Portland Story Theater, Inc. - live storytelling - real, true stories Shackleton's Antarctic Nightmare October 18, 2014 with Lawrence HowardHello Friend of PST, SHACKLETON's ANTARCTIC NIGHTMARE, a one-man show created and told by Armchair Adventurer, Lawrence Howard, is a rollicking good story of adventure and derring-do; a hero's journey that will have you on the edge of your seat.  You are invited to hear Lawrence tell this epic story of the 1914 Trans-Antarctic Expedition. It all happens tomorrow night (10/18) over at the Alberta Abbey$15 advance tickets available until 5PM the day of the show, then they are $18 at the door at 7PM. Show starts at 8PM. Young Adults 14+ OK if they come with their parent/guardian. 
May the narrative be with you, 

Lawrence, Lynne, and Penny 
Portland Story Theater, Inc.

Contact info:
email: tellers@portlandstorytheater.com
office: 503.284.2226 
web: http://www.portlandstorytheater.com 
mailing: 3333 NE 15th Avenue, Portland, OR 97212
Tax ID - EIN #27-0670834 

All Portland shows are at the Alberta Abbey, Alberta Abbey, home to Portland Story Theater
just two blocks west of MLK at 
126 NE Allberta Street
. (Mallory Avenue)
Have your next event at the Alberta Abbey!
Contact Madison Weiss at 503.897.7037