Please be kind to our
Catherine Park
My sons play sport
at Council reserves and they are closed to kids in the wet.
I would never dream of driving a vehicle across it in dry conditions
alone in wet conditions. I am saddened to think that driving on a
community reserve seems to have become the norm for Catherine Park. I
would love to see the drainage in the park improved and the grass
restored, but how can we ask for help when we do not care for what we
Please if you have a buggy think of other park users by driving and
parking so that you do not impact on our one and only community playing
field and picnic area.
You might also like to contribute to park maintenance and issues by
joining a SIRA subcommittee or Bushcare. Many hands and minds
will make a big difference and just think about the exercise
Pygmy Possum Grant for Western Shores
A resident-driven
Pygmy Possum Project has attracted state funding to Pittwater’s
offshore community.
The mini grant of $1500, awarded by Greater Sydney Local Land Services,
will fund the purchase of 2 high quality wildlife cameras.
These cameras will support an ongoing monitoring program to establish
data on the location, frequency and seasonal movements of the Eastern
Pygmy Possum on the Lower Western Shores of Pittwater. Other visitors
to the nesting boxes, such as Feather-tailed Gliders and Antechinus,
will also be recorded.
The funding applicant, Rocky Point Bushcare, was backed by Pittwater
Council, the Pittwater Natural Heritage Association (PNHR), and local
state member Rob Stokes.
Twenty-nine nesting boxes have already been purchased by residents and
placed at the back of properties throughout Elvina Bay, Lovett Bay and
Towlers Bay. The project team then visited the Strickland State Forest
on the Central Coast to look at the nesting box program run by State
Forest Ecology Supervisor and project mentor, Alf Britton, before
commencing their pilot monitoring program back in Pittwater.
On May 11 Rocky Point Bushcare will be hosting a Wildlife Camera
Workshop on site to enable wider local community use of the cameras.
Pittwater Council’s Andrew Jennings will run participants through the
settings, range, placement, image capture options, downloads and
possible outcomes through the use of the cameras.
The cameras will support weekly visual observations at different
locations through out the year and build community capacity in
environmental data collection.
The Western Shores Pygmy Possum Project was kick-started by a local
resident’s discovery of an Eastern Pygmy Possum in a Towlers Bay
laundry basket. This was the first recorded sighting of an Eastern
Pygmy Possum in Pittwater in European times. 2 weeks later Pygmy
Possums were found in specially made nesting boxes placed along the
Ingleside escarpment.
The project team is keen to involve as many residents as possible and
is considering running a ‘Backyard Camera ‘ program for one month a
year so that residents can record the nocturnal visitors to their
gardens each night.
This is the third community project hosted by the Rocky Point Bushcare
group. The group partnered with the Asparagus Fern Out committee to run
a series of highly successful days at its bushcare site and last year
partnered with the Elvina Bay Rural Fire Service in an asset protection
and regenerative burn off, also on site.
For more information please contact:
Lesley Stevens T: 9979 9477 M: 0408623554 E:
3/130 Old Pittwater Rd Brookvale
Open to receive
bikes on the 1st Sunday of every month from 9am to 12am - contacts are
Chris & Sara
Bikes4Life is an organisation which collects unwanted bikes and sends
them by the container load to countries like Cambodia, Uganda and also
to Aboriginal communities in the N Territory.
Bikes4Life has now established a workshop in Sydney at 3/130 Old
Pittwater Rd Brookvale and they are open to receive bikes on the 1st
Sunday of every month from 9am to 12am - contacts are Chris & Sara.
Bikes should be in a useable condition so that they can be shipped
without too much repair work being necessary.
Free canine workshop with pet expert
Pittwater’s dog
owners are invited to a free workshop on training and behavioural
The workshop, hosted by Animal behavioural expert Dr Kersti Seksel will
provide owners with tips and techniques to assist you in managing your
Dr Seksel graduated in Veterinary Science from Sydney University and
became very interested in animal behaviour while working
overseas. She later furthered her knowledge graduating from
Macquarie University with a BA in Behavioural Sciences with a major in
Principal of a specialist referral only practice for animal behaviour
in Sydney, Dr Seksel has clients across Australia.
Dr Seksel will share information on topics including:
- barking and aggression
- fears and phobias
- separation anxiety, and
- obsessive compulsive disorders
- learn how you can improve your pet’s behaviour.
The two-hour workshop allows for extra time to be set aside to address
the tricky questions that individuals may have about their dog.
Pittwater Council’s Mayor Jacqui Townsend said “these events proved
extremely popular with residents.”
“A large portion of Pittwater residents are dog owners and Pittwater
Council is passionate about providing owners with access to information
and education to help them to care for their canine companion,” added
Cr Townsend.
The free workshop is
on Wednesday 13 May at Pittwater Rugby Park, 1472 Pittwater Road,
Places are limited so please phone 9970 1194 or email us at
to book your place and send in
your questions.
Please note also that the workshop is for dog-owners only, please leave
your pets at home.
Laying down the law at Mona Vale Library 
Have you thought
about future planning? Want to know what future planning is all
about? Why not visit Mona Vale Library during Law Week and learn
A representative for the NSW Trustee & Guardian will be at the
library on Wednesday 13 May from
12noon until 12.45pm, presenting a free community talk about
future planning.
The NSW Trustee & Guardian provides professional and independent
advice on trustee services, writing Wills, acting as Executor in
deceased estates, Powers of Attorney and writing Enduring Guardianships.
Future planning involves preparing a Will, making a Power of Attorney,
appointing an enduring guardian and advance care planning.
Pittwater Council’s Mayor, Jacqui Townsend encouraged local residents
to attend the free 45 minute talk.
“Ensuring your future plans and estate are legally enforceable gives
you and your family peace of mind.” Cr Townsend said.
Law Week 2015 runs from 11 – 15 May and is a nationwide initiative to
promote community awareness of the law, the legal system and the legal
NSW Law Week is supported by a number of organisations including the
Law Society of NSW and the Department of Justice.
Bookings are
essential and can be made by calling 9970 1600 or book in person at the
library, 1 Park Street, Mona Vale.
Contact: Community Relations
Phone: 9970 1114, 9970 1119, 9970 1172
Peninsula Music Club
Peninsula Music Club
Concert Sunday 17th May 2.30pm
Juliet Holmes a Court Exhibition
Manly Art Gallery & Museum from 8 May -
28 June
To Let
Cottage to Let in Towlers Bay
Enjoy a spacious cottage overlooking the scenic Towlers Bay and
national park. Recently renovated, the waterfront cottage has a dock,
one bedroom, bathroom with laundry facilities, fireplace and sunny
verandahs. Suitable for 1-2 people, non smoker and available from
1st June.
Please call Suzanne on 9332 2611 or email
Office administrator / book keeper
Busy commercial
cleaning business is looking for an office administrator / book keeper
Minimum 4 days per week - 4 hours a day.
Ideally 9 - 1300hrs each day
$26 / hour
Office location is Lovett Bay - with private jetty access so own
boat can be parked here.
Duties include: Accountedge for Mac / payroll processing /
reconciliation / quotes / responding to emails / liaising with
operational staff and general day to day office activities such
as data entry, filing and bill paying.
Please contact Sarah if this may be of interest:
Free Couch
Free couch to good home 
Large red leather couch looking for a new home. Excellent quality
leather/couch, just well used - see photos. Few scuff marks and needs a
clean, that's all.
Free if picked up ASAP from Scotland Island, between Cargo and Bells.
(without cover/cushion).
Please call Nicole 0410701643
Boat for Sale
Missing Kayaks following the Storm
During the storm two kayaks, which we thought were securely tied, were
washed from our jetty, one north of Eastern Wharf.
Both were sit on models. One was a double (basically yellow), the
other was a single (basically blue).
We woulds be most appreciative if anyone finding, either or both, would
ring John McDermott on (02) 9247 0800
Boat Parts Still Missing following the Storm
Still missing 1 triangular and 2 square hatch covers plus several life
jackets, a paddle and a boat hook - still hoping covers at least turn
up because Polycraft agents Enterprise Marine advise they can only be
bought as a full set costing about $1500.
0419 432 626
John Thixton
Mummy Nanny Available
A mummy nanny is a great way to have your child cared for in your own
home for a discounted rate. I bring my child with me and care for both
children in your home.
I have an advanced diploma in Childcare and over 15 years experience
working in centers both locally and abroad including Scotland Island
Kindy. I have also worked with families as a nanny with children
from birth to 6 years old.
I am available any day during the week and live locally at Elvina Bay.
Please call Samantha on 0468718953 for more details.
For Sale 
Electric Recliner
recliner in excellent condition.
$1500 chair for $500. 
Can help with transport.
Graeme 0419460331
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views expressed in this newsletter are not necessarily the views of the
Scotland Island Residents Association (SIRA), or
the Western
Pittwater Community Association (WPCA)