Greetings & Blessings to all
Welcome to our September newsletter.
Well, it’s school days again and my grandchildren are actually going to school. Let’s hope they will continue all year. My weather is no longer very hot because we are in Autumn but the rain has not slacked off so I don’t have to water Bridget’s roses. This month I visit the dentist to have all my teeth pulled and get fitted for dentures. I’m not looking forward to it but after this I won’t need to go to a dentist ever again.
I hope all of you are doing better than I am.
Enough of my nattering.
Again my thanks for the contributions. Please keep them coming. I would like appropriate jokes or other links more than anything.
We’re all in this together let’s make it as good as we can. Stay with me everybody.
Enough of the blather...
Is this your first edition? Many thanks for joining us and if you like our musings and meanderings please feel free to share them with your family and friends. And do encourage them to sign up. The more of us, the merrier! And for all of our readers, we hope this issue finds you in good health, good spirits and good company.
On with the update...
The Weather

Up the minute forecasts provided by Ireland's official source for all weather-related news. Please click Met Eireann.
Basic Irish
Quips, Quotes, Proverbs & Toasts
A Bit of the Wit
Joke of The Month
Did You Know
The week That Is
Leave 'em Laughing
Last Words
Basic Irish
Back to School.
It is that time of the year once more. When the parents are eager for school to begin and the children would rather not, thank you very much. This lesson focuses on words and phrases related to education and which now includes additions and modifications.
Word: Education
Irish: Oideachas
Pronunciation: Eh-djeh-khuss
Word: School
Irish: Scoil
Pronunciation: Skull
1.Irish news headlines: Budget report says to raise social welfare but not pension; and number of burglaries plunges after gang killed in N7 crash
A €5 increase in the State pension is as good as ruled out in detailed analysis that instead backs higher benefits for working-age people on social welfare in next month’s Budget.
2.Irish president declines invite to NI centenary service
The service is being held in Armagh city at the end of October.
Mr Higgins' non-attendance has been criticised by unionist politicians, who have asked whether it is an "official snub" of centenary events.
A spokesman for the president said he was not in a position to attend.
It is understood he had been expected at the event.
I don’t blame him—Russ
3.Georgina Campbell Awards 2021: Ireland’s best restaurants and hotels revealed
‘A love letter to Irish food and hospitality’: 29 awards to people and businesses across the country
4. Statue of Roger Casement installed at redeveloped Dun Laoghaire baths
A more than 3 metre tall statue of Irish revolutionary Roger Casement was today lifted to its permanent home along the south Dublin coast.
I love this kind of story—Russ
5. Johnson’s ‘stupid’ Northern Ireland-Scotland tunnel to be scrapped under spending review
A tunnel between Northern Ireland and Scotland and a scheme that backs unemployed people to start their own companies have fallen victim to a crackdown by the British government’s finance ministry as it grapples with self-imposed public spending limits.
Boris is starting to remind me of Trump—Russ
6. Ireland shows independence can work, Sturgeon tells SNP conference
Scotland’s first minister Nicola Sturgeon has warned that Boris Johnson’s government will use Brexit to weaken the case for independence. But she cited Ireland and other small European Union member states as evidence that independence can work for a country like Scotland.
Of course Scotland would prefer Independence—Russ
7. Ireland’s oldest woman Nancy Stewart welcomed home son she hadn’t seen during the pandemic shortly before she died aged 107
The heartbroken granddaughter and “best friend” of one of Ireland's oldest women said her grandmother died peacefully at home, after being reunited with her son who hadn't been home for two years due to Covid-19 restrictions.
“I do not believe that a child can be reformed by lock and key and bars, or that fear can ever develop a child’s character.”
Father Edward J. Flanagan who was born in Co. Roscommon on July 13, 1886 and founded Boys Town in Omaha, Nebraska in 1921.
When I die I want to decompose in a barrel of porter and have it served in all the pubs in Dublin.
J.P. Donleavy - born April April 23, 1926
Sean calls home to his wife and says, "Aiofe, I have been asked to go fishing on Lough Ree with my boss and several of his friends. We'll be gone for a week. This is a good opportunity for me to get that promotion I've been wanting so would you please pack me enough clothes for a week and set out my rod and tackle box. We're leaving from the office and I'll stop by the house to pick them up. Oh, and, please pack my new blue silk pajamas."
Aiofe thinks this all sounds a little fishy but being a good wife she does exactly what her husband asked. The following weekend he comes home a little tired but otherwise looking good. The wife welcomes him home and asks if he caught many fish? He says, "Yes! Lot's of trout, some salmon, and a few pike. But why didn't you pack my new blue silk pajamas like I asked you to do?"
"I did, Sean; they're in your tackle box.”{
1. Singer, Eyna's real name is Eithne Ní Bhraonáin
That’s Eyna Brennan—she started with the musical group ‘Clannad’—Russ
2. In 1931 Ernest Walton, who was born in Dungraven, Co. Waterford, split the atom for the first time? This scientific landmark was achieved with an accelerator built to his own design. Walton and his partner John Cockcroft received the 1951 Nobel Prize for Physics for their efforts.
3. Four Irish writers have won the Nobel Prize for Literature? G. Shaw, W. B. Yeats, Samuel Beckett and Seamus Heaney
Just think what the loss would be if the Irish hadn’t adopted English—Russ

I’m my own Sponsor again this month.
Announcing the Irish Culture and Customs Book of Jokes
This is the collection of our Jokes. It was built up over many years and, now, is gathered here for your enjoyment. With this in your hand, whenever the day is dull or dreary you can open it up and have a good laugh, you'll feel better.
Available on Amazon. Use this Link:,204,203,200_QL40_&dpSrc=srch
1. Article: Making a Match in Lisdoonvarna
2. Article: Celebrating St. Michael's Day in Old Ireland
3. Article: The Ould Lammas Fair
4. Article: Saint of 9/11: Fr. Mychal
5. Article: Putting out the hare, putting on the harvest knots
6. Article:The Galway Races - Enough Raw Material for A Trilogy of Novels
7. Irish Kitchen: The Galway International Oyster Festival - a joyous celebration of a native aristocrat
8. Kids’ Ireland: The Remarkable Rocket
So there you have it until we write again - sometime in October.
If you are planning on getting married between now and then or tied the knot in the month of August, here is your special verse:
Marry in September’s shine,
Your living will be rich and fine
And, if you are celebrating a birthday, anniversary or other special event between now and our next edition, we hope it's an occasion filled with joy and happiness.
We’ll take our leave with this blessing:
In Celtic culture, the new moon was greeted thus:
May thy light be fair to me.
May thy course be smooth to me.
If good to me is thy beginning,
Seven times better be thine end,
Thou fair moon of the seasons,
Thou great lamp of grace.
He Who created thee
Created me likewise;
He Who gave thee weight and light
Gave to me life and death,
And the joy of the seven satisfactions,
Thou great lamp of grace,
Thou fair moon of the seasons.
All the best & God Bless,
Bridget & Russ
Get down on your knees and thank God you’re still on your feet.
Téigh ar do ghlúine is bí buíoch le Dia go bhfuil tú fós ar do chosa.
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The Book
Potion, pope and perfidy
The second and final version is complete and available on Amazon.
Don’t order through ‘Marketplace’ or you’ll get the first version which is incomplete. Use this link:
If any of you bought and read the first version, I don’t want you to pay the higher price for the second. So, send me an E-Mail at the address below and I’ll buy one for you at my author’s price and mail it to you (and, yes, I’ll sign it). Even with the postage it will save you a bit of money.
Bless you all,
Russ Haggerty
Is it OK to use the AM radio after noon?
What do chickens think we taste like?
What do people in China call their good plates?
What hair color do they put on the driver's license of a bald man?
Why didn't Noah swat those two mosquitoes?
Why isn't phonetic spelled the way it sounds?
Why are there Interstates in Hawaii?
Why are there flotation devices in the seats of planes instead of parachutes?
Why are cigarettes sold at gas stations where smoking is prohibited?
Have you ever imagined a world without hypothetical situations?
How does the guy who drives the snowplow get to work?
If a firefighter fights fire and a crime fighter fights crime, what does a freedom fighter fight?
If a cow laughs, does milk come out of her nose?
Why do they put Braille dots on the keypad of a drive-up ATM?
Why is it that when you transport something by car it is called shipment, but when you transport something by ship it's called cargo?
Why don't sheep shrink when it rains?
What would Geronimo say if he jumped out of an airplane?
If flying is so safe, why do they call the airport the terminal?
Last Words
If you or anyone you know can benefit from advertising in my newsletter or the Irish Culture and Customs web site please contact me. My E-Mail address is:
Thank you in advance
For all of you who have supported Irish Culture and Customs all these years – thank you.
When you start to buy anything on the internet don’t forget to go through the web Site. If you use Amazon, click on ‘Shopping’ at the top of the Irish Culture and Customs Homepage and the next page you see will have Amazon at the top. Anything you buy from Amazon through our site pays a (very small) commission. It beats a blank and it doesn’t effect your price. Thank you again.