1. Quiz - on quotes
  2. Free screenserver for your computer.
  3. Video – introducing the project ‘The Children of Abraham’
  4. Loads of languages. Internationalization is the key.
  5. More about the project…
Fundamentalistic quiz on quotes
As written in the previous newsletter all of us are working hard to realize the Danish artist Jens Galschiøts giant project ‘The Children of Abraham’. An art installation about religious fundamentalism, that is to start an inclusive dialogue between the three religions Judaism, Christianity and Islam. In all modesty we want to start a healing process between the three religions.
Therefore we have gathered the 600 brightest and darkest quotations from the Torah, the Bible and the Quran. Most people are surprised to learn how alike they are and what the religions actually say. Amongst other things the quotes are displayed on the sculpture Fundamentalism and are used in the quiz and the screen saver which you will find bellow.
Help us share information about the project and forward this mail.
Best regards
Lasse Markus - Info mail editor and leader of the secretariat of ’The Children of Abraham’ 
 Quiz - on quotes 
We have launched a new, multi-lingual quiz  were you are to guess whether 5 random quotes are from the Quran, the Bible or the Torah. For each right answer points are added to your score and it is possible to win a cobber book from the sculpture.
•        The quiz. You can get a ticket for the competition by guessing all 5 quotes correct. The extremely intelligent can try the expert quiz with 10 questions (thus increasing the chance of winning!).
•        Multi lingual? Yes, we’ve been working around the clock and today we present the project and the quiz in English, Danish, Polish, German and French. And soon we will launch in Italian, Dutch, Swedish and Norwegian (if you know a language and want to help, don’t hesitate to contact us!).
·         Education. Several school teachers and priests have been using the Danish version of the quiz as a fun way to teach the kids about the religious dogmas and start a debate about religious prejudices. The quiz’ scoreboard and group function makes it an excellent tool for teaching.
·         The price. Yes, there is more to the quiz than expanding the religious horizon. And in these days of financial crisis we know exactly how to attract the materialistic (we didn’t say greedy) minded. In January we draw lots for a 1000€ sculpture. It is a book from the 3½m tall and 9m wide sculpture ‘Fundamentalism’.
Give it your best try at www.Fundamentalism.dk/quiz/en   - and remember to share it on facebook, brag about your position on the score list and challenge your friends!
Free screen saver
  Yes, we’ve made sure that YOU can get even wiser. The quote-screen saver shuffles between all the brightest and darkest quotes from the Torah, the Bible and the Quran. It is easy to install (open as administrator) and easy to uninstall.

In many ways it is more than just a screen saver. The silent and constant flow of quotes, when your computer takes a break, makes it a kind of thoughtful, meditative experience. And the horrible and beautiful quotes are sure to make you give the religions some new thoughts.

 For the same reasons the screen savers have sometimes been used on the public computers at education facilities.
 Why read, when you can have the whole project ‘served’ in our short documentary about the project ‘The Children of Abraham’.

 Introducing artist Jens Galschiøt, his visions for the project, the sculpture ‘Fundamentalism’ and much more…see VIDEO
Loads of languages.
 Unfortunately, Denmark is not the only country which hosts an excluding and often hateful religious debate in which prejudices are seen as the norm and where 'the others' are seen as markedly different from 'us' and 'our society'.

The art- and dialogue project ‘The Children of Abraham' has shown capable of being an effectful tool to start a genuine and uniting dialogue.

Therefore, it is our goal to translate the quotes and concepts into a variety of languages in order to help turn the debate around in other countries.

So far we have translations in English, Danish, Polish, German and French. Furthermore we are working on Italian and Dutch, Swedish and Norwegian. If you know a language and want to help us, do not hesitate contact us!  
More about the project… 
General information and the project
"The children of Abraham"
 We have gathered the 600 brightest and darkest quotations from the Torah, the Bible and the Quran. They show how very similar the religions are, and that all of them have very humane, compassionate sides, as well as very inhumane, intolerant and ‘outdated’ sides.
  We are finishing the monumental sculpture ‘Fundamentalism’. A 3½ meters tall, 9 meters wide Stonehenge-like sculpture consisting of huge cobber letters which spell the word FUNAMENTALISM. Its 28 flat screens display the quotes. 

  The sculpture is to have its opening exhibition at
Art Center Silkeborg Bad, Denmark, in January, after that we plan to place it in front of the EU parliament to internationalize the dialogue.
More Info can be found at:
General information about Galschiøt
GB koncept fundamentalism
Fundamentalism - books Pillar of scriptures Fundamentalism - making of I Fundamentalism - badges Fundamentalism - Torah in waxFundamentalism - making of the letter Fundamentalism - letter A  


This mail has been sent from the sculptor Jens Galschiøt's workshop.
Contact to the workshop:
Galleri Galschiøt
Banevænget 22
5270 Odense N

Tlf : (+45) 6618 4058

Fax:(+45) 6618 4158portrait of Jens Galschiot 2012
Overview over Galschiøt sculptures
Portrait of a sculptor Jens Galschiøt (PDF)
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