Friday, November 8, 2013
Matthew 24:31 And he will send out his angels with a loud trumpet call, and they will gather his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.
In his Word, God teaches us about many things that we cannot see, or comprehend. Like a wise and tender kindergarten teacher God uses just the right terms to help us understand, in part, things which are mostly beyond our understanding. The existence of spirit beings called angels is one of the secrets that God lets us in on.
Angels are described as God's servants. They praise him. They serve him. They serve those whom God is reaching out to save.
Angels are described as immensely powerful. Though spirit beings, they take visible shape and show themselves, at times, in order to accomplish their God-given tasks. They announced the birth of Christ to Mary beforehand, and to the Shepherds after the fact. They opened doors for apostles, and brought swift judgment on those who had no respect for God. In the Old Testament we’re told that one angel destroyed the army of Sennacherib, which was 185,000 strong, in one night.
When Jesus returns to earth he will be accompanied by the angel armies. On his right and on his left they will fill the sky. And we're told, it is these agents of the eternal King who will gather the chosen followers of God. Will they be assigned clipboards for this task? Lists of names and faces? Not likely. But there will be no mistakes as they carry out their assignment. The Scripture says, "The Lord knows those who are his" (2 Timothy 2:19), and no doubt the angels will too.
What feelings of terror will fall on those who see the angel armies coming to separate them from the children of God! There will be no escape, no compromise, no deal making. What feelings of exhilaration will envelop those who see the angel armies coming to carry them to the presence of their Savior and King! Cling, therefore, to Christ.