tel. 512 280 1192                                                    July 5, 2018
Nursery notes:  our 25% sale continues to the end of the month.
A new shipment of fall tomatoes has arrived.  If you want a fall
crop, this is the time to plant them.  In stock we have: red deuce,
sunbrite, roma, tycoon, celebrity, large red cherry, Bhn 444, Juliette,
Phoenix, valley cat and valley girl. Happy Frog products are also
on sale: $24 for big bags (reg. $30).Some good news: our minia-
ture railway is going to be installed at the Austin Zoo in time for
Halloween. Please drop by to say farewell, and stock up on some
tomatoes ; - ) ❦   
Natural highlights: lemons and summer seem to go hand in hand -
but beyond lemonade you can explore using lemon juice to throw
some fun highlights in your hair. This wiki-How piece also suggests
using chamomile tea, and even. . .  honey?  wikiHow
Organic fruit tree workshop with Tim Miller: on July 21 from
9 - 11 a.m. Tim Miller, the distinguished organic gardener and friend
of the nursery will present a workshop about growing figs, pome-
granates, mulberries, persimmons, pears and peaches the organic
way at his orchard and vegetable farm in Kyle. Fee: $20. The first
50 people to register get a free Haupt fig tree!  Millberg Event
Central Texas GardenerOn tour, a visit to designer Lisa La-
Paso’s garden, and in  the studio a chat with  Shelley S. Cramm, 
author of  'God's Word for Gardeners,' who explains how scripture
and plants strengthened her faith. See the show on Saturday 4 p.m.
Sunday 9 a.m. or click here: KLRU
After 39 years. It's About Thyme is closing at the end of this month.
Owner Diane Winslow offers thanks, and a glimpse into the future
for her and her husband, 'Cap'n Chris.'
       A Farewell Message
                                  by Diane Winslow
We have had the time of our lives here in Austin over the many
years... a time so rich in friendships and experiences that sometimes
we can't believe our luck.
So retirement approaches. Or does it? We think we still have some
years in us yet  : - )  With the closing of the nursery, Chris and I
realized that this was a chance for us to start a new chapter in our
lives, in a new place.
So, later this summer, we are selling up and moving to Rockport.
This pretty coastal town, some 160 miles from  here, has been busy
putting itself back together after Hurricane Harvey, and we are
excited to call it our new home.
We have purchased a beautiful house near Copano Bay within a
natural wildlife habitat, complete with ponds. But for both of us,
retirement doesn't mean slowing down or putting our feet up ; - )
'Cap'n' Chris has been visiting this area - known to some as 'the
Texas Riviera' - ever since he was a youngster, and feels right at
home on the beach and (obviously!) out fishing in the waters of
the Gulf from his beautiful boat.
Now although I may have retired as 'the Martha Stewart of Man-
chaca' (Mick Vann's nickname for me), I am going to explore trans-
ferring the title down to Rockport. Yes... the circle is unbroken.
I am in the early stages of creating a business partnership with a
good friend and (big surprise!) will be opening a gift shop and herb
nursery there, and hopefully will be anointed as Rockport's Martha
Stewart soon thereafter!
We can't really find the right words to express our gratitude to all
of you who have brightened our days and supported our enterprise,
especially during our 'long goodbye.'
Chris and I will still be in touch with you through our newsletter,
which is going to continue publishing, so we will be able to keep
you posted about our 'retirement' from time to time.
Once we get the shop up and running in Rockport, we would love to
have visitors from Austin dropping by if you happen to be down on
the Coast. Be well, be safe... and as always, Happy Gardening! ❦
Contact newsletter editor Darrel Mayers (above)
with any ideas for articles or interesting links: (hitting 'reply' to this
email won't work)  Visit the website: It's About Thyme
or visit us on Facebook  ❦  🌿 🌍  🌳