Hi Firstname
Some members have reported issues with receipt of Newsletters last week so may not have seen the message about THREE upcoming Photoshoot opportunities.  Lena will be returning with two different looks.
Sunday 23 Feb 
Theme – very loosely based on Alice in Wonderland, Queen of Hearts/jester cross, with a modern avant-garde  twist.... 
11am onwards.   
Numbers limited to 5 photographers – Booking essential 
Monday 24 Feb
Theme: Baroque style. Think candelabra, chandeliers (anyone got one we can borrow?), corsets, etc.
10am – 1pm: Normal Studio group shoot open to any member, booking not required (obviously the larger the number in attendance the less time you’ll each have) 
1.30pm – 4/4.30pm ish: Numbers limited to 5 photographers – Booking essential
Booking - Please book a place with mike_martin@blueyonder.co.uk stating which session you would like to attend – Mike will confirm allocated spaces to the lucky few.
Mike Martin