ItsAboutThyme_logo[4  It's About Thyme  
                                                                                         May21, 2009
FRUIT TREE SALE THIS WEEKEND:  25% off select fruit trees.
including peaches, pears, plums and apples. (Some restrictions apply)
THIS SUNDAY'S LECTURE: 'Pond Guy' Kurt Hudgeons:
Eclectic, Do-It-Yourself Water Features.’ Creative, affordable ideas to
make a one-of-a-kind water feature that looks and sounds, beautiful.
May 24, 2 pm.
Free. Bring water, and a chair.
One of the gardeners at the composting lecture last Sunday had a shredder
chipper for sale. The nursery is very interested 
in talking with you!  Please
call us: 280 1192  
             ZZ: The Easiest Houseplant in the World
                                  by Chris Winslow
“What is the easiest house plant to grow? I am often asked this. The one
I keep coming back to is the strangely named ZZ plant.
This is a trooper
of a houseplant.

It has been known to survive in the most inhospitable of environments…
including in some cases dorm rooms and apartments of central
Texas’s university students. 

We all know that plants need light and water to survive. ZZ does fine with
just a smattering of light and infrequent watering. 

It is known more formally as  Zamioculcas zamiifolia. It’s a tropical perennial
in the Aroid family, native to eastern
Africa, from Kenya down to South
. Success with the ZZ plant starts with a shaded location indoors
or on a patio, spring through fall.

Any containerized potting soil will work as long as it has good drainage.

If you feed it once a month with an organic water-soluble fertilizer, it will
respond by continuing to produce beautiful, smooth, dark green shiny leaves.

Zamioculcas zamiifolia... the great survivor

ZZ is popular in the Far East and  is supposed to bring good luck to its
care-givers. You can grow more plants easily if you insert leaves in peat-
moss or compost.

 But even ZZ has its limits. Bring it indoors when temperatures drop into
the 50’s, or this tough plant will perish. 

Next Sunday's Lecture: 2 pm:  Kurt Hudgeons returns again to present
‘The Joy of Gardening with the Kids,’ Five projects that’ll get the kids to turn
off Sponge Bob, and join you out in the garden.

 ItsAboutThyme_logo[4Visit the website at  Visit the
nursery at 11726 Manchaca Road, Austin, TX 78748 Tel. 512 280 1192