Issue 464
  3 Dec 2021
To: Firstname Lastname
Your BPS Membership No:
Your BPS Membership renewal date:  
Hello, Firstname
Wednesday 8 December
Next Wednesday, 8 December, we welcome Peter Young LRPS CPAGB AFIAP APAGB to BPS to judge Round 2 of the Print Competition
Peter is no stranger to competition photography, having been chairman of both the Midland and Welsh International Salons. Peter is a well-known judge and speaker on the UK club circuit. With all of Peter's experience, we should be in for an informative and entertaining evening.
For those tuning in at home, here are the Zoom details:
Join Zoom Meeting - LINK      
Meeting ID: 847 9586 9604
Passcode: 018215
Booking a Seat 
Please refer to previous newsletters for full instructions on booking your seat at any club meetings, below is an abbreviated version:

1 - Maximum number of attendees - 40
2 - Bookings are for ONE person only, for couples you should make separate bookings 
3 - Cut-off time for booking - 15.30 on the day of a meeting
4 - Click on the following link
5 - Even if it's already highlighted, you must click on the date and time of the meeting
6 - Click on BOOK
7 - Only one meeting can be booked at any one time
Please only email if you have technical issues accessing the link to book. Do NOT email if there are no slots left but you are wanting to book a seat.
Any COVID rules or other questions should be directed to:
BPS Website
Due to a refresh of our website over the coming few days, there will be a new way to log into the Member’s Portal - you will now need to click on the following icon to log-in 
Over the next week, there will be various updates being applied to the website so there might be some broken links, if you notice any after 12 Dec, please drop me an email to correct. Please also let me know if you are not taken to the members' portal straight away when you log in, for me to correct.
Please note, at the time of going to press, the new log-in is not operational.
PSA Interclub Print Competition
Hot off the press from our External Competition Secretary, Mike Martin:
Well done to everyone who gained individual awards, the others who played a strong supporting role and to everyone else who provided images for selection.  Fantastic team effort.
Our winning streak suffered a major setback last week as the above was judged in Colorado, USA:  we only came first in four of the five categories, collecting 11 awards in the process.

Well done to everyone who gained individual awards, the others who played a strong supporting role and to everyone else who provided images for selection.  Fantastic team effort.

The next round is in February so Mike will be hassling people for images in January, but before then we have the small matter of the GB Cup and Trophy (Nature and Open) competitions and DPIC so keep a keen eye on the Newsletters / calls for entries.

For those interested, here are the results for each of the competition categories.(three judges, each award between 5 and 9 giving an individual score of between 15 and 27.  A perfect club score for the four prints would therefore be 108!)
The results:
Large Colour [LC]      
BPS – 5th with 89 points (1st scored 97)      
No awarded images     none
Large Monochrome [LM]      
BPS – 1st with 97 points (2nd scored 94)      
Darren Colin Dixon 25 HM
Small Color [SC]      
BPS – 1st with 103 points (2nd scored 92)      
She Sees only Red  Colin Dixon 25 HM
Fieldfare with Berry Mary Pears 24 HM
Black Look Mike Martin 27 1st
Caro Woman and Child Sue O'Connell 27 2nd
Small Monochrome [SM]      
BPS – 1st with 102 points (2nd scored 92)      
Enforcer Barry Mead 27 2nd
Lady in Waiting Colin Dixon 25 3rd
Anna Rose Jeff Hargreaves 26 HM
Class: Creative Altered Reality [CAR]      
BPS – 1st with 101 points (2nd scored 95)      
Zebra Dance Barry Mead 26 1st
Guardians of the Forest  Rachel Domleo 25 3rd
Gender Transition Colin Dixon 25 HM

Darren - Colin Dixon
She Sees only Red - Colin Dixon
Fieldfare with Berry - Mary Pears
Black Look - Mike Martin
Caro Woman and Child - Sue O'Connell
Enforcer - Barry Mead
Lady in Waiting - Colin Dixon
Anna Rose - Jeff Hargreaves
Zebra Dance - Barry Mead
Guardians of the Forest - Rachel Domleo
Gender Transition - Colin Dixon
One in a Million (Well, Almost!)
Earlier this year I included an article inviting members to enter a (free) competition in China. As far as I know, only Mike Martin took this up, and submitted his images to fight it out with over 400,000 (FOUR HUNDRED THOUSAND) images. The following from Mike expained all:

18th China International Photography Art exhibition

You may recall this salon was advertised in the BPS Newsletter at the beginning of the year  (Issue 430).  Mike Martin took up the challenge and had a punt, entry was free after all.

Over the summer Mike was notified that he’d been successful in having an image selected, but navigation to their on-line gallery of images proved challenging for those not fluent in Mandarin (Google translate wasn’t much help either). After a bit of perseverance he finally tracked it down...  along with the astonishing stats relating to the exhibition, quoted below. Mike’s image was one of 76 accepted into the Art (Single image category). A total of just over 850 images were selected across the 6 categories, from the 400,000 plus entries!!! “The China International Photography Art Exhibition is hosted by the China Photographers Association and is the largest important international photography exhibition in China. The 18th International Photography Art Exhibition received 140,701 and 266,797 photographs submitted by 17,240 photographers from 120 countries and regions around the world.”

Check out the other entries/categories here 
Well done, Mike!
Lightbox Needed
In the New Year it is hoped to run an event to celebrate the life and photography of Bob Faris, who died in March of this year. Part of this celebration will include showing how Bob created some of his wonderful images, to this end we need to get hold of a smallish (A4 or thereabouts) lightbox. Do any members have such an item that we could borrow for a few weeks? if you can help, please drop me an email at
Many thanks
Pete Howell
Exhibitions to Enter
Bristol International Salon (see email sent to you last week)

Southampton International Salon

Vale of Evesham National Exhibition

Southport National Exhibition
NEW - Follow this LINK  to download issue 296 of PAGB eNews.
NEW - Download the latest edition of Photography news here.
Arena Seminar
2022 Arena Seminar Booking Now Open
The details of next year’s Arena Seminar have been announced. It has become established as a major weekend event in the photographic calendar. The seminar dates are: Friday 4th to Sunday 6th March 2022 at the usual venue: The Riviera Hotel, Burnaby Road, Alum Chine, Bournemouth, BH4 8JF. The Seminar brings together a first-class group of speakers and photography enthusiasts for a weekend of lectures, discussion and the opportunity to share inspirational photography. Click here for more information.
Items For Sale
Free to good home!
One set of Canon FE extension tubes ( not auto) still available to a good home
Contact: John Hudson - Telephone 07973 118959, Email
If you have any photographic items for sale, drop me a line and I'll include it in the next newsletter. Please make sure that you provide contact details, price and full description of the sale items (pictures always help).
IMPORTANT: Personal Detail Changes
Please don't forget that if you change your address (home or email), or gain additional photographic distinctions, it would be appreciated if you could let the Membership Secretary know so that she can keep her records up to date, this will also ensure that you continue to receive your newsletters - please email all changes to
The distinctions we have on record are those shown at the top of this newsletter, please remember, if you don't tell us we can't possibly know!
Make Money For BPS Every Time You Shop On Amazon!
With the thought of on-line shopping still looming large in many members' minds. It's worth remembering that if you so wish, each and every one of you can support BPS with every purchase you make on Amazon by using Amazon Smile. Click on the link below – then it’s self-explanatory.
Shopping using Smile is no different to your normal Amazon shopping and costs you nothing, it's just that you need to tell it that you wish to use Smile and then we get some pennies!
Photographic Acronyms
For those of you who aren't sure what MPAGB, EFIAP/s and many more such seemingly random collections of letters mean, just click here to see the list.
Missed a Copy of the Newsletter?
To view past editions of this Newsletter, please click on the following link and then select the date(s) you are looking for - BPS Newsletter Archive
BPS Website - Members' Portal "Log in"
To enter the Members' Portal of the BPS website you will need the following:
Username - Your Membership Number            Password - Created by you
If you have any problems getting into the Members' Area, please contact Matt by email:  
Bristol Photographic Society,
Unit 13, Montpelier Central, Station Rd, Bristol, BS6 5EE