ANC WCape Media & Communications Office
Tuesday, 17 April 2018
For Immediate release
Invite to ANC and MJC joint press conference taking place on 18 April
The African National Congress (ANC) in the Western Cape and the Muslim Judicial Council of South Africa (MJC) invite members of the media to a press conference tomorrow (Wednesday 18 April) at 11h00. The media briefing will take place at the ANC Western Cape’s head office at 7th Floor, Sahara House, Thibault Square, Cape Town.
The press conference will be addressed by the the ANC Provincial Secretary Cde. Faiez Jacobs, the leadership of the MJC and the Chairperson of the National Coalition 4 Palestine (NC4P) Reverend Edwin Arrison. The briefing will announce an upcoming public action to be led jointly by the ANC and MJC together with other organizations in protest against Israel’s recent killing of Palestinians including youth, civilians and journalists.
Since Friday the 30th of March 2018 Israel has killed over 30 and injured more than 1500 Palestinians who have been participating in a nonviolent protest called the #GreatReturnMarch - a 6 week series of demonstrations taking place, primarily every Friday, along the border of Gaza and Israel. Over 75% of the Palestinian people living in Gaza are refugees whose homes are in Israel. The UN has demanded that Israel allow the Palestinians refugees to return but Israel has refused.
Issued by ANC Western Cape
Faiez Jacobs
Provincial Secretary
Yonela Diko
Medial Liaison Officer