Dance, Art etc)
Meditation and Group Fitness with Patrice - 0406 483 036
Art Classes- drawing and painting in oils,
acrylics and mixed media - Marion 0431 457 431 |
Yoga - Tuesday 9.00 to 10.30 Tuesday morning - Phone Katya on
0414 187 916 |
Outdoor Circuit Training Classes on
Scotland Island - Lowri Dwyer
- 0450 201 650 -
- |
Yoga Saturdays from 8.30am - 10.00am. Drop-In Easy
Hatha Yoga - Monday Evenings 7:00pm - 8:15pm
Group For Catherine Park - Run by SIOCS - Emmie Collins on 0405
330 781 |
& Kids Groups Playgroup - Run by SIOCS - email
Park Bush Care Group, 2nd Sunday @ 9.30am, Sharon Kinnison @
9997 6017 |
Thinking Group - Roy Baker, 9999 6891,
Government Organisations
Airlines, Buses and Railways
Weather Scotland
Island Tides, Moon phases, Sunrise & Sunset Local
Weather Forecast Radar weather
for Sydney (128k circle)

Emergency Contact Numbers
ALL EMERGENCIES (Police - Fire - Ambulance) |
000 |
Police Assistance Line
& Information |
13 1444 or 9281 0000 |
Broken Bay Water Police |
9910 7899 or 0412 162 093 |
Rescue Broken Bay - Weekend |
9999 3554 - (02) 8411 1121 |
Rescue Broken Bay - VHF Radio channel |
Radio Channel: VHF 16
27MHz Radio Channel: 86 or 88 |
Scotland Island Rural Fire
Service |
9999 4404 |
Bay Rural Fire Service |
3795 |
Bay Rural Fire Service |
1612 |
Beach Rural Fire Service |
1162 |
Fire Service Headquarters Terrey Hills |
3000 |
NSW Fire Service General
Information 9265 2999 |
9265 2999 |
Rural Fire Service General
information |
9450 3000 |
State Emergency Service,
Warringah/Pittwater SES |
13 25 00 9486 3399 |
National Parks & Wildlife
Service: 000, general information |
9457 9322 |
Dept of Community Services:
general information |
9977 6011 |
Sydney Water |
132 090 |
Energy Australia |
131 388, (ah) 131 909 |
A complete set of past electronic newsletters since May 2000 can be
found and read at or
by clicking
here or by visiting the Mona Vale Library.
The Island website is at

To Contribute
If you
would like to contribute to this newsletter it's easy!. Send an
e-mail to the editor ( or by clicking
here. Type your contribution (100 words or so
would be fine) and assuming it is of general interest to the community,
does not include matter of a political nature and is not offensive,
it will appear next month.
Subscription Information
To get on and off this newsletter, click here or got to:
. To change your address, click the
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The Editor
and the publisher disclaim responsibility for any injury to persons or
property resulting from any ideas, articles or products referred to in
this publication. Further, the views
expressed in this newsletter are not necessarily the views of the
Scotland Island Residents Association (SIRA), or the Western
Pittwater Community Association (WPCA)