ItsAboutThyme_logo[1] by you.         It's About Thyme                   
            tel:  512-280-1192                                                   Nov 26, 2010 
 Nursery notes: on sale this weekend: bulbs -  20 % off  Choose
from a great selection including iris, daffodils, and the beautiful
saffron crocus. Plant now for some early spring color. Bay Trees
on sale 20% off - reduced price: $8.00 New shipments in:
Arizona and leyland cypress, blue point juniper and spartan
juniper from $25 - $45. 
 DeAnne Pearson (above) gave an intriguing lecture on  herbal
infusion last Sunday at the nursery. It was a popular event, and
DeAnne had a full house (see photo below). Thanks, everyone, for
joining us for the afternoon.           
 How to Craft a Seasonal Wreath.’ 2 p.m. next Sat. Dec. 4 , 5, and 
the following weekend on Dec.  11 and 12.  Presented by Diane
Winslow. At the end of class, e
veryone takes home their own beautiful
bay leaf wreath. Classes are filling up fast. Pre-registration required.
Fee: $35  Phone the nursery 
today to reserve your place in a class.
It's the day after! Time for some turkey leftovers. Here are six 
recipes to choose from:
Save the Azaleas at the US National Arboretum In the summer
of 2011, the unbelievably beautiful azaleas at the National Arboretum
in Washington D.C. will be cut down and their stumps painted 
with herbicide. Read more about this outrage in Washington Gardener
Blogspot: save azaleas 
                   How to Fertilize Trees
                                      By Chris Winslow
Many of you already know that fall is the perfect time to plant trees.
The air temperature is cooling off  while the ground remains warm.
But fall is also the perfect time to fertilize trees.  
To do this, you need to pick a balanced fertilizer that contains nitrogen
(N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K). These three essential ‘macro-
nutrients’ are the building blocks of a healthy, vigorous tree.
Nitrogen builds new cell growth and is needed for overall plant
growth  and development. Phosphorus helps roots develop.  Potassium
makes their stems strong, and also helps with disease-resistance and
cold hardiness.
In addition gardeners need to choose fertilizers that contain ‘micro-
nutrients’ and beneficial bacteria. These are the elements that the tree
uses in lesser amounts than the macro,  primary plant foods.
These micronutrients should include magnesium, iron, and sulfur.
Sulfur is very important as it helps to drop our alkaline pH, and
make nutrients such as iron (Fe) more available. This is essential for
trees that like a more acid pH.
A good choice for a fertilizer, and one that's popular with customers
of It's About Thyme, is called ‘Tree-Tone.’ It’s organic, contains all
these macro and micronutrients, and costs less than $9 for a 4 lb bag.
Feed small trees by spreading the right amount of fertilizer under and
slightly beyond the branch spread. Watering in will dissolve the
fertilizer and get it into the root zone.
A good fertilizer rate is 10 pounds per 1,000 square feet of canopy – the
area within the drip line of the tree. For larger trees, dig a series of
narrow holes that are 12 inch deep,  2-3 inches wide, and 2 – 3 feet apart.
These should be under the drip line of the tree. Put the correct amount
of fertilizer evenly in these holes and backfill with soil. Then water the
fertilized area thoroughly.
The best time to fertilize established trees is in the fall after the leaves
have dropped, and again in the spring when new growth appears.
Happy gardening everyone!  
 © Chris Winslow 2010
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