Tuesday, October 24, 2006
John 16:33 These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.
Therefore, dear brethren, stand firm. Edify and comfort one another in the power of God, that is, with God's word, which overcomes everything. Be assured that what Christ said in Luke 6 [:22&23] applied to you: "Blessed are you when men hate you on account of the Son of man, and exclude and revile you, and regard your name as something evil, for that is what their fathers did to the prophets." . . . This Christ himself declares, "If you were of the world, the world would love its own, but because you are not of the world, and because I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hates you. But be of good cheer, I have overcome the world."
This then is the true art, that in suffering and cross we should look to the Word and the comforting assurance, and trust them, even as He said, "In me you shall have peace, but in the world, tribulation" [cf. John 16:33]. It is as if he were saying: Danger and terror will surely hit you if you accept my Word; but let it come, this will happen to you because of me. So be of good cheer; I will not forsake you, I will be with you and will help you. No matter how great the affliction may be, it will be small and light for you, if you are able to draw such thoughts from the Word of God.
Let us therefore now rejoice with all assurance and gladness, and should any thought of sin or death frighten us, let us in opposition to this lift up our hearts and say: "Behold, dear soul, what are you doing? Dear death, dear sin, how is it that you are alive and terrify me? Do you not know that you have been overcome? Do you, death, not know that you are quite dead? Do you not know the One who says of you: 'I have overcome the world?' It does not behoove me either to listen to your terrifying suggestions, or heed them. Rather [I should listen] to the comforting words of my Savior: 'Be of good cheer, be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.' He is the victor, the true hero, who gives and appropriates to me his victory with this word: 'Be of good cheer!' I shall cling to him, and to his words and comfort I shall hold fast; regardless whether I remain here or go yonder, I shall live by [this word, for] he does not lie to me. You would like to deceive me with your terrors, and with your lying thoughts you would like to tear me away from such a victor and savior. But they are lies, as surely as it is true that he has overcome you and commanded us to be comforted."
--Martin Luther
Luther's Works, Volume 51, Sermons
Luther's Works, Volume 50, Letters III