In 2018 we rethink our perceptions of culture and nature.
During the year Satellietgroep invites artists, designers, scientists and local experts to share their perspectives.
The program starts with introductions of topics and guests. You are warmly invited to join!
Are you nature?
Image: Strava - Zandmotor heat map, composed of data from movements in the landscape
Location: Zandmotor
Time: 13:00-17:00 The upcoming Re-scape colloquium of the Centre for Global Heritage and Environment & CLUE+ Research Centre VU will take the form of a exploration on location. Artist Jacqueline Heerema of Satellietgroep will guide us through the historic dunes on to the Zandmotor, an experiment in new coastal defense strategies off the Dutch coast
near Kijkduin, called Building with Nature. Satellietgroep redefined the Zandmotor as a cultural phenomenon. A learning environment for new perceptions of the shifting relations between culture and nature. The central question will be: Who is nature?
APRIL 19, 2018
Location: Tempel, Centre of Archeology, Nature & Environmental Education, Prins Hendrikstraat 39, The Hague
Time: walk in 19:30, program 20:00 - 21:00
Together with the experts of the Tempel and geologist Bert van der Valk we host an evening with artist Masha Ru on the intersections of art & science. With wonderment and sharing of knowledge, cross disciplinairy dialogues and tastings to rethink our relationship with the environment. In 'The Museum of Edible Earth' Masha Ru collects samples of edible earth from around the world. She
traveled to Indonesia (Ampo), Suriname (Pimba) and Guatemala (Pan de
Dios) to conduct research on the origin of traditions and contemporary
use of raw materials on location. She is currently resident at Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study (NIAS-KNAW, Amsterdam) and will continue her research in The Hague with Satellietgroep. More at www.masharu.nl
Image: Masha Ru, Festival Designkwartier 2017 (Making Time - Satellietgroep at Tempel)
With our partners from initiative Praputnjak-Cultural Landscape (Croatia) Satellietgroep develops a pilot project focussing on learning and sharing perceptions of locality and time of the cultural-natural environment of Terschelling and Praputnjak (Bakar Bay). The research project is part of Tandem Fryslân, co-developed by Leeuwarden-Fryslân European Capital of Culture 2018, European Cultural Foundation and MitOst, supported by Fonds voor Cultuurparticipatie and Rijeka European Capital of Culture 2020.
Bakar Bay, March 2018. A Natural 'Hole in the sea’. Reference to Barry Flanagan’s Hole in the sea, performed at Scheveningen (1969).
You can also contribute to the activities of Satellietgroep! Spread
the word or invite us for a presentation, research, collaboration or
exchange project. Satellietgroep works also on commissions. Feel free to
contact us at satellietgroep@gmail.com or browse our website www.satellietgroep.nl for ideas.
Starting January 2018, Satellietgroep programs 3 DCR Gueststudios at DCR together with NEST and Zaal 3. De DCR is the cultural incubator in The Hague that also houses 35 permanent studios for
artists and designers, including the studio of Satellietgroep, Zaal 3 -
laboratory for performing arts of Theater aan het Spui, sound studio
Loos, Cloud Danslab and exhibition space NEST.
Looking forward to meet you!
Jacqueline Heerema, Francois Lombarts, Lotte Bosman & Tim de Boer.
Artists collective Satellietgroep (The Hague, 2006) explores through
arts the social and ecological impact of the sea and coastal transitions
on cities, people, communities and environments, and vice versa the
influence of mankind on coastal transitions and climate change in The
Netherlands and abroad. Our aim is to enhance public and professional
awareness. Satellietgroep hosts artists in
residents for artistic fieldwork, collaborate with locals and experts and
develop new concepts and works that reflect the resilience of
coexistence of man and water, in past, present and future.
Long term projects are 'Badgast' - artist in residency program at The
Hague/Scheveningen (2009-2014), 'Now Wakes The Sea', the international
exchange residency program in collaboration with international cultural
partners (since 2012). Since 2014 Satellietgroep develops the first artistic research on the Zandmotor, the newest innovation on coastal protection, called Building with Nature. In these programs artist in residencies are used as a research method to enable artists, designers, students and scientists to do fieldwork and to work on site with local partners, coastal communities and experts in order to map out and research the current status of coastal transitions and to generate new narratives and perspectives. The programs function as an alternative source for collecting. New concepts and works are developed that we connect and contextualize with reference works for public events like expeditions, exhibitions, workshops and presentations at expert conferences, often outside the artistic domain. Artist in residents are invited to critically explore and visualize the zones of coexistence of man and water and reveal different perspectives. By interconnecting coastal communities, arts and science we share local knowledge on global level to gain sustainable insights on coastal transitions that transcend local and national issues.