bringing nature, nurseries and gardeners together  Jan 27, 2023
 NURSERY NOTES: a heroic effort by the Native Plant Society of Texas to save endangered species before the  developers move in takes place this Sunday from 9:30 a.m. onwards. 6504 Bridgepoint Parkway. NPST  / Learn all about why seed saving is a crucial skill for gardeners and nature lovers at the Natural Gardener tomorrow (Saturday) morning at 10 a.m. Seed savers 
HOW TO BUILD A RUSTIC GATE: If you are looking for a rough-hewn project, full of charm and character, this is for you. Rather than going to a lumber yard, for this you will gather sticks and branches and the challenge will be fitting them together into a durable structure. Mother Earth News 
MONSIEUR PLANT: Frenchman Christophe Guinet artfully upcycles tired old Nike sneakers and trainers with moss and twigs to turn them into beautiful, organic sculptures. Some of Christophe's latest work: The Guardian Monsieur Plant 
THE AUSTIN GARDEN relies entirely on support from its  readers. Please consider making a donation today. ; - ) 
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CENTRAL TEXAS GARDENER: help set up CTG's pathway into years to come by filling out a survey for producer Linda Lehmusvirta and her team: C.T.G. ❦  
Sedums are often used for colorful green roofs.
 The Charm of Tiny Sedums
                          by Chris Winslow
With water conservation in mind, I am always on the look-out for drought tolerant additions to my landscape, and a few years ago I came across the wonderful sedums.
Commonly called ‘stonecrops,’ sedums are a large grouping of low-growing, flowering groundcovers in the Crassulaceae family. Sedums store water in their leaves (succulent), making them drought tolerant and a fine addition for sun to part-shade locations in xeriscape gardens. It's something to consider as you plan your 2023 garden. 
With over 400 species in this rather large family of plants, sedums come in a wide array of flower colors, leaf colors, and textures. Most are under 6 inches in height.
One of my favorites is dragon’s blood. With the proper light exposure, this low groundcover puts on a show of brilliant red foliage with red flowers in the late spring and summer. And when the cool weather of fall arrives, the leaves turn orange-red. 
Sedum anjelica displays golden-yellow leaves with a tinge of green – almost like lime. This trailing groundcover creates yellow flowers through the summer.
Sedum tricolor has green and white variegation with red along the leaf edge. Drought tolerant and spreading in form, it displays tiny pink flowers through June and July.
Another pretty variegated (green and white leaf) sedum is lineare. This beauty grows to a height of 4 inches and makes a dense mat of foliage with bright yellow flowers.
These stonecrops are perfect for our climate. If you are looking for a flowering groundcover that’s drought tolerant, thrives in poor and shallow soil, and flowers, then this is a perfect choice.
Sedums are easily grown in pots and baskets, often cascading off the edge. They make great additions to mixed succulent plantings which seems to be “the in-thing” in garden publications these days.
Also, as more people experiment with green roofs, many are finding sedum to be preferable to grass. Ford’s truck plant in Michigan has 10.4 acres of sedum on its roof, and the Rolls Royce factory in England also has a vast sedum-covered roof. Happy gardening everyone! ❦  
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