Art Below is proud to continue its strong partnership with The Other Art Fair, London's leading artist fair which opens this Thursday until Sunday (23 - 26 April) at Victoria House, Bloomsbury Square. |
Meet Gavin Turk at The Other Art Fair |
This edition will see one of British contemporary art's most celebrated YBAs, Gavin Turk, launch a new collection of signed photographic editions and posters exclusively at the fair as part of his 'Project Beard' initiative to benefit his educational children's art charity The House of Fairy Tales.
As a selection committee member, Gavin is supporting The Other Art Fair as London's leading destination to meet and buy directly from over 130 of the best emerging artists. Gavin will be at the fair himself - so don't miss this unique opportunity to meet the artist and choose from these new limited edition works from £50.
Book your ticket to the fair now to ensure you have every opportunity to add a Gavin Turk to your collection. None of the work can be reserved in advance of the fair but will be available throughout the event. |
 Gavin Turk, 'Rodin, Morris, Cezanne, Matisse, Man Ray, Dali' (signed poster), 2015 Edition of 250, £50 |
 The 'beard' experts' from Murdock London working their magic |
 Art Below: Belsize Park Tube, June 2012 |
 Dameon Priestly, 'Tomorrow Is My Birthday', mixed media, 58x86cm |
 Art Below: St.Paul's, 2010 |
 Barbara Nati, 'Stenmurar: Lyktgubbar', photography, 120x87cm |
 Art Below: South Kensington, 2012 |
 Caroline Hall, 'Pixels Paused 13', oil on canvas, 76x107cm |
 Art Below: Regent's Park, 2013 |
 Amanda Wigglesworth, 'Fading Light', painting, 39x47in |
Art Below Ltd.

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