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- December
2008 - |
Newsletter for Offshore Residents
of Pittwater, Australia Volume 9, Issue 351
December 2008

has arrived and another year has slipped by at an alarming rate. A busy
year for most of us and an eventful one at that.
Offshore residents
have had a fabulous year of community events; from
music, to song & dance, to art exhibitions, to stories, to book
signings, wine
tastings, Fireshed breakfasts, coffee mornings, fund
raisers, and much much more.
All of these made possible by the grand efforts of an
amazingly diversified group of talented locals, and only made
successful by the attendance of so many of you and your friends.
On the newsletter
front, I trust you
are all enjoying the it. From time to time you may see some
small changes take place to its look - I hope you like what you see -
let me know what you think, constructive criticism is always
welcome. Also, I am only too happy to receive
your contributions and suggestions, so please keep them coming as this
ultimately is YOUR newsletter - it is for you, so it needs
input !
I would also like
to remind everyone of another very useful community tool at
our disposal. The Scotland Island Calendar,
which is linked to our Scotland Island web site, is a
great resource that everyone should be using. You can enter details
into the calendar yourself, if you wish (you can get the login details
me), or send me the details of the
event you want listed and I'll put it in for you. Remember the
information has to be of interest to the community. (Just watch out if you are using
Macs Safari web browser - the calendar won't load - use Firefox
finally, thank you to all those who have provided assistance
and contributions to the newsletters and a very Happy Christmas
to alI PON readers.

Cartoon of the Month
Message from Ian White
Fire Season
Local Announcements
Beat the Car Park Hassle
Local Council Matters
Indigenous Interests Group
Currawong Follow up
You Asked...
For Sale
The Local Guide
Archived Newsletters
subscription Information

Message from Councillor Ian White
sincere thanks goes to all those who helped with my campaign, to those
who voted for me and for the generous donations received from the
community. I feel privileged to have been successfully
elected to
Pittwater Council and will endeavour to represent all Central Ward
residents, as well as the broader Pittwater community, effectively and
practically. There is a great deal to learn and understand as
"new" Councilor and I am grateful for the support of Council staff and
the previous experience of my fellow Councillors. I will
endeavour to work hard for the community during my term as
If you have any queries or issues you wish
to bring to my attention, please email
ian_white@pittwater.nsw.gov.au or phone me on 0437 495 196.

2008 -
2009 Fire Season
The fire season is
upon us and we need to keep our houses, and
therefore our island safe.It is time to make sure that the area around
your house is reasonably clear of flammable materials. We have had
lively growth over winter and spring, and some of it will need to be
removed. If you wish to burn a small pile, you will need a current
Hazard Reduction Certificate from Warringah/Pittwater Fire Control.
Please call at the fire station, fill out the form, and we will fax it
for you. When you have received that, you will need a Permit to Burn,
issued by either myself (Captain), or Tim Byrne (Sen. Dept Captain. All
sites will be inspected before the permit is issued.
During periods of summer heat, keep gutters clear as well. Be vigilant
at all times, and report any fire activity to '000'
and the fire station on 99994404.
This is your home.
Graeme Richmond
Peninsula Music Club 2009 Concert
Series Program
Scheduled for
Loquat Valley Anglican Prep School Bayview.
1977 Pittwater Road Bayview.
- Friday
27th February at 8pm: "Trombone Through the Ages"
- Friday 17th April at 8pm: "Jewels
of the Baroque"
- Friday 26' June at 8pm: "Classic
Sax" Compass Quartet
- Friday 11th September at 8pm:
Phillip Shovk - Piano
- Friday 20th November at 8pm
Bernadette Balkus and Natsuko Yoshimoto - Violin and Piano Duo
Join us in
2009! Five fabulous concerts for only $55.00 annual
membership. |
the Program & Membership application form here.
Classes On Scotland Island ! & Call for Interest
As a former professional dancer, I would like to share my passion and
my experience with the community of Scotland Island.
Dancing background:
- Ballet
at the Opera of Marseille, France with a Russian Teacher and a former
Varsovie Opera's First Dancer; Joffrey Ballet, New-York, USA
- Modern Dance with Merce Cunningham,
Jose Limon, New-York
- National
Centre of Contemporary Dance, Angers, France and various modern dance
companies in France, Paris, Aix-en-Provence, Dijon
- Benevolent Dancer for UNESCO Peace
and Educational Projects (Europe, India, Canada...)
- Children Ballet Teacher and Adult
Modern Dance Teacher in France
Children Dance Courses would be offered at the Community Hall on
Saturday from January.
Different classes would be provided. New beginner and advance dancer
are most welcome. |
If your child is interested and willing to attend ballet and modern
dance courses.
Please contact me on 04 20 59 16 06 or you can email me at
Many thanks and best wishes, Sophie
Vouchers now available

Beat the Summer Car Park Hassles
Out - download
you've been thinking of trying Go Get car share but haven't got around
to it yet, now's the time. The Church Point car park is
more frenetic with Summer traffic.
Imagine using a car on a Summer evening or weekend and returning to
guaranteed car park at Church Point & bliss!
Here's some feedback from some local members so far:
been a one-car family now for several months, and using the Go Get car
has made
it so much easier & no more reshuffling appointments according to who
needs our
most. Now we can both drive whenever we need to." Bob Story, Lovett Bay
seen car share working really well in San Francisco, so I signed up as
soon as I
about it, and used the car the minute my Go Get kit arrived in the
mail. I've been
using it ever since. It's just so handy and I'm really grateful that
it's here at
Point It's meant we haven't had to buy a second car." Jane Wood, Lovett Bay
such an incredibly intelligent system. A simple phone call and a little
funky card,
everything else is done for you. With none of the hassles of owning a
second car, I
can do
the 'kid logistics' or pop into Mona Vale at short notice when Karl is
using our
Tedder, Scotland Island
been so easy to book and use the Go Get car to pick up spare parts for
the ferry at
notice when Simon has our car elsewhere." Penny Gleen, Church Point Ferry
For further information please contact Go Get on 1 300 769 389 or
locally: Alan Hill in Elvina Bay, PO Box 444, Church Point, 2105. Phone
9997 6973 or 0419 012 640 or email: hillyuille@bigpond.com.
Or Caroline Adams (Towlers Bay) on ph 9979 6390 or email
Local Council Matters
Mona Vale Library is seeking volunteers to join a small team to help
run a 'living library' project.
libraries' operate along the lines of a normal library where readers
borrow books. However, the difference is the books are human.
part of Seniors Week last April, Pittwater Council trialled the living
library idea with several older residents sharing their
story with schoolchildren from Mona Vale Public.
Council's Community Information Librarian Sharelle Ravenscroft said
last year's living library had been a great success and the
library was seeking volunteers to assist in organising the 2009
"Ideally we'd like six people to join a committee to help choose the
'living books' and coordinate the event," she said.
participants have included a World War Two Holocaust survivor, a
retired engineer, a witness to the atomic explosions in the 1950s and
long-time local residents.
"We'd now like to broaden the
concept to cover residents of all different ages and different cultural
backgrounds in a larger event next July", Ms Ravenscroft said.
'living library' concept was first developed in Denmark in 2000 and
invites human 'books' to sit down with a 'reader' to discuss aspects of
their life & where they come from, their family background, how they
occupy their daily lives, things that might worry them or inspire them
and so on.
There are four known 'living libraries' operating in Australia and only
one other in New South Wales in Lismore.
volunteers who join the voluntary committee will help organise the
'living library' from the initial planning stage until the
event in July 2009.
Media contact:
Sharelle Ravenscroft
Mona Vale Library
Ph: 9970 1609
Council will extend its security patrol service in the Mona Vale area
and other vandalism 'hotspots' in Pittwater until 1 February 2009,
General Manager Mark Ferguson announced today.
The security
service was due to end at the beginning of December, after the Council
decided to adopt additional methods of deterring vandalism such as
increased CCTV coverage, pruning vegetation to improve sightlines and
better street lighting.
Security patrols currently operate in
the Mona Vale retail and adjacent streets during Thursday, Friday and
Saturday nights, reporting acts of vandalism and other antisocial
behaviour to police.
However, the Council has decided to give
the local business community more time to meet some of the costs of
providing the security service, and to ensure Mona Vale is patrolled
during the summer and school holiday period.
"We are meeting
with representatives from the Mona Vale business community this week to
discuss funding of the service in the future," Mr Ferguson said.
"One option is for business owners to pay a small weekly fee to the
Council to assist in meeting the costs.
"Last financial year the service cost ratepayers more than $100,000,
which obviously is not sustainable in the long term.
Mr Ferguson said he was hopeful a funding solution could be found to
enable the service to continue.
"The additional CCTV coverage and improved street lighting will be in
place early in 2009."
Media contact:
Lindsay Godfrey
Pittwater Council
Ph: 9970 1166
free guide for older northern beaches residents' will be launched this
week by Manly, Warringah and Pittwater Councils and the New Choices for
Retirement organisation.
Called the Seniors & Care Guide,
the free booklet gives a complete guide to services and facilities
available for older residents.
The guide has been developed as a
joint project between Manly, Warringah and Pittwater Councils and New
Choices for Retirement, the publisher of the Seniors and Care Guide.
The guide will be launched at the Manly Warringah Master Builders Club
in Dee Why on Wednesday 26 November between 4pm and 6pm.
Mayor David James said the guide would provide older residents and
families with information on health services, managing finances,
leisure and recreational options and general services available to
older residents.
"All three Councils are going to be faced
with the impacts of an aging population in the future and it's
important we make information available to families on how to manage
retirement and associated issues," he said.
Mayor James said the
guide would be available at Pittwater, Manly and Warringah Council's
customer service centres, libraries and community centres free of
charge from the beginning of December.
Media contact:
Angela Boyle
Pittwater Council
Ph: 9970 1199
2008 Report of the
Pittwater Offshore
Interests Group
General Introductory Meeting, Tuesday, 29 April - to discuss the
concept of reconciliation. The possibility of a Reconciliation Action
Plan (RAP) was raised. A wide-ranging discussion was held focusing on
what strategies would enable residents to meet with Indigenous
Australians and better understand the issues they face. It was decided
that a 'go slowly' approach was needed to ensure that we did not
replicate mistakes of the past and find ourselves having to say 'sorry'
again at some point in the future.
2. 'Exploring a New
Approach to Indigenous Community Development in Central
Australia', 15 May - with Dr Danielle Campbell from
Community Development Unit (CDU), Central Land Council, Alice Springs.
The evening explored new ways in which monies being returned under
native title legislation from mining leases, gate entry fees, etc are
being used for community development activities in some central
Australia communities. The CDU's role is to encourage Council's on
Aboriginal communities to plan their own development in areas such as
swimming pools, bike tracks, gyms, extra educational and IT facilities,
etc. The approach is having very positive spin-offs and hopefully will
be replicated elsewhere.
3. The Journey of Discovery of a
Pittwater Resident to Outback WA, 15 August & Gillian Lennon and
Chippinderra. Gillian found her way into a remote community in Western
Australia as part of her PhD research on Aboriginal perspectives on
climate and weather. In the meantime she has taken on various roles in
the community, including assisting with programs to protect women from
domestic violence and to return older women to the community for part
of each year. Chippinderra provided us with many valuable insights and
her sense of humour made the evening one to remember.
Intercultural Collaboration: a life-long credo, 21 November - with
Michael Edols, Elvina Bay. The evening was dedicated to getting a
glimpse of Michael's 30 years experience as a cinematographer and
filmmaker. Michael has worked in many countries and he showed a segment
of Soweto ... the Secrete City and a new release on DVD of the first of
his trilogy of Aboriginal films, Lalai Dreamtime. We were fortunate to
also have Dr Andrew Hurley, UTS, speak about Michael's work. He has
completed a book titled, Three Takes, on Michael's life-long ethical
approach to his work.
Robyn Iredale
Scotland Island

Follow up on Currawong
to the meeting with the Planning Minister earlier last month,
parties are encouraged to write to the relevant Minister and the
Premier expressing their concerns over this
The Hon Kristina Keneally MP
Minister for Planning
Minister for Redfern Waterloo
Level 34 Governor Macquarie Tower
1 Farrar Place
Sydney 2000
Some sample letters are at: http://www.friendsofcurrawong.com/lettersample.htm
Shane Withington Co
convener Friends of Currawong And the RAID Committee.

You Asked..
Help with a Family Tree. Hi my name is Betty Ashton and I am doing my family tree my great grand father Samuel Crawford owned land at Lovetts Bay, and Samuels father William was accidently shot by his 14 year old son John. I am searching to find where William was buried and I have just learned there is an old burial ground near the Island. I was hoping that someone may be able to help me, maybe they would know where it is and send me an e-mail as to where it may be.
William Crawford Date of Death March 9th 1859 Place Pittwater Age 53 years Place of Birth Scotland.
Betty Ashton - b_m_ashton@yahoo.com.au .

For Sale
If you have something for sale that
you think locals would like - let us know and we will put a
SINGLE line entry in the PON at the beginning of each month...

The Local Guide
ALL EMERGENCIES (Police - Fire - Ambulance) |
000 |
Assistance Line & Information |
1444 or 9281 0000 |
Bay Water Police |
7899 or 0412 162 093 |
Fire Service General Information 9265 2999 |
2999 |
Fire Service General information |
3000 |
Emergency Service, Warringah/Pittwater SES |
3399 |
Parks & Wildlife Service: 000, general information |
9322 |
of Community Services: general information |
6011 |
Water |
132 090 |
Australia |
388, (ah) 131 909 |
Membership of SIRA, Emergency Scotland Island Water Contacts and
Application for Water + Guidelines for water, in one document:
here for information (while online) Download the
Scotland Island 'Water Agreement' by clicking
here (while
online) |
SIRA You can now join the
Scotland Island Residents Association by clicking
here. Please print the page and return the completed form to
SIRA at this address: The Treasurer, SIRA, PO Box 70, Church Point
2105. Please NO CASH. Contact SIRA at

Archived Newsletters:
A complete set of past electronic newsletters since May 2000 can be
found and read at https://www.ymlp.com/pubarchive.php?sira
or by clicking
here or by visiting the Mona Vale Library.
The Island website is at www.scotlandisland.org.au

If you would
like to contribute to this newsletter it's easy!. Send an
e-mail to the editor by clicking here.
Type your short
contribution (100 words would be fine) and assuming it is of general
interest to the community, does not include matter of a political
nature and is not offensive to your neighbours, it will
appear next month.

To get on and off
this newsletter, click
here or got to: http://www.scotlandisland.org.au/signup
. To change your address, click the 'modify' link at the bottom of this
views expressed in this newsletter are not necessarily the views of the
Scotland Island Residents Association (SIRA), or
the Western
Pittwater Community Association (WPCA)
![Newsletter Design:Paul Purvis [0403-442-764]](https://ymlp.com/https.php?id=www.scotlandisland.org.au/newsletters/New_nletter_header.png) |