Want to share a photo of your amazing dog or cat on
Freekibble or Freekibblekat?
Every day they post a photo of a pet sent in
from people in the Freekibble Community, in a section
called, "What makes you happy?"
Want to share a photo of your pet? Here's how:
Show them what makes you happy... send the best picture
of your pet to Happy@Freekibble.com - along with your
name, pet's name, city and state where you live.
The most complete information about fleas:
This is what helped me the most in my own battle with
these little blood-suckers. It's been over two weeks
now without one sighting of a single flea! However, I
know better than to sit back and assume it won't happen
again. I'm keeping this site on my front burner so I can
refer to it as needed. I plan to print much of it also.
Apps find sitters, overnight lodging for furry friends
Start-up DogVacay tackles $11 billion market -
The declawing controversy is in the news again.
A veterinarian in Calif. has created a documentary
film on the effects on housecats. She already has
accomplished a ban on the procedure for large cats,
such as tigers and lions, who often suffer unspeakable
pain and disability. Click below to read about her work and
to find out how to view the film, due out the end of
Sept., at these links:
Leo at 7 weeks. My baby is growing up!
LATEST VIDEO -----------
Check out the video on my website, at the top of
the page:
How to help the animals:
1. Free to Good Home? Read this to find out why
you should never do it:
Thanks to Maggie for this link.
2. Always remember to check with your local shelter
to see what they need. Your donation will go directly
to the animals, in sharp contrast to some of the large
national groups, whose donation income goes toward
large administrative salaries and other expenses, not
necessarily for animals.
3. Buy my books if you haven't yet. Sales are used to
help support all the cats here. Thank you.
Watch for your next issue of The Kitty Times in 2 weeks!
Pawhugs and nosetaps,
Roberta, the Cat Lady
mskitty @ theproblemcat.com
Never, never be afraid to do what's right, especially
if the well being of a person or animal is at stake.
Society's punishments are small compared to the wounds
we inflict on our soul when we look the other way."
- Martin Luther King Jr.
We will NOT rent or sell your info. You are
subscribed to a free email newsletter from
R.J.Peters, "the Cat Lady." You can unsubscribe
If you know someone who would like to read
this newsletter, please feel free to forward
this one to them. If they want to sign up to get
their own, refer them to my web site, here:
If you would like to also receive my dog newsletter,
you can find the signup form here:
To see past issues of the Kitty Times:
Required by the FTC as of Dec. 1, 2009:
Disclaimer: This email newsletter may contain
affiliate links that provide compensation to our
shelter if a purchase is made. Yes, we need the help.