Tuesday, November 7, 2006
Special Election Day Devotion

"Be sure to vote!" you are told. But sometimes you think, "Why? What difference will it make? I'm only one person." Of course you're only one person! How many were you expecting to be?

But while you and I are only one person apiece, and none of us can do everything, we each can do something -- and when we do, it does make a difference. Furthermore, as responsible citizens, we can do any number of things in addition to voting -- things that do make a difference in community and nation.

One of these is urged in James 5, something that can be done even while a person votes: "The prayer of one righteous person is powerful and effective."

"But who is righteous?" you say. None of us in our own right. All of us who trust in Jesus' righteous life and redeeming death in our place. In Jesus' name we pray, we vote. We trust God to make the difference we cannot!