Greetings & Blessings to all
Welcome to our November newsletter.
I know this is a late newsletter. Last week I had all my upper teeth removed and I got a denture. It’s still very sore and I’m moving rather slowly. I should start warning you all in advance.
I don’t know how you are all fairing but winter has definitely arrived for me.
This morning the temperature was 26 degrees ƒ (that’s -3.33 degrees celsius).
So, now I have Thanksgiving to spend by myself. Of course all this is followed by Christmas. I’m not sure but I may be having Christmas dinner with my oldest son. The best part is my not having to cook.
I hope all of you have a wonderful Thanksgiving (if you celebrate it) and a Happy Christmas and New Years. Of course I still have to buy the presents for my seven grandkids.
Enough of my nattering.
Again my thanks for the contributions. Please keep them coming. I would like appropriate news or other links more than anything.
We’re all in this together let’s make it as good as we can. Stay with me everybody.
Enough of the blather...
Is this your first edition? Many thanks for joining us and if you like our musings and meanderings please feel free to share them with your family and friends. And do encourage them to sign up. The more of us, the merrier! And for all of our readers, we hope this issue finds you in good health, good spirits and good company.
On with the update...
The Weather
Up to the minute forecasts provided by Ireland's official source for all weather-related news. Please click Met Eireann.
Basic Irish
Quips, Quotes, Proverbs & Toasts
A Bit of the Wit
Joke of The Month
Did You Know
The week That Is
Leave 'em Laughing
Last Words
Basic Irish
Word: Christmas
Irish: Nollaig
Pronunciation: null-ahg
Phrase: Happy Christmas to you
Irish: Nollaig Shona dhuit/dhíbh*
Pronunciation: null-ig hun-ah gwich/yeev
Phrase: Seasons Greetings
Irish: Beannachtaí an tSéasúir
Pronunciation: BAN-ock-tee on Tay-zure
Phrase: And to you*
Irish: Go mba hé duit
Pronunciation: guh mah hay gwich/yeev*
Note: This is a suitable response for all pleasant greetings
1.Historic Book of Lismore returning to Ireland after centuries in British hands
A 15th-century medieval manuscript, one of the “great books of Ireland”, is returning home almost 400 years after it was captured in a siege.
It just sounds like Ireland to me—Russ
2.Ireland’s ancient bogland's pharmaceutical potential explored
Trinity College announced on November 10 that it received significant funding to pursue an innovative, ground-breaking project to harness the untapped pharmaceutical potential of Ireland’s historic boglands.
I’d like to see them do this with the rain forests —Russ
3.Ancient secrets of the Hill of Tara revealed
An in-depth survey of the Hill of Tara in 2010 uncovered many secrets of the important ancient Irish landmark.
Funded by the Irish Heritage Council, the Discovery program (the Centre for Irish Archaeological Research) and National University of Ireland, Galway, used a non-invasive geophysical survey of the land to try and compute why the Hill of Tara had such importance to our Irish ancestors. The team of scientists was also given permission to survey private land adjacent to the monument.
Archaeology, one of my favorite subjects—Russ
4. Irish soldiers who fought in World War I honored in Dublin
Glasnevin Cemetery commemorated the 101st anniversary of Armistice Day.
Irish soldiers who fought in World War I were honored during a ceremony at Dublin’s Glasnevin Cemetery in commemoration of the 101st anniversary of Armistice Day, November 11, 1918, in which World War I officially ended.
5. Remembered at last: The three Irish brothers who were killed in WW2
Three Irish brothers who died while serving in the Canadian air force during the second World War have been remembered at a memorial service in Belgium.
Brothers Edward, Harry and Frank Sheehan, who were all born in Ireland, were killed in separate bombing missions during the war.
About time—Russ
6. Ireland could have 12,000 Covid cases a day by Christmas, academics say
Cases would peak at 12,300 a day in late December before falling again, while a further 2,000 deaths would occur by the start of March, according to the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME), which is based at the University of Washington.
7. Europe takes action against Ireland over dumping unwanted fish in the sea
The EU's governing branch said it has decided to open infringement proceedings against Ireland, Belgium, and the Netherlands over non-compliance of enforcement of the so-called "landing obligation".
The landing obligation, introduced in 2015 and fully in force since January 2019, aims to eliminate discarding of unwanted fish catch by encouraging fishers to fish more selectively.
I can’t argue with that—Russ
"Ireland, thou friend of my country in my country's most friendless days, much injured, much enduring land, accept this poor tribute from one who esteems thy worth, and mourns thy desolation."
- George Washington, speaking of Ireland's support for America during the revolution.
Dublin University contains the cream of Ireland - rich and thick.
Samuel Beckett
Sean got home in the early hours of the morning after a night at the local pub. He made such a racket as he weaved his way through the house that he woke up the wife."By all the saints, what are you doing down there?"she shouted from the bedroom. "Get yourself up here and don't be waking the neighbours." "I'm trying to get a barrel of Guinness up the stairs," he shouted back. "Leave it 'till the morning," she shouted down. "I can't" says he, "I've drank it!"
1. The word íochtar (eek-tur) literally means lower part and is often used for the youngest child in an Irish family?
2. The Irish alphabet has only 18 letters? J, K, Q, V, W, X, Y and Z are not used.
Small wonder I don’t have any Irish—Russ
3. Singer, Eyna's real name is Eithne Ní Bhraonáin
She’s a Brennan and Started with ‘Clannad’–Russ

I’m my own Sponsor again this month.
Announcing the Irish Culture and Customs Book of Jokes
This is the collection of our Jokes. It was built up over many years and, now, is gathered here for your enjoyment. With this in your hand, whenever the day is dull or dreary you can open it up and have a good laugh, you'll feel better.
Available on Amazon. Use this Link:,204,203,200_QL40_&dpSrc=srch
1. Article:The Irish Soldiers in the American Civil War
2. Article: The Irish Soldiers in WWI
3. Article: It's a long way to Tipperary
4. Article: Danny Boy
5. The Irish Kitchen: Preparing the Puddings
6. Basic Irish: Advent and Christmas
7. Kids’ Ireland: The Nightingale and the Rose
So there you have it until we write again - sometime in December.
If you are planning on getting married between now and then or tied the knot in the month of November, here is your special verse:
If you wed in bleak November,
Only joy will come, remember.
And, if you are celebrating a birthday, anniversary or other special event between now and our next edition, we hope it's an occasion filled with joy and happiness.
We’ll take our leave with this blessing:
A Blessing for Advent
On this first Sunday of advent
May the coming light that is our Lord
fill you and yours with joy and peace
All the best & God Bless,
Bridget & Russ
Get down on your knees and thank God you’re still on your feet.
Téigh ar do ghlúine is bí buíoch le Dia go bhfuil tú fós ar do chosa.
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The Book
Potion, pope and perfidy
The second and final version is complete and available on Amazon.
Don’t order through ‘Marketplace’ or you’ll get the first version which is incomplete. Use this link:
If any of you bought and read the first version, I don’t want you to pay the higher price for the second. So, send me an E-Mail at the address below and I’ll buy one for you at my author’s price and mail it to you (and, yes, I’ll sign it). Even with the postage it will save you a bit of money.
Bless you all,
Russ Haggerty
A curious fellow died one day and found himself waiting in the long line of judgment. As he stood there he noticed that some souls were allowed to march right through the pearly gates into Heaven. Others though, were led over to Satan who threw them into the burning pit. But every so often, instead of hurling a poor soul into the fire, Satan would toss a soul off to one side into a small pile. After watching Satan do this several times, the fellow's curiosity got the best of him. So he strolled over and asked Satan what he was doing. "Excuse me, Prince of Darkness," he said. "I'm waiting in line for judgment, but I couldn't help wondering, why are you tossing those people aside instead of flinging them into the Fires of Hell with the others?" "Ah, those ...Satan said with a groan. "They're all from Ireland. They're still too cold and damp to burn."
Last Words
If you or anyone you know can benefit from advertising in my newsletter or the Irish Culture and Customs web site please contact me. My E-Mail address is:
Thank you in advance
For all of you who have supported Irish Culture and Customs all these years – thank you.
When you start to buy anything on the internet don’t forget to go through the web Site. If you use Amazon, click on ‘Shopping’ at the top of the Irish Culture and Customs Homepage and the next page you see will have Amazon at the top. Anything you buy from Amazon through our site pays a (very small) commission. It beats a blank and it doesn’t effect your price. Thank you again.