Monday, January 14, 2019

John 21:6 Cast the net on the right side of the boat, and you will find some.


Whenever we get too wrapped up in how we do things, thinking it a great way, the best way, really even the only way, it is good to remember the scene at the shore of Galilee and get perspective. The night before breakfast from the Lord on the shore, the disciples caught nothing (John 21:3). As day was breaking, Jesus gave instructions from the beach, "Cast the net on the right side of the boat, and you will find some" (21:6). "Some" was the Lord's understatement. "They were not able to haul it in for the quantity of fish ..." (21:8). "Dragging the net full of fish ... large fish, 153 of them: and although there were so many, the net was not torn" (21:11).

Let us follow our Lord's instructions in outreach. We have to be careful that a limited perspective like "organizationalism" doesn't trump the Lord's directions and develop a "theology" all its own. Labor all night man's way and what will you get? Also in dealing with our brothers overseas, working with them must be under the Lord's directions in great things and in small or we forfeit in part or in full what blessings God has prepared for outreach efforts. Think of the human view "the fish aren't biting" according to our methods, and can you just hear us saying in the boat, "We can't take that many in as the nets will break?" Oh we of little faith! Look at Him of the calm composure on the shore fixing us breakfast and be assured yourselves.

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There is a reservoir full of water high up. We release the water to go in a stream down the hill. We do not know which way it will go. It may hit a boulder and go either to the right or the left. It may pool in one place for a time only to break forth and flow on. We simply follow it where it goes, not being able to project which way it will go. One thing we are sure of though on the flow, the law of gravity will draw it farther on down the hill. This is the way it is with us. We have the water of the Word and release it from the great reservoir we have. As the Word is preached going forth we cannot prognosticate where and how it will move, as that is God's work. Our perspective is limited, but not His for He knows. We do know even better than the law of gravity that God's Word will speed on and triumph (2 Thessalonians 3:1) and will accomplish what He purposes (Isaiah 55:11). There may be those times when in certain places the Word seems to pool and not progress and at other times it is a raging torrent. We simply follow the flow of God's Word.