We are a circle of sisters around the world.
We are linked through the energies of our womb, through our hearts and through our connection to the Moon Mother.

22nd DecemberWorldwide Womb Blessing - A life changing path for women -
Grow in confidence, self-acceptance, inner peace and joy. Register now: http://www.mirandagray.co.uk/register.html

    'We hold the circle of the stars, the circle of the seasons, the circle of the Moon, and the circle of life within our bodies.'
    - Miranda Gray -

Even if you have registered for previous Worldwide Womb Blessings, it is important to register for every Blessing so that we know to include you in the energy and what time you will be joining the worldwide network.

> Take part in December’s Worldwide Womb Blessing: register now!

Moon Mothers - Remember that you only register once to receive and then you can send the Blessing at the other three times.

A Christmas gift! - Share the Womb Blessing with the World – forward this newsletter to your networks and friends and ask them to pass it on. Post the Christmas graphic below on your Facebook page, blog and websites …

On 22nd December 2015 join us in a FREE worldwide meditation of female peace, love, healing and awakening at 06.00 / 12.00 / 18.00 / 24.00 GMT.
Register NOW on http://www.mirandagray.co.uk/register.html to receive the Worldwide Womb Blessing – Female Energy Awakening - with thousands of women from over 130 countries. All women, with or without a womb, can benefit from the Worldwide Womb Blessing. A Christmas Gift of love, light and peace.
Leave the stress of Christmas behind.
Remember what it feels like to be yourself again.
Take a deep breath, relax in a female sanctuary and restore your female energies,
your strength and your love.

Completely new to the Worldwide Womb Blessing? > Find out how to join us and why!

New to the Womb Blessing! Rays of Moonlight

Within the beautiful silver-white light of the Moon lie all the colours of the rainbow in a soft, gentle, feminine form. New to each Worldwide Womb Blessing, we will be given specific coloured energy as ‘Rays of Moonlight’ that will flow into our womb energy centre to bring us gifts to help us in our lives. These energies are a beautiful and unexpected gift!

Each Worldwide Womb Blessing will have specific Rays, and for December we will be given Deep Blue, the colour of the night sky around the Full Moon. It brings us gifts of serenity and peace, of deep gentle wisdom, and of awareness beyond the self. It is one of the colours of the Crone. At this hectic time of year, this Ray of Moonlight will help us to stay connected to the universal wisdom and profound peace that lies within us.

To receive the Ray:
At the end of the Womb Blessing, after you have grown your roots into the Earth, bring your awareness to your womb energy centre that lies in your lower belly.
For three or five minutes, in your mind say ‘I breathe in the Deep Blue Ray into my womb centre’.

Notice how you feel as you do this. If you are visual, you may ‘see’ the blue colour.
After 3 or 5 minutes go on to do the ‘Sharing Meditation’.

To awaken your Feminine energy and bathe you in the Deep Blue Ray of Moonlight, register now!

Awakening and sharing our female essence

Traditionally, this period of the year symbolizes a powerful gateway to the energies of rebirth (Winter Solstice) and of fertility (Summer Solstice).

In the darkness of the Winter - the menstrual phase - we lie in the womb of the Crone, a small seed of light that will start to grow, to be born full of energy and joy into the world. In the light of Summer – the ovulation phase – we are radiant with light and love, and with the Mother we create the beauty of the world around us. In the darkness we hold the seed of light, in the light we hold the seed of darkness. We are a circle of flowing darkness and light.

The Circle of Sisters Meditation for the December Worldwide Womb Blessing is the only time where all the women taking part do the same archetype meditation, regardless of which hemisphere they live. It is a coming together of women around the world for one purpose: to create love, deep healing and awakening, for ourselves and for all our sisters in the world. The prayer cord we make as part of the meditation is a symbol of completion, of the circle that is the Earth and the circle of women.

Download the Circle of Sisters meditation after registering for the December Worldwide Womb Blessing.

Message from Miranda

Welcome to the December Worldwide Womb Blessing!

TreeThe December Womb Blessing is always special to me as it gathers together all the women from both the hemispheres in a powerful planetary circle of women. Beyond all our experiences of life, our beliefs and our life’s engagements, we - as women, as sisters - celebrate all the feminine archetypes blended together in the powerful energy of Solstice.

This year, the Full Moon of December will be on the 25th - on Christmas day - and for this reason we are celebrating the Womb Blessing on the 22nd December to make it more accessible at this busy time of the year. It also places the Blessing on the Solstice – the Winter Solstice in the northern hemisphere and the Summer Solstice in the southern hemisphere.

TreeThis Blessing is particularly special for Moon Mothers, as the Circle of Sisters Meditation reflects our path to help women to awaken to their true female nature and to bring awareness of the Divine Feminine into their lives. It also helps us to recognise the oneness of all our sister Moon Mothers in our path, and that we are a circle of women, sharing and co-operating in love and peace, all equal in the heart of the Divine Feminine.

I would like to share with you a little more about what a Moon Mother is and the path she walks helping the Womb Blessing and the women of the world.

What is a Moon Mother?” Moon Mothers are women called in their hearts by the Divine Feminine, and it is a deep honour and an inspiration for me to work with such passionate, talented, loving and supportive women.


From myself and the Womb Blessing Team
- Belinda, Deborah, HeliA, Monica, Ursula, Valentina, Veronica and Richard
and from all the Moon Mother Country Co-ordinators, Country Contacts, Moon Mother Representatives, and Womb Blessing Translators and Volunteers,
we wish you a wonderful and joyful festive season and an amazing 2016!

Love and hugs,
Miranda x

> Take part in the December Worldwide Womb Blessing: register now!

NEW: Workshop dates for 2016 are now available – many new workshops and locations.

Make 2016 the year you become a Moon Mother! Click here to see for all the dates and venues.

Be part of the worldwide spiritual movement to celebrate the female body and the Divine Feminine: register now and join more than 100,000 women and 2,800 Moon Mothers from over 130 different countries and territories!


Miranda Gray on Facebook Miranda Gray   The Worldwide Womb Blessing on Facebook  The Womb Blessing Attunement

Moon Mothers walk a beautiful path of offering
individual female awakening and healing and
soul group awakening and healing for the women.
Becoming a Moon Mother is embodying the purity
and grace, love and light, serenity and wisdom
of the Divine Feminine and living our best possible
femininity and our best possible life.
Germany: 27 - 29 november
UK: 5 - 7 December
Spain: 6 - 14 February
France: 26 - 28 February
UK: 21 - 22 March
Also: Italy, Portugal, Brazil, Switzerland, Ireland, Belgium, Colombia, Ecuador....
> http://www.wombblessing.com/calendar.html
"What is a Moon Mother?" The Crone Energies 4 sexual energies Miranda Gray

Part of the magic that you can feel in this Newsletter comes from the help of the many volunteers that took part in realizing it. If you have any ideas or suggestions to continue this magic, please send them to veronica.womb.blessing@gmail.com. Thank you!

Huge thanks to all the volunteer translators for this newsletter: Aisha Axin, Roselyne Collart, Isalinda Damas, Sabine Hengst, HeliA Paula Kleinhans, Loreto Otero, Karina Pelech, Floriza Portella Leuridan, Beatriz Romero, Alessandra Sorrenti, Valeria Trisoglio (Lelaina Fiamma Leo), Vanina Luna and Leonore Vergnault​.