An Appeal Letter from our Founding Director
Dear Friends of Perugia Press,

I’ve been reminded lately why it’s important that Perugia Press only publishes a poet’s first or second book of poetry, and not her third or fifth or tenth. 

The reason I’ve been thinking about this part of our mission is because I have an ever-growing stack of books published by our amazing prize winners after their Perugia Press books came out.

That means we are achieving our objective of helping women get started with their publishing and literary goals. While we can’t take credit for each poet’s success, we’re thrilled to watch and promote what she does next. 

By my count, there are at least 33 books published by our poets subsequent to when their Perugia Press book came out. Out of only
26 poets! (And it’s too soon to expect new books from our most recent winners.) There are too many to list individually, but my stack includes Pennisi, Ortiz, Thomas, Williamson, Martin, Anderson, and many others. 

If you like a Perugia Press book, there’s a very good chance the poet has another you’d like—and we’ve listed these in their bios on our website. While there, please consider joining us in celebrating these successes by giving a year-end donation.

Thank you for your ongoing support of our work, which I am witnessing rippling out across the publishing world. 

With gratitude,
Susan Kan
Founder and President of the Board

P.S. For gifts of $100 or more, we’ll send you a copy of the 2022 Perugia Press Prize-winning book, American Sycamore by Lisbeth White.  

* American Sycamore Launch Reading *
TOMORROW: December 8
We're hosting a virtual launch celebration for Lisbeth White's
Perugia Press book American Sycamore on Thursday, December 8,
at 7pm ET / 4pm PT. The event will feature readings from
Lisbeth White, Amber Flora Thomas, and Tamiko Beyer.
Hope you can join us! Click here for registration link.


American Sycamore in Poetry + Fungus *
Poetry + Fungus is on Instagram pairing "poetry books &
species from the fungal world," and curated by amateur fungophile & poet Dayna Patterson. We loved Patterson's choice for Lisbeth White's American Sycamore: the Fairy Sparkler (Xylaria tentaculata) mushroom. Patterson noted, "Growing to about an inch and a half in height, fairy sparklers typically appear in September, fruiting on dead wood. The genus name Xylaria comes from Greek xýlon, meaning wood." It's perfect for Lisbeth White, a poet attentive to magic and trees, and for her debut collection, released in September! Thanks, Poetry + Fungus!

* American Sycamore Pushcart Prize Nominations *

* Small Press Week 2022 *
Small Press Week is an initiative hosted by the Santa Fe Writers Project (SFWP) designed to showcase small publishers and
their authors. This year, Small Press Week ran from
Nov. 26 – Dec. 4, and it was an honor to be among the
five small presses highlighted. Check out their coverage
of Perugia Press in our blog post about Small Press Week

Perugia poet Lisa Allen Ortiz is celebrating her new book Stem
at a reading in Venice, CA on Friday, 12/9 at 7:00pm PT,
also featuring Leonora Simonovis and Farnaz Fatemi.
The event will be livestreamed on Beyond Baroque's
YouTube page at 10:00pm ET.


Perugia poet Jennifer K. Sweeney has three etiquette effacements
in Thrush. She writes, "I love making this work. It always feels
like a collaboration with chance when I start finding all the little pieces that help the female protagonists in some way."
Listen to the latest installment of the podcast "Poems on Air,"
a weekly reading of poetry by Los Angeles Poet Laureate
Robert Hayden's poem "Frederick Douglass".
PO Box 60364, Florence, MA  01062