Vaccine Choice Canada V-Bulletin
  Spring 2016
Dear VCC Members & Friends,
News Flash – Ontario government tightens the screws on non-vaccinating families
The Ontario government announced yesterday it has introduced an amendment to the Immunization of School Pupils Act that would narrow parents’ access to vaccine exemptions for their children. If passed, the amended legislation would require parents and guardians who want to file a non-medical exemption for reasons of conscience or religion, to submit to “an education session delivered by their local public health unit. Parents or guardians would have to complete this session before obtaining a vaccine exemption.” 

Special Alert! - The government plans to ram this bill through as quickly as possible.  Second reading is slated for Monday, May 16.  We’ve been informed through an MPP that the government intends to push this legislative amendment through prior to June 9, the last sitting day of the legislature until September. There may be only one committee meeting where presentations can be made with speakers allotted 5 minutes.  We’ll send out another news blast as soon as we have more information on the committee process, which can also include submitting written material to the committee. We’re asking as many members and supporters as possible to make written and oral presentations opposing the planned restrictions to vaccine exemptions.

The Canadian Charter or Rights and Freedoms already gives us the fundamental right to freedom of conscience and religion and the legal right to security of the person. This means, we already have the right to say NO to government imposed regulations that conflict with our sincerely held personal beliefs.  By introducing a law it knows very well conflicts with our Constitutional rights, the government opens the door to increased public resistance to vaccine bullying, and to lawsuits challenging the constitutionality of this law.

Parents who choose to exempt their children from any or all vaccines are already well informed about the pros and cons of vaccination, and will push back against unfair regulations that are a colossal waste of time and resources, and violate our Charter protected basic human rights.

We encourage everyone in Ontario who is concerned about this issue to sign the petition we have created opposing this legislative amendment.  Below we provide the link to the petition page for details on how to get involved.
Vaccine Choice Canada at the Total Health Show

Vaccine Choice Canada’s presence this year at the Total Health Show in Toronto, April 8-10 was a resounding success.  The conference provided us a wonderful opportunity to reach out to the public to discuss many aspects of vaccine concerns and the provincial government's intention to narrow access to vaccine exemptions. 

With the enthusiastic help of our member volunteers helping at our booth throughout the weekend, we spoke to hundreds of interested people who picked up brochures, info cards, articles, reports, books and videos.  Edda West gave two presentations entitled Vaccine Safety: Know the Science and the Facts which are available from the Total Health Shop.  The first talk (approx 2-1/2 hours) is available here, and the second, 1 hour talk can be found here.  Edda’s powerpoint presentation can be accessed here (pdf).

Petition to the Ontario Legislature opposing mandatory vaccine “education sessions”

Visitors to the VCC booth at the Total Health Show were asked to sign a petition protesting the Ontario government’s plan to amend existing legislation which would force parents to attend a vaccine “education session” prior to being allowed to obtain personal belief exemptions from vaccination under the Immunization of School Pupils Act.  Over 500 Ontario residents signed our petition at the Total Health Show and via the mail.  Many thanks to all of you who have signed and sent in petitions.  If you’d like to participate (Ontario residents only), please see our petition page for further details, we are asking that all petitions be mailed by May 20. Two batches of petitions should be read into the Legislature the week of May 16 by two MPPs.  Please keep sending in petitions as each new batch submitted will be read into the legislature.  

Ontario health officials obstruct access to legal exemptions

Ontario health officials have stooped to a new low in their mission to prevent students from exercising their legal right to vaccine exemptions as provided by the Immunization of School Pupils Act (ISPA).  Each year Ontario health units send out suspension notices to students whose immunization records are incomplete. The suspension orders are an intimidation tactic to force students to submit to vaccine regulations while depriving them of the right to informed consent.

Here you will see the Order for Suspension from Attendance at School form letter, issued by the Medical Officer of Health for the Hastings & Prince Edward Public Health advising that “…this order will be rescinded upon receipt of 1(A) or 1(B) or 1(C) as indicated below.” 
1(A) is proof of immunization; 1(B) is a medical exemption; and 1(C) is a current medical exemption replacing one that has expired.  The student is advised that either one of these 3 documents, when presented to the health unit, will lift the suspension order.

The problem is that there are four legal options a student can choose from to be exempted from vaccines, or to lift a suspension order, NOT three.  The fourth and most important legal option 1(D) is, “A statement of conscience or religious belief (commissioned [sic] affidavit required)”.  This fourth legal option, has been arbitrarily omitted as a choice from the suspension order by the Medical Officer of Health.  The “statement of conscience or religious belief” option is the one most frequently chosen by students and parents who file legal vaccine exemptions, and is explicitly incorporated in the ISPA by law.

By deliberately omitting the personal belief exemption option as an acceptable legal remedy to the suspension order, Public Health officials engage in obstruction of the Law (Immunization of School Pupils Act, 1984) which clearly provides personal belief exemptions for reasons of conscience or religion as a legal option for students choosing to decline vaccination.

Health officials have a duty to uphold the law(s) they operate under.  In this case, they are in violation of both the Immunization of School Pupils Act (ISPA) the law which protects the individual’s right to refuse vaccines by filing a personal belief exemption, (statement of conscience or religious belief affidavit) and they deny students their legal rights under Ontario’s Health Care Consent Act, the law which protects the right to voluntary and informed consent prior to submitting to a medical treatment as clearly stated in these four points in the Act:  
1. The consent must relate to the treatment.
2. The consent must be informed.
3. The consent must be given voluntarily.
4. The consent must not be obtained through misrepresentation or fraud.

In their zeal to vaccinate 100% of the student population, public health officials have clearly crossed the line.  When government agencies deliberately manipulate and obfuscate legal protections citizens are entitled to under the law, a strong signal is sent that they are above the law and can engage in both misrepresentation and fraud with impunity.

These misleading and unlawful suspension notices are indicative of a larger pattern of continued insidious, unspoken and intentional effort by the Ministry of Health and it's public health units to misinform students and parents of their legal rights in violation of provincial laws. The laws being violated by provincial health bureaucrats include the Immunization of School Pupils Act, and Ontario’s Consent to Treatment Act which protects the individual’s right to voluntary & informed consent. The Consent to treatment Act PROHIBITS obtaining consent to medical treatment through misrepresentation or fraud.

Most importantly, these coercive actions by health agencies contravene the basic human rights protections we are all guaranteed under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, namely the right to freedom of conscience and religion, and the right to security of the person.

This health unit also issued a press release on March 14, 2016 titled “Extra Immunization Clinics Available to Avoid Student Suspensions” which omits the availability of legal exemptions, implying that students have no choice.

It is our contention that Ontario’s Minister of Health, the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long Term Care, Ontario’s Ministry of Education, various schools, health units, and public health officers are intentionally misleading and deceiving Ontario parents and students by denying them the right to make voluntary and informed choices when considering vaccination, as provided by law. What will it take to stop this deceptive, illegal and fraudulent behaviour?  We need to stand up to this deceptive, illegal and fraudulent behaviour.

Mature Minor Doctrine

If it’s not grief enough to know that health officials lie about students’ right to be legally exempted from vaccines, the Mature Minor Doctrine adds insult to injury.  This 'doctrine' legally allows underage children of no specific age in Ontario or BC, to consent to their own medical treatment, including vaccination.  It was originally put in place to allow underage children (teens) to access birth control devices and abortions without their parents’ knowledge or consent.  In Ontario this was made legal by the 1996 Consent to Treatment Act.  Then public health began using it as a tool to coerce children as young as 11 to consent to vaccination in the school setting.  Some background on it is discussed here.
Vaccine nurses threaten children with school suspension if they're not up to date with all the required vaccines (Ontario added 3 more vaccines to the schedule in 2014).  Children are told that they can sign their own consent form without asking their parents first.  

Children are never told that they have the legal right to vaccine exemptions, that vaccination like any medical treatment is voluntary, nor are they provided with adequate information on vaccine risks which means that informed consent is never obtained.  Anyone who understands the complexity of this issue, also understands that an 11 year old child does not have the intellectual sophistication nor life experience to make an informed decision about whether or not to accept injection(s) of complex biochemical drugs which carry a known risk of injury and death for some.
The only protection children have from being captive to this coercion, brainwashing and deception is to be well educated by parents who have thoroughly researched this issue and have taught the child never to submit to any drugs or injections offered in the school or other settings without immediately contacting the parents for help.
Ontario’s Immunization 2020 plan lays out the road map, or “strategic framework” by which the provincial government will accelerate its vaccine agenda over the coming years. Everyone is targeted!  Its educational strategies (read propaganda) include the development of “immunization teaching modules” to be used in the school system to brainwash children into accepting vaccination without question.

Ombudsman complaint – 2016
Vaccine Choice Canada has, for the second time, filed a formal complaint with the Ontario Ombudsman against the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care for its failure to inform the public of its legal right to obtain vaccine exemptions under the Immunization of School Pupils Act (ISPA).  Under this law, all children attending school (and daycare under a separate Act), have the right to be exempted from vaccines for reasons of conscience or religion.
Our second complaint, submitted on May 5, 2016, details instances collected after our initial 2012 complaint where the Ministry, the Minister of Health, Health Units and the Media have consistently deceived students and parents by deliberately excluding clear and factual information about the availability of vaccine exemptions under the law.   You can read our current and previous complaint at our website.

Vaxxed – From Cover Up to Catastrophe - New film exposes corruption at highest levels of the CDC

Following is an excerpt from Dr. Gary Null & Richard Gale’s excellent analysis of this new documentary about the dark underbelly of a medical industry that protects fraudulent vaccine science to the detriment of the health and well being of our children.

“Vaxxed is not anti-science. Nor is it anti-vaccine. Instead it presents unquestionable evidence of corruption and fraud that is anti-CDC.  The film endangers the professional credibility and integrity of the nation’s most powerful federal health agency as well as the private vaccine industry’s profits that the CDC protects. If it were simply a visual screed of voices opposing mandatory vaccinations, the documentary would have its burst of limited popularity and quickly be forgotten as so many anti-vaccine films are. Vaxxed, on the other hand, incriminates federal officials and scientists at the highest levels, including former CDC Director Julie Gerberding, with the intentional coverup and manipulation of the agency’s own research data to continue its public relations charade that vaccines under no circumstances are associated with the US’s increasing autism crisis in our midst.

According to Dr. Stephanie Seneff at MIT, the autism rate can be projected to reach 1 in 2 boys by 2025.[2] In the meantime the CDC has preferred to seal its eyes and ears to this trend. Instead it scrambles to find any other culprit or explanation besides the toxic stew of chemicals and viruses contained in the 10 million vaccinations given annually to approximately 4 million American babies under one year of age."
The writers analyze the CDC’s dominant role in controlling the media message and the extraordinary lengths it goes to insure that the sanctity of vaccines is protected. 
“To sustain the nation’s vaccination rates, to preserve corporate profits, and to keep Americans convinced that vaccines will keep their children protected and alive, the CDC requires a dynamic marketing and public relations apparatus. And the tentacles of the government’s health agencies are today wrapped around mainstream media and the entertainment industry.”
Read the full article here.
VCC is committed to bringing Vaxxed to Canadian audiences. We will keep you updated.
Vaccination Policies and Human Rights

In an uplifting and powerful presentation to the UN’s 25th International Health and Environment Conference on April 26, 2016 , New York Law Professor, Mary Holland received a standing ovation for spelling out the explicit wording of international treaties and human rights codes that protect individuals from government intrusion and medical abuse. She reminded us that the United Nations international human rights legislation has been put in place to prevent the recurrence of medical atrocities that occurred during the second World War.

Professor Holland focused on the role of law in protecting human rights when it comes to vaccines and said, “How can we balance the rights of the collective vs. the rights of the individual?  Vaccines, by their very nature, are a population-based medical intervention……But what about informed consent in the area of medical treatment, including preventive medical treatment? What about informed consent to vaccination?  This is a controversial issue today in many countries, including the United States.”
View video of her presentation: Part 1 and part 2.  Read full text of her presentation here.

She said,
“In 2005, the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, UNESCO, addressed this issue, adopting the Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights on the consensus of 193 countries.  The participating countries hoped this Declaration, like the Universal Declaration of Human Rights before it, would become a set of guiding principles.  On the issue of consent, the Declaration states that
any preventive…medical intervention is only to be carried out with the prior, free and informed consent of the person concerned, based on adequate information.
It further notes that the “sole interest of science or society” does not prevail.
This pronouncement is an extension of the medical oath, attributed to Hippocrates 2500 years ago, that doctors must work for the good of their patients and never do harm.  Abbreviated as the “first do no harm” principle, this credo embodies the precautionary principle in medicine, clearly placing the interests of individual patients above the interests of the collective or the “herd.”

This precautionary principle in medicine leads directly to the view that vaccination policies must be recommended, not coerced.  The doctor-patient relationship depends first and foremost on trust, and coercion undermines it.  When the doctor-patient relationship is based on coercion, trust is a casualty, and doctors then serve the state, and by extension the society, above their individual patients.  This is a slippery slope, where civilized medicine has too often derailed in the past.”
“Following the medical precautionary principle, the default position for vaccination must be recommendations, not compulsion.  Individuals, for themselves and their minor children, should have the right to accept or refuse these preventive medical interventions based on adequate information and without coercion, such as the threat of loss of economic or educational benefits.  Informed consent must be the default position because compulsion, on its face, not only undermines trust, but limits the fundamental rights to life, liberty, bodily integrity, informed consent, privacy and to parental decision making.”
What is clear is that our rights and freedoms with regard to medical choice making are under attack by the very institutions that we would expect to protect and preserve our rights and freedoms – our governments. These unlawful efforts by the Minister of Health, government representatives, and the compliance of the media undermine our confidence and trust in these institutions. These are serious matters that require our attention and our actions. If we don’t stand up for our rights and freedoms, we will lose them.

In the News.....
Mary Holland speech at the UN

Justice for Ezekiel? By Professor, Thinking Moms Revolution- Story of Alberta Family’s persecution by the state


How Aluminum in Vaccines Affects Your Health

Do Vaccines Cause Cancer? By Louise Kuo Habakus

Is the Autism Epidemic Real? By Robert Kennedy Jr.

Robert De Niro enters the vaccine safety battle

Richard Gale and Gary Null – Why is the CDC Petrified of the Film Vaxxed?

Ontario expanding HPV vaccination program to include boys

Dr. Brian Hooker’s official statement regarding William Thompson (CDC Whistleblower)

Producer of VAXXED Speaks Out: “This is Bigger than Watergate” - See more at:
Vaxxed - The Movie - The filmmakers behind the controversial documentary, "Vaxxed," join the table to discuss the link between early childhood vaccinations and Autism.  Video Length: 28:30

JB Handley on the attack on VaXxed – excellent comment from Houston film festival about being forced to withdraw the film

New Polio vaccine rollout comes with a big risk
Vaccine Choice Canada is a not-for-profit educational society dedicated to promoting health among Canadians by helping families make fully informed and voluntary choices about vaccination. Vaccine Choice Canada receives no funding from government or corporate sources and is solely supported by our members.  Learn more about vaccines, diseases and how to protect your children from vaccine induced injuries. Become a member of Vaccine Choice Canada and receive our internationally acclaimed newsletters. Contact us through our website,  or email us at: 
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Vaccine Choice Canada
P.O. Box 169 Winlaw, BC Canada V0G 2J0