ItsAboutThyme_logo[1] by you.         It's About Thyme                      
    tel:  280-1192                                                        April 1st, 2010
Sunday afternoon Spring Speaker Series:
This Sunday, April 4, 2 p.m.  'The Soul of the Soil,' presented by prize-
winning master gardener Venkappa Gani  Learn to create the perfect
soil for your vegetables, flowers and trees. Click on link to view Jim
Swift's affectionate portrait of this amazing gardener: gani  Please bring
water and a chair .
Lady Banks Miracle: If you see folks staring up into that hackberry
tree behind the gift shop with a sense of wonder on their faces, they
are probably enjoying the delightful yellow blossoms of the Lady Banks
rose (Rosa banksiae). This amazing specimen has ascended 100 feet
or more - transforming this lowly hackberry into some kind of a stunning
rose tree. Come out soon to see it; the blooms won't last long. The
nursery also still has a few 4' plants for $29.99.    
Farmers Market Update:  This Saturday Chris Winslow is moving his
plant stand from Sunset Valley to the new Barton Creek Farmers
 You'll find him in the parking lot by Dillards, MoPac exit. 9 a.m.
- 1 p.m. Please drop by one Saturday soon to visit the new market and
say hi to Chris. More details at
The nursery is proud to announce it has some of the best-looking and 
most functional raised-bed garden kits in town. Handcrafted by
Tom Colwell from Eastern red cedar planks, they don't rot, and they
repell insects. Congrats to Tom (former sax player, Uranium Savages)
for such a fine design. 4' x 4' kits sell for $60. Other sizes available.
Funky Chicken Coop Tour this Saturday: 10 - 4 p.m.  Free. Visit any
of the 17 coops listed. A good place to start is at the headquarters of  the
event: Buck Moore Feed & Supply, 5237 North Lamar. Or you can visit
the website for a map and all the info you need.  Organizer of the event, Michelle
will visit the nursery on May 2 
to let us know how to Garden
with Chickens. 
So beautiful is this Thailand Parrot Flower (Impatiens psittacina) that
some doubt it even exists. An 
internet hoax? Nope, says Snopes. It's real,
but very
rare and impossible to export out of Thailand. 'Wish we had some
in our greenhouses. More info at: parrot-flower   Thanks 
to our friend
Lester Morris (made in England!) for letting us know about this.  
Happy spring gardening.  
ItsAboutThyme_logo[1] by you.  Visit the website at  Visit the
nursery at 11726 Manchaca Road, Austin, TX 78748 Tel. 512 280 1192