Telstra considers removing Pay Phone
at Bell steps
Speak Up NOW if
you wish to keep this facility
is a Notice
from Telstra in the phone booth at the top of Bell Wharf steps
advising that Telstra is considering removing this pay phone from the
Island by February 2009.
The notice gives a free phone number to ring viz.1800 011 433 or postal
address :Locked Bag 6658, Sydney NSW 2001 if
residents wish
to contact Telstra and give their reasons for keeping this facility.
This phone is useful, especially in an emergency or when there is no
mobile phone available.
Please make your concerns known to Telstra, if you feel strongly about
having a payphone near Bell Wharf.
Yoga Class
Thursday nights
7-8:30pm from Jan 29 in Community Hall
Mino Francis, a well respected yoga teacher in Narrabeen with 20
years experience, will be returning for another 10-week course
beginning Thursday January 29, 2009. The classes begin at 7 pm sharp
(try to get there around 10 minutes early to set up
so we can
start on time) and end at 8:30 pm.
10-week course: $200 + $2 each time for mat, blocks, straps and
Casual: $22.00 + $2 each time for mat, blocks, straps and blankets.
If you sign up for the 10-week course and miss a night, you are
entitled to a free class at Mino's regular Narrabeen
classes at the time of your choice - Monday mornings 10 to 11:30 am,
Tuesday evening 6:30 to 8 pm, Saturday mornings 8:30 to 10 am.
Please note: Mino is willing to discuss an appropriate discount if you
would like to do yoga but feel unable to meet these costs.
Because we need to get an estimation of numbers, if you are interested
please email me, Carol Floyd (CB), at or phone
me on 9997 2035 (ah) or 0407 066 419.
To find out more about Mino and the type of yoga she teaches,
Talk@ Mona Vale Library

Susan Duncan
speaking about her new book
'The House at Salvation Creek' on Tues 10
at 6.30pm
Mona Vale library
Park Street
Mona Vale 2103
bookings essential, tel. 9970 1600
Cost $7.50, $5.50 concession - Pensioners/Friends of Mona Vale
library/Students - cards must be shown.
Light refreshments provided
Catherine Buddin
Events & Promotions Librarian
Mona Vale Library
Park St
Mona Vale NSW 2103
tel 9970 1600 or 9970 1605 fax 9979 1465
For Sale
If you have something for sale that
you think locals would like - let us know and we will put a
SINGLE line entry in the PON at the beginning of each month...
1 x 3.85m Quintrex Explorer, reliable 15hp Yamaha, engine protector
bar, lifejackets, lights. $2,200.
0417 062 061 - Peter