To Firstname

Wednesday 4 July
For those of you who find it difficult to control your excitement at the thought of attending the BPS AGM, you need wait no longer, next Wednesday sees the return of that dynamic duo, Danny and Carol (AKA BPS Chairman & Secretary) who will lead you through the agenda that you have recently been sent and have no doubt read and used, along with the Annual Report & Accounts, as a cure for your insomnia. The AGM is where you have the opportunity to find out what the club has been doing, where it's been spending your money and how it intends to get more money out of you in the future. Most importantly it's the time when you have a chance to have your say about the way the club is run, so please do come along.  

Garmston Bowl & President's Cup Competitions
Last Wednesday saw the annual joint print and projected image evening when members fought for the Garmston Bowl (prints) and the President's Cup (projected images). The competitions this year were judged by Peter Weaver LRPS APAGB CPAGB from Hanham. Peter, who is a regular visitor to BPS, treated us to an evening of friendly and often humorous critiques of the entries. The results were as follows:

Tony Gill Movement: Nude in Room 1st
Patsy Southwell Rocks at Kilve 2nd
Andrew Wood Bath Time 3rd
Bob Faris At the Pool HC
Mark Stinchcombe Bad Air Days HC
Ashwin Chauhan Fishermen HC
Gordon Stirrat La Sagrada Familia HC
Bob Micklethwaite Steam Power HC
Derek Dorsett The Spirit of the Carnival HC
Ken Clarke Trades and Toil HC
Greg Duncan Cowboys 1st
Val Duncan At The Ballet 2nd
John Hudson Hummingbird 3rd
Ashwin Chauhan Flamenco Dancer HC
Andrew Wood Goldney Hall HC
Jeff Hargreaves Cricket HC
Steve Bevan Bones HC
Sue O'Connell Khmer Dance HC

Pictures of Bristol
Very many thanks to those of you who responded to my plea in last week's Newsletter for images of Bristol for St Peter's Hospice; I will be putting them all on a CD shortly and sending them off so that staff at the Hospice can select the ones they would like to have famed and put on their walls. It's still not too late to send me pictures if you have any, as I won't be sending them off for another week or so. Please email your images, if you have any, to me at  

Things to Photograph
If you know of any events happening that might be of interest to fellow club members, please let me know and I will include the details here.

Trumpet Blowers' Corner
 If you want to blow your own trumpet or, dare I say such a thing, blow someone else's trumpet for them, then this is the place to do it. Please let me know and I'll include it in the next issue.

Items For Sale
If you have something photographic that you want to sell, why not let me have details and I can circulate them to a captive audience of photographers through the Newsletter - send to the usual address

Copy required
If you have anything you think other members would like to know about, such as exhibitions, special events etc. please let me know at
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