Issue 518
  20 Jan 2023
To: Firstname Lastname
Your BPS Membership No:
Your BPS Membership renewal date:  
Hello, Firstname
Please note: if you forward this newsletter to other people, you must remove the unsubscribe information from the email you send to them. If you do not, and one of them clicks on the unsubscribe link, it is YOU who will be unsubscribed. It can be found at the foot of every newsletter.
Wednesday 25 January
Next Wednesday we welcome Ollie Taylor to BPS, Ollie will be presenting his talk titled Dark Horizons.

His talk is based on a recent 2-month self-drive journey in the Bolivian, Chilean and Peruvian Altiplano, areas, considered a Mecca for landscape astrophotography, and renowned for having the best atmospheric conditions on the planet for astronomy. An adventure over some of the most remote landscapes in the world riddled with logistical problems, high altitude, sub-zero temperatures, low humidity and a complete lack of civilization and infrastructure. The presentation will show landscape, nightscape, astronomy images alongside behind the scenes images and video.
Below are a few images of Ollie's images. To see more, you can visit his website by following this link:
Login details:
  • Wednesday 25 Jan @ 19:30hrs
  • Log in: Click HERE        
  • Meeting ID: 867 1854 3434
  • Password: 867 1854 3434
Print Competition - Closing Date
This is advanced warning of the upcoming closing date for Round 3 of the Print Competition - 1 February
The judge will be Eddy Lane ARPS, DPAGB, EFIAP, APAGB. The prescribed topic for this round is Yellow
Please note that we will no longer be keeping a box for entries at Wex. The box is at the back of the stage in Unit13. If you are unable to get your prints to a Wednesday meeting, you can drop them off "discreetly" during Mike Martin's Monday morning Photographers With Disabilities sessions from 11am.
DPIC - Exeter
Why not have a day out on 5 February to support BPS at the WCPF DPIC competition, which is being held at the Exeter Corn Exchange. This is a competition when clubs from all over the Western Counties Federation compete against each other for the accolade of being the "Best in the West". This year there are 30 clubs competing and it will be for both PDIs and prints.
There are still seats available and these can be booked on line at Exeter Corn Exchange Tickets.
If you plan parking in the Corn Exchange carpark, you can save a little bit on parking fees by downloading the NCP ParkPass app onto your phone and paying with that. 
If you arrive before 9am payment is 'only' £7.45 for a day’s parking with the ParkPass at Exeter Guildhall. After 9am it’s £11.95 if you pay with ParkPass and £13.95 if you pay without ParkPass any time of day.
If you are not paying with the ParkPass, please note that the machines are card only and no longer take cash.
Distinctions & General Advice Workshops
Prior to the Covid restrictions we used to run these workshops for advice and feedback for members thinking of applying for RPS or PAGB distinctions. At the time these were aimed at print submissions for these distinctions.
Now that things have returned to a more normal situation, we intend to restart these workshops. At the same time expand them to include PDI submissions, and more general advice on images that members are thinking of submitting to Salons. The RPS and PAGB Distinctions are assessed against a “standard”, and advice can be provided with that in mind. Salons, however are more variable, and any advice would be of a more general nature.
The idea would be to run monthly workshops on the 3rd Tuesday of each month depending on demand. The advisors will vary by workshop but will include Pete McCloskey FRPS, Andrew Marker FRPS both very experienced in this area supplemented by myself and other experienced members as required. Members would bring along images they were thinking of using for their submissions and receive advice regarding meeting the standards and where appropriate suggestion on how to strengthen or improve their images.
We would encourage members who are thinking of distinctions to make use of these workshops. Members not thinking of doing so in the near future would also benefit by attending as observers to gain knowledge of the standards required and the process involved.
Further information on the timing and format of the workshops will be communicated in the coming weeks with a provisional plan of running the first of these in February.
Please get in touch if you have any questions.
Ralph Snook
BPS Chairman
FIAP Rule Changes
Here is clarification of an item published in Issue 516 about recent FIAP rule changes:

CHANGE NOTICE (December 2022)
At the FIAP Congress held in early December 2022 it was decided that previously proposed changes to the requirements for FIAP Distinctions would not be implemented.
This means that the existing rules will remain in place for the foreseeable future. In consequence of this there are the following issues that Exhibitors need to be aware of when planning to enter salons in the near future:
  • For the 2023 submission of distinction applications to FIAP there WILL NOT be any requirement for Salon acceptance of prints for AFIAP and EFIAP.
  • For the 2024, and thereafter, submission of distinction applications to FIAP there WILL be a requirement for Salon acceptance of prints for AFIAP and EFIAP.
  • Applicants for EFIAP can use their AFIAP results towards meeting the requirements for EFIAP.
  • Applicants for EFIAP Bronze will NOT be able to use any results towards their application that were gained before the date on their EFIAP certificate, which for PAGB exhibitors is usually about June/July each year.
  • There will be no EFIAP Diamond d4 or d5 distinctions
Picture Resizing & Keylines
A number of newer members have been asking how to resize images and how to add the keyline to images that was mentioned by the judge of Round 2 of the PDI Competition.
There is a very comprehensive article on resizing on the Adobe website and can be seen by following this link 
Adding a Keyline
Adding a keyline is an easy way to make sure that your image is separated from the projection screen background, and to enable viewers to see where your image stops and the background starts. Without a keyline, many images (especially dark ones) will just bleed out into the background, with the result that the wonderful masterpiece you created on your PC no longer looks quite so wonderful when projected!
Select the whole image, go to the SELECT menu and select ALL. Or press A or A  (Win/Mac)
To add a keyline to an image, make sure you have resized it to the final size required for projection. BPS require images with a resolution of 1600 pixels wide by 1200 pixels high.
  • To select the whole image, go to the SELECT menu and select ALL. Or press A or A  (Win/Mac)
  • Go to the EDIT menu and select STROKE… and set the options as shown
That’s all there is to it, really simple.
Bristol Salon - Don't Leave It Until the Last Minute!
This is your chance to enter one of the top international salons FREE! Full details can be found on the website Closing Date: 31 January
Please note, entry is free to BPS members. However, photography course and distance members will have to pay the full fee. 
External Competitions
PSA Print Competition - Round 1
After a considerable wait the much delayed judging of Round 1 Print Competition (entries closed in Nov 2022), the results are somewhat mixed.  Due to an oversight on my part, we (I) entered a number of ineligible images into some of the competitions – consequently the scores for those place us in penultimate position, above one club that failed to deliver its entries in time.   However, this isn’t quite as disastrous as it could have been as we are allowed to submit replacement images along with our Round 2 entries, which will replace the disqualified images and hopefully make up the shortfall in points. 

In better news, we are currently leading the Small Colour (A4 size prints) competition by a notable margin (102 points to second place with 94) and second place in the Creative / Altered Reality prints with a score of 97, one point below the current leading club.  Additionally members picked up a number of awards, detailed below.   
Congratulation to all the awarded photographers.
Large Colour Score Award
Mary Pears Goldfinch and Siskin Spat 25 HM
Richard Kay Blue Morph Arctic Fox in a Blizzard 25
Large Mono
Derwood Pamphilon Perfect Curves 26 3rd 
Ashwin Chauhan Shaping Brass Pots 25 HM
Barry Mead Bad Day 23
Small Colour
Mike Martin Temptation 26 HM
Ralph Snook Bee Eater Dispute 25 HM
Andrew Whettam St Mary’s lighthouse 25
Graham Pears Jay Feeding Juvenile in Rain 26
Small Mono
Mike Martin Grounded 27 2nd 
Barry Mead  Frostbite 24 HM
David Alderson Keen to Learn 21
Creative / Altered Reality
Barry Mead  Boarding Now 26 2nd
Colin Dixon Moving through Time 25 HM
Ashwin Chauhan I Am Not Feeling Too Well Doctor 24
Mike Martin Vertigo 22
The Successful Images
Ashwin Chauhan
 Shaping Brass Pots
Barry Mead
 Boarding Now
Colin Dixon
Moving through Time
Barry Mead 
Mike Martin
Derwood Pamphilon
 Perfect Curves
Mary Pears
 Goldfinch and Siskin Spat
Mike Martin 

Ralph Snook
 Bee Eater Dispute
Bristol Festival of Light
I'm indebted to Sandie Cox for the following:
An early note that the Bristol Light Festival 2023 runs from February 3-12. For more information, a map of the installations and locations, and updates about the event, visit or follow @bristol_light_fest on Instagram
Exhibitions to Visit
  • RWA Photo Open Exhibition 2023. 28 Jan - 1 May. The RWA Photo Open celebrates contemporary photographic practice in all its forms. This Open Call exhibition invited submissions from artists and photographers, at any stage of their careers, who create photographic work or explore the nature of photography in their work. Often side-lined as a significant artform, the Photo Open aims to showcase the sheer quality and range of photographic work being produced by photographers and artists across the UK and abroad now. This exhibition is presented in association with Bristol Photo Festival. Full details HERE
  • The Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2022 exhibition is at M Shed in the City Docks until 29 May. For full details, click HERE  
  • Martin Parr's early body of social documentary photography 'A Year in the Life of Chew Stoke Village' will go on display at Martin Parr Foundation this month.
    In 1992 #MartinParr immersed himself in the rural Somerset village of Chew Stoke, situated on the outskirts of Bristol, where he spent a year documenting village life for a commission from The Telegraph Magazine
    Martin took 329 rolls of film for this project and many of these images, previously unpublished, can be seen on an archive wall as a part of this show On display 19 Jan to 09 Apr.
NEW - Download Issue 324 of PAGB eNews HERE - This edition includes write-ups on Rolls Royce Derby, FIAP Academy and much more.
NEW - Download the latest edition of Photography News (Issue 102)  HERE 
WCPF Competitions
AV Competition

The WCPF AV Competition will be held on 29 April at Woodbury Village Hall, Flower Street, Woodbury EX5 1LX. The event will start at 10:00am, and close at approx. 4:00pm depending on how many entries are received.
Entry is now open, and can be received until 20th March 2023 – full details are on the WCPF website at
Woodbury Village Hall is an excellent venue, with a 4m projection screen, built-in HD projector and excellent sound system, so the AVs will be shown in the best possible way!
The judge for the event is Richard Brown FRPS FACI(M) APAGB EFIAP FIPF of the Midland Counties Photographic Federation.
Richard is a well-renowned AV maker on an international scale and has been active in Audio-Visual since 1975. He holds the record for being the youngest person to gain an FRPS in AV way back in 1980. His AV work has spanned a wide variety of genres. Initially interested in music and poetry interpretation, he then moved mainly into biographies and historical documentaries, always with occasional forays into humour.
Please come along for a superb display of audio-visual photography!
Ian Bateman
AV Secretary, WCPF
Arrangements for the 2023 WCPF Members Exhibition (MX) are nearly complete, and the entry system will be available in January. We’ll send previous entrants an ‘invitation to enter’ email, and a link to the entry system will be posted on the WCPF website MX page once the system is open.
Timings   Entry will be open from Monday 7 January and will close on Saturday 11 March.  
Entry Classes   The entry classes have changed this year with 3 print classes (Open Colour, Open Mono, Nature) and 3 digital classes (Open Colour, Open Mono, Nature). The class definitions will be available on the website and entry system.  
Roy Lambeth DPAGB EFIAP BPE2  
Awards   The exhibition has PAGB Patronage and PAGB Gold, Silver and Bronze medals plus Selector Ribbons will be awarded in each class. Highly commended certificates will also be awarded in each class.  
“Best Wildlife” trophies will be awarded in each Nature class (Digital and Print). New for 2023 a “Best Creative” trophy will be awarded for the best Creative image in the Open Colour and Open Mono classes.  
The “Margaret Aven” trophy will be awarded for the entrant who gains the most acceptances across all six classes.  
The “Millennium Trophy” will be awarded for the best overall image in the Exhibition.  
Favourite Print   We are holding a “Favourite Print” lottery. Visitors will vote for their favourite print, and the winner of the lottery receives a copy of the print that they voted for. Note that there a checkbox on the entry form to opt out of the lottery. Also note that there will be no general sale of prints in 2023.  
Exhibition Venue   The exhibition will be at the Bovey Tracy Golf Club with the excellent facilities that have proved so successful over the last few years. The exhibition dates are currently being finalised.  
Print Collection   Clubs may wish to collect print entries from their members and make a single delivery to their appointed collection point (AES). This will make the process more efficient and effective for club members and the AES. The name & contact details for an entrant’s AES will be notified on completion of the online entry.
We hope that members of WCPF clubs will continue to support the exhibition and submit their entries in good time. If anything is unclear or if there are any questions, then please get in touch with the Exhibition Secretary by email at  
Pedro Landers,
WCPF Exhibition Secretary
Council Meeting, Knightshayes Trophy Competition and Fotospeed Presentation
Bovey Tracey Golf Club, Monks Way, Bovey Tracey TQ13 9NG
Saturday 11 March
Schedule for the Day
10.30 am Council Meeting open to all WCPF Club Members followed by the
Knightshayes Trophy Competition judged by Helen Jones ARPS DPAGB President of the WCPF, a double act with Steve Jones - DPAGB, LRPS, EFIAP BPE3* Set subject “Decisive Moment” to win the Superb Knightshayes Trophy for a year.
2.00 pm Afternoon presentation by Fotospeed (Fotospeed Special Offers will be Available)
There is no fee for entering Knightshayes & no admission fee on the day
Entry requirements for Knightshayes Trophy
WCPF Club members, may enter up to TWO mounted prints on the theme of “Decisive Moment” – prints with Entry Form to be handed in at DPIC*, Exeter on 5 February or passed to any WCPF exec member prior to that date
Mounted Prints must be accompanied by the completed entry form below, and labelled on the back with Title, Photographer's Name including Distinctions and Club
Please arrange for your prints to be collected at the end of event!
Queries - Contact Pam and Eddy Lane, Knightshayes Trophy Secretaries
To download entry form - click HERE 

* Let Ralph Snook, Mike Martin or me have your prints as we will be going to Exeter.


Trumpet Blowers' Corner
 Salon acceptances: 

Contrary to popular belief, I do not possess psychic powers and need you to tell me if you've had successes. If you want to blow your own trumpet (or someone else's), then this is the place to do it. Please let me know and I'll include details in a future issue.
Items For Sale
If you have any photographic items for sale, drop me a line and I'll include it in the next newsletter. Please make sure that you provide contact details, price and full description of the sale items (pictures always help).
IMPORTANT: Personal Detail Changes
Please don't forget that if you change your address (home or email), or gain additional photographic distinctions, it would be appreciated if you could let the Membership Secretary know so that she can keep her records up to date, this will also ensure that you continue to receive your newsletters - please email all changes to
The distinctions we have on record are those shown at the top of this newsletter, please remember, if you don't tell us we can't possibly know!
Photographic Acronyms
For those of you who aren't sure what MPAGB, EFIAP/s and many more such seemingly random collections of letters mean, just click here to see the list.
Missed a Copy of the Newsletter?
To view past editions of this Newsletter, please click on the following link and then select the date(s) you are looking for - BPS Newsletter Archive
BPS Website - Members' Portal "Log in"
To enter the Members' Portal of the BPS website you will need the following:
Username - Your Membership Number            Password - Created by you
If you have any problems getting into the Members' Area, please contact Matt by email:  
Bristol Photographic Society,
Unit 13, Montpelier Central, Station Rd, Bristol, BS6 5EE