* Submissions close TOMORROW! *
The 2022 Perugia Press Prize contest is open for submissions
only until the end of the day on Monday, November 15. 

Through a Red Place is launched!
We've been celebrating the release of Rebecca Pelky's 2021 Perugia Press Prize-winning book Through a Red Place this November, in honor of Native American Heritage month. On November 4, we held the official Perugia launch featuring the poet with cover artist Kristin Emilyta and the book cover writers: Diane Glancy & Margaret Noodin. It was a beautiful event. You can watch the recording here (passcode ^H.7=E0B).
Rebecca Pelky was also celebrated at Clarkson University, where she teaches, with an in-person launch on November 11. Here's a picture of her discussing archival material that appears in the book and represents her ancestral heritage (with thanks to Blair Stein for the photo):

Perugia Press is holding another event this Thursday, November 18, from 4:00-5:30 pm EDT. It's a virtual reading and conversation co-sponsored by the English Dept. and the S.A.I.L. Program at Westfield State University and featuring Rebecca Pelky and Gwendolyn Paradice. It's free & open to the public, but registration is required. Here's the link to register!
Gwendolyn Paradice & Rebecca Pelky
When you get your copy of Through a Red Place at our bookshop, 
we'll send you a bookplate signed by Rebecca Pelky with your order.


Poet's Platform: Lisa Allen Ortiz

Poet’s Platform is a recurring column highlighting the work and lives of our poets beyond their Perugia Press books. The second installment features Lisa Allen Ortiz (Guide to the Exhibit, 2016) discussing the artistic self in relation to her Perugia book and her latest book project, a collaborative translation (with Sara Daniele Rivera) of The Blinding Star: Selected Poems by Blanca Varela (Tolsun Books, 2021). Read Ortiz's feature on our website.
Lisa Allen Ortiz & Sara Daniel Rivera

* Support the Press *
Another way to celebrate is by donating to our nonprofit press. In our twenty-fifth year, please consider a $25 donation as an anniversary gift to support us as we move into our next decade. You can safely make 
a one-time or monthly gift through Donorbox on our website.
Are you a Florence Bank customer? Florence Bank is donating $100,000 again this year to local non-profit organizations in their Annual Customers' Choice Community Grants Program, and account holders decide who gets the money! Please consider voting for Perugia Press this year. It takes just a moment to vote, and any nonprofit that gets at least 50 votes gets a share.

PO Box 60364, Florence, MA  01062