The monthly Digital Group meeting is on Monday 9 November (7.30pm) to which all members are invited and welcome to join. I am pleased to say that five members have already volunteered to show some stunning images. There is plenty of space still available for anyone who would like to show off their work or invite comments on their work.
Please send your images to me by Sunday 8 November, 6 pm. Images: JPG format, sRGB, 1600 X 1200 pixels (as in competitions, but not strict), prefix filenames with 01, 02, 03 etc. if you wish to show them in that order. Email attachment size max 20Mb per email.
Look forward to seeing you on Monday.
Ashwin Chauhan
Log in details for meeting:
Link for meeting: click
Meeting ID: 873 8635 8889
Password: 619414