A new version (B67) of the OPUS Accumulator (OA) has been released. This new version summarizes the CORS sites used in each solution with a sorted list of comma delimited station names in the right-most column "BaseStations":
This 'feature' was added for MEddy who is using the OA to summarize thousands of OPUS sessions as part of a height modernization program. 
  Here is a direct link to the [ executable ], a ZIP file containing the executable [ archive ]
  The source can be found here [ source ] however I would warn you that it is getting messy (as most multi year projects do.)
The executable is UPX compressed and digitally signed (by iGage Mapping Corporation.) 
I have a pretty good idea who is using the OA and I suspect that we collectively represent 10% or more of the OPUS submissions. The common thread between us is we are submitting lots and lots of daily files for checking private and public CORS station coordinates. 
The "OPUS Borg" Tool
The next tool that I will release allows you to specify a base folder (with possibly thousands of observation files with subfolders being optionally recursed.) The Borg automatically decimates every observation file to 30-second epochs, zips the decimated files and then submits them to the OPUS processor one at a time, allowing you to force options, include and exclude stations. This processor bypasses the online submission form and appears to be very, very fast. The Borg automatically submits new observation files as they are added to the folder structure so you can just let it run and it will automatically submit files as they become available.
The Borg is assigned its own private email address (it has a mail client built in) and accumulates NGS OPUS solutions (grouped by the source folder) in an output folder structure that mirrors the input structure (one folder for each station.) The Borg runs OA each time a new solution is returned and automatically builds X,Y,Z trend plots. It also tracks the returned ephemeris type and will automatically resubmit files every week until they come back with precise ephemeris.
If you have any suggestions, please drop me a note and I will work them into the Borg's first public release.
I am not sure if the NGS will appreciate the Borg and I was considering keeping it a secret and exclusively for my own use. However I believe that the NGS would quickly figure out what is happening and I now think that a heads up may be reasonable. (Since there are multiple OA users at the NGS and I have included them on this list, the Borg is out of the bag now.)
This Mail List
OA is one of those tools with a very small audience, but if you need the OA you really need it. The number of users has grown to the point where I have setup a managed mail list to simplify update messages (like this one.)
If you know of anyone else who cares, you can add their name with this link [ mail list ]. There should be a link at the bottom that will remove you from this list.
Take care and please let me know if you find any issues with OA. (If you find errant mail files, please send me the entire mail files so I can duplicate the parsing error.)