What's Inside
1. Smells Cats Hate
2. Health Topics
3. Interesting and Fun Links
4. Pet Food Info and News
5. About the Newsletter
4. Pet Food Topics

Is your cat's food on a recall list?

How to avoid the worst cat foods
Shelter feed links:
Warning about feeding your cats:
Never EVER try to make your cat a vegan. It will die!

I repeat this caveat in every issue for the benefit of those who may not have absorbed the critical nature of this warning.
Kibble and your cat's teeth
How does dry kibble clean your cat's teeth?  (Hint: It doesn't.) 
Susan's List of trusted pet foods: 
Want to communicate better with your cat?
More and more cat and dog people are seeking out psychics to help them communicate with the pets in their lives. And the phenomenon is now accepted as normal in today's society. 
Pet owners are booking sessions with animal communicators to unravel behavioral issues or to learn about their pet’s preferences and wellbeing, allowing them to come away with a stronger sense of connection and an easing of anxiety. Those who tell others about their experiences say they are more likely to be asked for referrals than be mocked.
5. About the Newsletter

Published on the first of the month.
Submissions, stories, comments and questions are welcome!
hi_paws @ yahoo.com
If you know someone who would like their own subscription, you may send them to this link:  Sign me up  (The easiest way to do that is to share this newsletter with them.)

We do not collect any information other than your email address, and we never share it with anyone. 
If you would like to see past issues, or are having trouble viewing this one, you may find all issues since 2005 at this link: 

Many thanks to Paul DeCeglie, an American writer now based in Pattaya, Thailand, for sending us more helpful and fascinating articles every month and for providing editorial and writing guidance!
cat shelter 


December 2023  
1. Scents That Cats Hate
Does your cat freak out at certain smells? Most cats enjoy "fragrances" related to their natural foods, as well as to any fellow felines nearby, and are at least not offended by waste matter as those odors are part of their identification and communication systems among themselves.

But smells humans enjoy, such as perfumes, candles, laundry freshening products, deodorizers and some of our culinary activities that use spices and other flavorings may be quite offensive to a cat. This doesn't help a cat feel at home and can interfere with a happy environment. In some cases, some of these items can even negatively affect their health and behavior in your home.

For more information, see this article, published by CBS News, Nov. 26, 2023:
Long Can a Cat Go Without Water?
2. Health Topics
Keeping ticks off your pets

How to Find a Qualified Homeopathic Vet 
Photo of the Month
kitty in evergreen tree
Happy Holidays!
3. Interesting and Fun Links
Devoted cat lover and fan of this Newsletter, Susan O'Donnell-Burke submitted a story about her "amazing cat," Missy, who she says recently saved her life.
Read her story here:
What are the friendliest cat breeds?
Weird Cat Behaviors
How the “Cat Lady” Aesthetic Became Cool
From sculptural perches to litter boxes disguised as cabinets, the new generation of cat-friendly decor has design in mind.
Do Cats Feel Love?
Petfinder notes five ways we can know that they do feel love.
15 Strange Cats That Actually Exist
 (20-minute video)
Winter care
We hope you have prepared your outdoor animals for the bitter cold that happens at this time of year in many locations. Remember to use STRAW for bedding, not hay or fabrics. Hay and straw look similar, but while straw makes excellent bedding for outdoor cat shelters, hay becomes a soggy mess. Hay is typically used to feed animals, like horses. It soaks up moisture, making it cold and uncomfortable for cats and has the potential to get moldy.  
Also, do not use towels or blankets.  They retain moisture and will harm or freeze the animal.

Dr RJ Wright   
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