Well well well, it looks like yet again somebody is trying to pull a
swifty over us all....This time however, we are onto it; Paul
has caught a whiff of
something decidedly distasteful going on regarding Woody Point and the
Offshore Community are not going to be taken for suckers again. Read
about it below and make up your own mind about the impact, the
consequences and the outright temerity of this audacious plan....
We have had a great response to the Tick Exchange
with more
remedies and ideas submitted for this edition. Once we have a few more,
we will collate them all into a single document that will be available
as a download from the PON.
Please don't forget the SIRA AGM - there is a reminder notice
below. It is important to the community to have the Association
and it requires everyones input to be successful... Hope to see you
Cartoon of
the Month
Woody Point Redevelopment
Child Care on Scotland Island
on Water IWD Celebration
Junior Photographer Wins Prize
Pegasus III Launched
AGM Reminder
Local Council Notices
Tick Exchange
Cyndi Boste at Scotland Island
You asked
For Sale
Local Guide
subscription Information

An Island First For Child Care
Licensed Family
Day Care Now operating
island now has its first ever licensed Family Day Care operating. Anne
Palmer has been registered by Pittwater Children’s Services to provide
home based care for children.
This means that affordable child care for under-two’s is now available
with Child Care Benefit and the 50% Tax Rebate on out of pocket fees.
Anne’s home is conveniently located near the Kindy and her main days of
operation are Tuesday’s and Wednesday’s from 7.30 am to 5.00 pm: making
this a perfect solution for young kids with older siblings at the
For more information contact: - Anne Palmer
Pittwater Children’s Services / Northern Beaches Family Day Care
9999 3478 9979 6150 / 9979 7254
Click Image to download flyer

on Water (WOW)
Women's Day Celebration
Around fifty mainly offshore residents attended this year’s
International Women’s Day breakfast which was held at
islander Chris Bowden’s Bayview Kiosk.
It was a greatly enjoyable morning. We heard Robyn Iredale speak about
her time at the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission in the
late 1980s with Quentin Bryce, the then Sex Discrimination
Commissioner. Robyn also shared some of her very interesting
experiences since that time..
We also heard from two young women, Year 11 students Asha Forsyth and
Ishbel Cullen, who spoke optimistically about how they saw women in the
The breakfast was organised and run by members of Women on Water (WOW)
including Kerry Borthwick, Shar Jones, Barbara Labram, Michelle
McDonald, Margie Morris, Joy Purvis, Louise Roberts and others. Thanks
to all who did such a great job.
Funds raised from the breakfast were shared between the Fragile X
Association and Unifem (United Nations Fund for Women).
Have a look at some of the great photos taken by Lisa McDonald and
Tanya Mottl by going to: http://picasaweb.google.com/PONeditor/WomenOnWater#
WOW meetings are held on the second Wednesday of each month and all
offshore women, ex-offshore women, and friends, are welcome.
If you are
interested in finding out more about WOW email Kerry Borthwick on
qwl_kborthwick@hotmail.com .

Junior Photographer wins Photo
The grandson of long time Island inhabitants Tom
& Madge Gibbs,
Michael, entered this photo of a boatshed on the eastern side Scotland
Island in the " Search My Suburb" photo competition, in the Primary
School by Day category.
He made it to the finals and won a prize for this black and white

All the photos of the 15 finalists were auctioned off with the proceeds
going to the Children's
Hospital at Westmead. Photos ranged in price from $50 up to
$170. until Michael's photo came up for auction it was the
highest selling with fierce competition, the final price was
(Michael with his prize winning photograph)
See other final entries at: http://www.searchmysuburb.com.au/Scene_In_My_Suburb_Finalists_Photo_Gallery

Pegasus III Launched

A very proud Greg Roberts successfully launched Pegasus
III last
Sunday morning with the help of some 60 friends and well wishers.
A beautiful morning, perfect weather, a spectacular handcrafted boat
and some great friends helped manhandle the vessel into the water below
Greg and Louises beautiful home. Louise did the honors naming
the boat in the traditional manner.
Seven years in the making, this finely built boat carries
detail and excellence to a level not often seen these days.
A wonderful project that is a credit to Greg's vision, perceverance and
love of fine craftsmanship.
Many more Photos can be seen on the online Offshore Gallery here

SIRA AGM - Reminder
Sunday, April 5, 2009 - 9.30 for
10.00am start
Community Hall,
Catherine Park, Scotland Island
Hear the latest news and future plans for Scotland Island and Church
Point plus;
Community Forum on Fire Management on Scotland Island with George
Shepherd, Rural Fire Service and Mark Ferguson, General Manager,
Pittwater Council
The “Companion Animals Act” - information from Council
& VEG SIZZLE at 12:30pm
the image to open

Local Council Notices
Most Immoral Woman - By
Linda Jaivin
Inspired by a true
story, A Most Immoral Woman is Linda’s new book and is a surprising,
witty and erotic tale of sexual and other obsessions set in the
‘floating world’ of Westerners in China and Japan at the turn of the
twentieth century....
April 8, 2009, 6.30pm
Mona Vale Library, 1 Park Street, Mona Vale
Adults $7.50,
Friends/Concession $5.50 (passes be shown)
Essential: Phone 9970 1600
Click Image to download flyer
Please Note
- Bookings essential, tel. 9970 1600, payment within 3 days of
order to receive discount on events, Pensioner or Student card must be
shown when paying, unfortunately, a Seniors Card does not apply for a
The Winnererremy Bay Reserve playground next to the Flying Fox Café at
Mona Vale has reopened fully to the public, after the Council replaced
the toddler playground sand with rubberised ground cover.
The rubberised ground cover was laid this week following a partial
closure of the toddler area of the playground on the advice of the NSW
Public Health Unit.
The advice to partially close the playground during February followed
the reappearance of a rare form of bacteria in the playground sand
linked to an outbreak of gastroenteritis in young children in Pittwater.
Pittwater Council’s Reserves & Recreation Manager Les Munn said
the Council had decided to replace the sand in the toddler area with
the rubberised material to ensure the bacteria would be eliminated from
the playground at Winnererremy Bay.
“NSW Health have been continuing to test the playground in the last few
months and unfortunately the bacteria was still showing up in the new
sand we laid in the toddlers’ area of the playground,” he said.
“As a result we’ve taken the step of replacing the sand altogether,” Mr
Munn said.
Mr Munn said the Council would also upgrade the South Avalon Beach
playground in the coming weeks, which has been closed to the public
since late last year when cases of gastroenteritis in young children
first became linked to sand in the playground and on the beach.
He said the NSW Public Health Unit would continue to monitor playground
sand in Pittwater through a testing regime and efforts were still
underway to locate the source of the original outbreak.
“Experts from Taronga Zoo and the state government are continuing to
work with the Council to locate the source of the bacteria.”
Media contact: Les Munn, Pittwater
Council Ph: 9970 1356
The Kiss of Saddam by Michelle McDonald
A memoir told by
Michelle McDonald of Selma Masson, a Muslim brought up in a privileged
Iraq, in the 1950s and 1960s.
April 23, 2009, 6.30pm
Mona Vale Library, 1 Park Street, Mona
Adults $7.50,
Friends/Concession $5.50 (passes be shown)
Essential: Phone 9970 1600
Click Image to download flyer
Please Note
- Bookings essential, tel. 9970 1600, payment within 3 days of
In order to
receive discount on events, Pensioner or Student card must be shown
when paying, unfortunately, a Seniors Card does not apply for a

Information regarding
Ticks and How to deal with them..
Orel Lea and
Family at Mackeral Beach have provided their solution to
the problem.....
We have been at Mackerel beach for 30+ years. Our management is to
firstly ALWAYS use INSECT REPPELLENT when in the bush or garden. If
going on a bushwalk: dab it behind your ears and on the top of your
head and forehead. Ticks like armpits and groins too!
Next, if a tick does attach itself, we find that fine, pointed
tweezers, and a firm , slow pull at the neck of the tick (even pinching
the patient) is the most effective method of removal. Follow this with
old-fashioned MAGNAPLASM (available at chemists) and a band-aid, which
helps to draw out the poison. If the patient has had the tick for some
hours/days, an anti-histamine tablet taken immediately, and the next
day will reduce inflammation and swelling.
We have tried all the various “cures” but have come up with the above
as the best tick management.
& Andy Palmer suggest the following.....
We use LYClear, which is a scabies cream that you can buy over the
counter at any chemist. The slightest smear of the cream kills all
ticks from grass sized to shell-backs. Grass ticks just die straight
away and then fall off: the shell backs die very quickly and need to be
pulled out but the head usually comes out easily.
The great bonus is that it kills them without them pumping any more
poison into your system. Ray the Vet originally put us onto this
solution and we owe him a big thanks!
By the way, both Andy and I developed an allergy to red meat for a
while, which we believe came from severe tick bites before we
discovered LY Clear. Anne can now eat meat again, but Andy doesn’t want
to risk the affects (hives, dizziness, temperature, fainting).

Cyndi Boste: Scotland Island Fire Shed
Saturday 18th
April at 8:00 pm.
Cyndi returns to Scotland Island to play live at the fire
shed with Scotland Island's Flaming Doghouse.
Fully licenced. Admission $12 - pay at the door.

Cyndi is a singer songwriter with a voice to break your heart. For
those who know her work, Cyndi Boste is more
than their favourite Alt Country singer/songwriter, she's a passionate
cause. Type her name (rhymes with 'toast') into Google, and of the 600
or so results - from Australia and overseas - most will be rave reviews
of Cyndi's four critically acclaimed CDs and her riveting live
performances to spellbound audiences from Copenhagen to Coffs Harbour
via Berlin, Battersea and Bellingen.
Though it's the smoky intimacy and bluesy musicality of Cyndi's voice
that ensnares the casual listener, it's her songs that make them
lifetime fans. Read Cyndi's lyrics and you'll be charmed at the wit and
wordplay, touched and healed by the human insights and, perhaps,
strengthened in your commitment to justice and fair play.
Check out her website: http://www.cyndiboste.com.au
Check out some live clips: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Ou06gaOLvI;
Further information: contact Gordon Floyd 9997 2035

Kayak Found
A kayak has washed up on our waterfront. I'm sure somebody is looking
for it.
Contact Tim Turpin
Information required
I am looking at moving to Scotland Island with
my 14 year old daughter and small dog. Can anyone help. I
would also like some information on senior schools in the area. What
senior schools do most island teenagers attend and what are your
recommendations as to the best senior schools- public or private.
My email address is ashollas@hotmail.com if anyone has any information
they would like to share with me.
Many thanks, Alex Holloway
Child's Car Seat
Does anyone has a child's car seat they don't need anymore. I
need one for our car on the island.
Contact Rachel at andreas@smetana.net
Parking in
loading zone at Commuter Wharf
Can everyone please be aware that the loading bay at commuter wharf is
for loading and
unloading only
and is used 24 hours a day. It seems to have become a habit for certain
people to park in the bay overnight - please be considerate and do not
park in this bay.
Thanks, Tejinder
We’re looking for someone to house-and cat-sit
four weeks from 27 April whilst we’re on holidays. Must love
(we have two). 3 bed house near Carols
Wharf. Call
Jenny 0411 405335 for more info.

For Sale
If you have something for sale that
you think locals would like - let us know and we will put a
SINGLE line entry in the PON at the beginning of each month...
Punt equiped with 15HP four stroke engine, battery, lights, bilge pump,
recently antifouled. Price $9000.00
Contact details: Mary 0400 129 775
Free to a Good
Set of pine bunkbeds with trundle.
mattresses + some linen available. Need a good sand &
paint. Near Carols Wharf. Jenny
0411 405335

The Local Guide
in Pittwater - Self Editing
Event Calendar Click
Here |
online Offshore Photo
Gallery - http://picasaweb.google.com/PONeditor/ |
Scotland Island
Traders - On-line shopping
from your computer, through your door on Scotland Island. Contact
Graeme on 0419460331 or click
here for full details |
Island Children's Centre,
Catherine Park (Long Day Care Service) 7.30am - 5.30pm (Tues,
Weds & Thurs)
Playgroup @ Children's Centre every Monday, 10.00am - 12 midday
Other services include: School Holiday Programme / Facility &
Equipment Hire
For information please call 02 9979 7856 or email: siocs@comcen.com.au |

ALL EMERGENCIES (Police - Fire - Ambulance) |
000 |
Assistance Line & Information |
1444 or 9281 0000 |
Bay Water Police |
7899 or 0412 162 093 |
Fire Service General Information 9265 2999 |
2999 |
Fire Service General information |
3000 |
Emergency Service, Warringah/Pittwater SES |
3399 |
Parks & Wildlife Service: 000, general information |
9322 |
of Community Services: general information |
6011 |
Water |
132 090 |
Australia |
388, (ah) 131 909 |
Membership of SIRA,
Emergency Scotland Island Water Contacts and
Application for Water + Guidelines for water, in one document: click
here for information (while online) Download the
Scotland Island 'Water Agreement' by clicking
here (while
SIRA You can now join the
Scotland Island Residents Association by clicking
here. Please print the page and return the completed form to
SIRA at this address: The Treasurer, SIRA, PO Box 70, Church Point
2105. Please NO CASH. Contact SIRA at
A complete set of past electronic newsletters since May 2000 can be
found and read at https://www.ymlp.com/pubarchive.php?sira
or by clicking
here or
by visiting the Mona Vale Library.
The Island website is at www.scotlandisland.org.au
If you would
like to contribute to this newsletter it's easy!. Send an
e-mail to the editor by clicking here.
Type your short
contribution (100 words would be fine) and assuming it is of general
interest to the community, does not include matter of a political
nature and is not offensive to your neighbours, it will
appear next month.
To get on and off
this newsletter, click
here or got to: http://www.scotlandisland.org.au/signup
. To change your address, click the 'modify' link at the bottom of this
views expressed in this newsletter are not necessarily the views of the
Scotland Island Residents Association (SIRA), or
the Western
Pittwater Community Association (WPCA)
