ItsAboutThyme_logo[1] by you. It's About Thyme  
tel:  280-1192                                                                  Jan 29, 2010
            50% P E R C E N T   O F F  A N T I Q U E  R O S E S
The nursery currently has a huge selection of antique roses including
carefree wonder, greenrose, iceberg, white dawn blaze, katy pink,
mutabilis, fairy, and old blush. Sale starts tomorrow (Saturday) and
lasts until next Friday. (some restrictions apply)
The first Sunday lecture of the year,  Raised Bed Gardening, and
Success with Potatoes -
will be presented by Chris Winslow, Feb 7th,
at  2 p.m.
Learn how to grow food in your garden and reap the benefits
of better health and lower grocery bills.
 Free. (More details on growing
potatoes in article below.)
 In the Austin American Statesman Tuesday... an excellent special feature
Renee Sudebaker on lettuce:  4 lettuce recipes, and an excellent
how-to article on homegrown
baby lettuce in a wine box... click here
Cold-burned palm trees: The nursery has  received many questions
this week about palm trees with cold-burned foliage. Most should
recover, comments Chris, "but it will just take some time to grow a new
crown. Just cut off the damaged foliage. Keeping the green foliage will
help the plants to recover faster."
                    Fun out in the Potato Patch
                                  by Chris Winslow
It is always around this time of year, late January, that my thoughts turn
to my potato patch.

Potatoes have to be one of the most satisfying vegetable crops for me. . .
in the growing, the harvest, and in the kitchen. Ounce for ounce, potatoes
have just about the greatest nutritional package one can imagine.

They are one of the most economical and nutritious foods we can grow.
Some say the complex carbohydrates of potatoes make them ‘brain-food.’
And they’re easy to grow. All you need is a sunny area and good drainage.
Potatoes are planted not from seed but from ‘seed’ potatoes.

[At It's About Thyme we are currently selling seed potatoes for $1.25 per
 pound,  and have Red Lasoda, Red Pontiac, White Kennebec and Yukon
Gold in stock.]
These seed potatoes are cut up into smaller pieces with dominant
‘eyes.’ This is the bump – the node, where the new potato sprouts.  

Next step –  dust the fresh cuts with sulfur powder and place them in a
airy, dark place to encourage the ‘eyes’ to sprout.

 I like planting the potato pieces around Valentine’s Day when the ground
temperature gets close to 50 degrees. Plant the tubers in a row 12 inches
apart. Cover them with 3 to 4 inches of soil.
This soil should be rich in compost and well fertilized with a balanced
organic blend. Potatoes like the soil to be loose. (Composted leaves and
straw work well.)

The plants will emerge in 2 to 3 weeks depending on the weather. At this
time add some additional soil around the base of each plant. When the
plants get 6 to 8 inches tall, I like to cover them half way up.

Keep them moist during the growing season but not overly wet, because
otherwise they will rot.

Towards the end of May, potato plants will begin to wilt and the harvest
can begin… and now the real fun begins.

If you sift through the soil around each plant, you will find little (and large)
potatoes everywhere.

Potatoes can keep for months if placed in a cool, well-ventilated location.
I kept them in the laundry room on racks till November, without having to
purchase them once in the grocery.

Red potatoes seem to do better in central Texas, but folks also have had
great success with whites. The top red varieties are Red Lasoda and
Red Pontiac. I can’t tell the difference.
The most popular white potato is Kennebec. This year, I’m looking forward
to Yukon Gold. This buttery, golden varietyis so-o-o yummy for mashed

Happy potato growing everybody.  They’re a ton of fun.
ItsAboutThyme_logo[1] by you. Endless possibilities... fantastic prices. Visit the website at  Visit the nursery at 11726 Manchaca Road, Austin,
TX 78748 Tel. 512 280 1192