09/05 Shadows in the Dark - Revisited - Part II @ Bar Mondial |
After the first & very succesful night we present you our second part of the ‘Shadows in the Dark – Revisited’ trilogy
Afterparty with danceable weird shit provided by DJ's BORG, BOYTRONIK & ALBI VOOMBASTIC.
All this will take place at one of Antwerp's finest alternative music bars, BAR MONDIAL, suikerrui 13, Antwerp.
No presale!!! Limited space!!! Be on time!!!
15/05 The Threshold Houseboys Choir + Ah Cama-Sotz
BodyBeats proudly presents: Peter ‘Sleazy’ Christopherson!
This man founded Throbbing Gristle, Psychic TV & Coil and changed the face of modern Music. He spend the last four years in the urban jungles of Asia, finding voices that will live in the back of your mind forever. He has been in places, and sampled things both sacred & profane, that most people never see in a life time … He wants to show you them, in his first ever solo musical venture.
'UNCLE SLEAZ' Proudly Presents:
To open up the evening we at BodyBeats added our own house choir boys AH CAMA-SOTZ feat. Jamez Dean, who will bring you a suitable Dark Ambient set! Mind you! The available seats at the CC Luchtbal theatre are very limited so .... First in, first served!
Industrial/electro/noise After party with: DJ WATTIE and DJ SKULLSCRAPER (aka DIRK IVENS)
16/05 Limelight Nights @ Den Aalmoezenier
BodyBeats & Vampire Party are pleased to announce a new monthly concept: LIMELIGHT NIGHTS
Every 3rd Saturday of the month
On these nights, obviously inspired by the legendary parties at Antwerp’s Wave/Goth/Electro temple of the nineties ‘Limelight/Follies’, we will try to revive the atmosphere and ambiance of those club nights. In order to achieve this, we took two DJ’s who stood already behind the DJ booth as residents on those legendary nights : DJ BOYTRONIK & DJ BORG (First, Last & Always Parties).
After the succesfull kick-off last month with DJ DIRK DA DAVO, our resident DJ’s, BOYTRONIK & BORG will spin yet again some of the best danceable Wave/electro/alternative music that is out there.
YOU are ALL invited to come and party! … and … oh ... yeah …. Come to dance... not to judge ;-)
23/05 BodyBeats Festival @ Hof Ter Lo / Trix
We at BODYBEATS are proud to present you our first and independent BODYBEATS FESTIVAL!
As the festival name already states ... This festival features mainly bands that we represent, work(ed) with or ... simply like!
Here is our first editions complete line-up:
Afterparty with DJ Wattie & DJ Skullscraper (aka Dirk Ivens) Tickets on www.bodybeats.be, www.trixonline.be & www.fnac.be
05/06 Shadows in the Dark - Revisited - Part III @ Bar Mondial |
Our third night in the ‘Shadows in the Dark – Revisited’ trilogy.
Afterparty with danceable weird shit provided by DJ BORG & friends
All this will take place at one of Antwerp's finest alternative music bars, BAR MONDIAL, suikerrui 13, Antwerp.
No presale!!! Limited space!!! Be on time!!!
12/06 DIVE + MONOLITH @ De Nieuwe Nor - Heerlen - NL (flyer)
20/06 DJ BORG & BOYTRONIK @ Limelight Nights - Aalmoezenier 25/07 STIN SCATZOR + KMFDM @ Dynamo Underground Festival - Eindhoven - NL (flyer)
So, musical & party friends, that's all for now ... But rest assure ... there's is still more to come! Check our website www.bodybeats.be for more info and even more upcomming concerts!
Thanks for your time and support!
BodyBeats |