*In association with our "good musical brother" Geno Desi
@ Axecaliber Radio, the Grooveyard is hosting a "world premiere"
online internet radio gig for the (((MOUNTAIN OF
POWER))) disc
on Thursday nite (1.4.07) (TONIGHT!) @ 10 p.m. to Midnight (EST).
Listen to the whole, phenomenal (((MOUNTAIN OF POWER))) disc with
the grOOveDaWg & big, electric geno rockin' the internet airwaves.
Tune in for 2 hours of serious, bad-ass killer heavy guitar riffage
from the Grooveyard & Axecaliber. Crank up your computer
speakers to eleven and get ready to ROCK!!!
Tune in @ http://witr.rit.edu/
or click the Axecaliber logo for a direct link to the radio station/gig
to stream this awesome "musical event" on your computer.
Feel free to call the studio hotline during the gig
@ 585.475.2271
Give us a (((BUZZ))) with your (((FEEDBACK))).
We'd dig hearin' from ya!!!