Hello fellow cat lover,
This issue, I'd like to wrap it up on hot weather tips.
Of course, if anything new comes up later, I'll mention
it. Also, if you have any ideas, suggestions, questions,
comments or tips on the subject, please send them in.
Here are some additional tips for summertime:
Despite all the publicity, many people still leave a pet
in a closed vehicle on a hot day. Even if it's only 80
degrees out, it can still go over 100 inside a locked car.
Pets (and kids) can't take that kind of heat and many
actually die every year. If you see an animal or child
in a locked car on a hot day, don't hesitate: Call for help!
4th of July presents a very frightening time for pets.
Many will go ballistic over the ballistics. Keep pets
indoors, and soothe them if necessary.
Vacation! It's more common to take a dog along on a
summer trip, but some people do take their cats. We took
ours to Alaska, Florida, New York, California and all
over the U.S. on our summer jaunts. She learned to walk on a
leash and was closely supervised. When far from home,
put "travel tags" on your pets. Instead of the normal
identification, use tags with your cell phone number,
or that of the destination where you're staying. If
your pet gets lost, there is no point
in referring people to your home if you're not there.
Parasite prevention is especially important during the
warmer months, as the various bugs and other pests are
more active. Be sure all vaccinations are up to date.
And watch out for mosquito breeding areas.
And last, but not least, is the issue of lawn and garden
chemicals -- and not just in your own yard. If your little
buddy wanders in the neighborhood, it's all too easy to
get contaminated in someone else's yard.
This web site gives some info on the use of cocoa mulch,
a deadly poison for dogs, and potentially for cats as well:
Thanks again to Judy, for bringing this to my attention
last month.
Beware of those "Free to good home" ads and signs.
I just read an article on this subject, titled, "Free
Pets are Deadly."
I'm waiting for permission to reprint it, but in the
meantime, I'll summarize it here:
Offering kittens and puppies for free at yard sales, flea
markets and in parking lots is dangerous... mostly for the
pet! Rescue groups go to a lot of trouble to screen anyone
who wants to adopt, but freebies people don't go through
that process. Result: all too often, "bunchers" pick them
up and sell them to research labs. They pose as nice families
or animal lovers, and you just can't tell by talking to them.
Rescuers, and some shelters, require references.
Charging a fee also tends to weed out people who can't afford
veterinary care for their new pet. Even if someone does feel
they need to "get rid of" some "excess" kittens, they should
at least charge a reasonable fee, and check references. Then
get the mama spayed so this doesn't happen again.
It's extra work, but if those folks really love animals, it's
worth it.
Another point is that of "using up" available potential homes.
If too many free pets are available, what becomes of the poor
homeless ones in shelters? Reality check: They DIE. If no
one adopts them, they get put down.
It is vitally crucial to spay and neuter to reduce the numbers
of "excess" kittens and puppies being born and taking up spaces
that rescued ones need.
Some folks tell me not to worry... they can find homes for all
their unplanned kittens. The article makes a good point about
that, too: For every kitten they find a home for, a homeless
one that already exists will die.
If you know of anyone who needs to think about these points,
please feel free to forward this newsletter to them.
This is not a joke, but it brought a smile to my face. Here is an
article about some wine made in New Zealand that smells like cat
urine... and they consider that a delicacy!
(Cat's pee sweet smell of success for NZealand wine)
Do you have any funny stories to share about your cats?
Send them in and I'll share them here in this newsletter.
(Include your name and website if you have one, and I'll give
you a "plug" for your site. Or, anonymous is OK, too. It's
up to you.)