Nominate Peers for the Annual Alternatives Awards—and more!

Rather than holding a separate conference in 2020, the National Coalition for Mental Health Recovery—which organized Alternatives 2018 and 2019—has joined forces with (and is grateful to!) the Peerpocalypse team for an exciting opportunity to keep the Alternatives energy alive!
An Alternatives pre-conference Policy Academy (Sunday, April 19, 3 p.m.-5 p.m.), the National Coalition for Mental Health Recovery (NCMHR) Annual Meeting (Monday, April 20, 7:30 p.m.-9 p.m.), and the Alternatives awards will be incorporated into the Peerpocalypse conference, in Seaside, Oregon, April 20-23.
Nominate a peer for an Alternatives award!
Alternatives awards will be presented during the NCMHR Annual Meeting (Monday, April 20, 7:30 p.m.-9 p.m.). Please nominate peers for each award by sending their respective bios and a description of how you think each of your nominees has made a difference. The awards are Youth/Young Adult Peer Leadership Award, Judi Chamberlin Joy in Advocacy Award, Lifetime Achievement Award, Cookie Gant and Bill Compton LGBTQIA+ Leadership Award, and Howie the Harp Arts Award. Descriptions of each award are at this link where you can make nominations. Please submit by March 25, 2020.
Since many conference participants will be traveling from outside of Oregon to Peerpocalypse, the conference coordinators are researching ground transportation from Portland International Airport (PDX) to Seaside and back (1.5 hours each way). Please fill out the form at this link if you are interested in this transportation.
Help explore the possibility of Alternatives 2021:
NCMHR is looking for help with investigating whether a 2021 conference is feasible, and would like to determine the roles that individuals and/or organizations might play in planning and implementing the conference. Please indicate by filling out the form at this link if you are interested in joining a committee to explore the possibility of Alternatives 2021.
The Peerpocalypse schedule and complete listing of workshops are available here.
For information about the keynote speakers, click here.
To register, click here.
See you at Peerpocalypse 2020!
Alternatives Website: 
National Coalition for Mental Health Recovery