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Scotland Island - Western Shores - Mackeral Beach
- July 2009 -
Newsletter for Offshore Residents of Pittwater, Australia - Volume 10, Issue 401
July 2009

In this edition we include our SIRA President's report for 2009. It is important to recognise those who do all the hard works for this community, and to see just how the huge load is distributed amongst a few dedicated members, and as such, Bill's report is tabled in full in this newsletter.
Following the submission of a number of letters from the offshore community that raised objections to the manner in which council has approached the issue of their On-Site Sewage Management Strategy, council has now agreed to a 3 month extension in time, for owners to submit their on-site wastewater inspection reports. See councils communication below.

Last months Fireshed Dinner was a huge success with a record 140 people being treated to a wonderful Moroccan feast cooked up by Michelle and Nathalie and their helpers. A great time was had by all and congratulations to John and friends for their extraordinary efforts with the desert. It's not surprising they won the dessert bake-off contest! Photos of the night can be seen here.

Also don't miss this months Christmas in July Fireshed dinner on Saturday, 4th starting at 7pm. $15 a head and don't forget to bring a small gift (under $10) for the Kris Kringle give away.


  • Cartoon of the Month
  • SIRA 2009 Report
  • Motor Vehicle Registrations
  • Multiple Visions
  • Kindy News
  • On-site sewage inspections extended
  • Clean Up Australia
  • Local Council Notices
  • Waterfront Jazz
  • Author Talk@ Mona Vale Library
  • Nutrition and Exercise
  • You Asked...
  • For Sale
  • The Local Guide
  • Join SIRA
  • Archived Newsletters
  • Your subscription Information

  • Cartoon of the Month

    Gwyn Perkins

    Download a full version of this months calendar, ready for printing - click the calendar image to the right →


    SIRA Membership 2009 – 2010
    and President's Report   

    The new SIRA membership year has begun!
    Membership applications and invoices have been sent to all residents, together with the annual SIRA President’s Report.
    Please complete and sign the application form and return with a cheque or money order for $20.00 to SIRA, PO Box 70, Church Point  2105 

    To keep you all up to date with important news and information, the return of the Membership Application with your current details is an essential part of our communication system and we value your support, so please complete and return asap.

    Here is a link to the Membership Application Form 2009-2010 and the SIRA Constitution, and the President's Report.  You can contact SIRA by email sirapittwater@gmail.com or by mail PO Box 70, Church Point  2105

    Note:  Our email address has changed due to the amount of spam received at our hotmail address.

    Cass Gye
    02 9979 5853
    0418 220 107
    P O Box 52
    Church Point  2105

    2009 President’s Report
    “Those who do not remember history are doomed to repeat it”
    George Santayana (not the guitarist)

    If Local Community Action (LCA) was a science I think we would have concluded by now that a necessary though not always sufficient condition for getting things done is for:
    (a)    The whole local community to have a relatively united front and agreement
    (b)    To understand the processes and priorities of relevant external bodies (e.g. local council)
    (c)    To align (a) with (b) and communicate that fact in the most effective way possible

    Unfortunately, with the exception of some everyday inconveniences, life in the Offshore communities is generally too good and our normal busy lives too demanding for large numbers of community members to be continually passionately motivated in a united front to fight for local issues. Of course, we respond very effectively if threatened - witness for example the 1994 Fires, Currawong and the previous threats to loose parking at Church Point, but generally the mass energy and interest dissipates quickly.

    An alternative, though a usually less effective replacement for (a) above, is the persistence, over a long period of time, by a few “champions” to further a local cause. These people need our thanks and acknowledgement!

    The local issues that affect us (and their champions) are mirrored in the SIRA project teams:

    Project Group Project Group Where I think we are at:
    Scotland Island Sustainability Vision Greg Roberts A few meetings held and sections of a plan based around the Pittwater 2020 Plan have been drafted
    Roads & Drainage Anne Palmer The Draft Plan for Roads and Drainage will shortly be coming to the whole community. A key issue is whether to sell some unused “road reserves” to fund some of the proposed works
    Parks & Reserves Lisa MacDonald We have a plan to do a detailed management plan for each reserve
    Water & Sewerage (including Emergency Water Supply) Cass Gye  Unresolved question as to what the majority of the community wants - local solutions or mains. If the latter, then with sufficient lobbying we could get mains within the next 5 years. The “Emergency Water Supply” is being well maintained and continuously improved.
    Waste Disposal Cass Gye  Has required continuous behind the scenes work and still needs more lateral thinking. This is where most of our rates go!
    Church Point Ian Souter Waiting for Council to make their next move regarding the Draft Plan of Management for CP 
    Wharves, Boats & Marine Issues Kerry Borthwick Blame has been attributed to local community differences for lack of action – the reality being lack of money
    Fire Issue & Liaison with SIRFB Tim Byrne
    Geoff Leeson
    As per the SI Bushfire Management Plan SIRA has worked with RFS and Council to prepare for next fire seasons (e.g. recent whole Island visit). In particular we need to further develop and utilise the newly created local Precinct Groups.
    Community Vehicle
    Island Vehicles
    Kerry Borthwick Community Vehicle service working well and most Island Vehicles registered. Trying to re-obtain special RTA status for Island to allow cheaper rego of  “golf buggy” type vehicles
    Community Hall Management Kerry Borthwick SIRA has taken over the management of the Hall from Council. Usage for local community activities is significantly increasing
    Kindy Liaison Jon Hazelwood The Kindy is thriving, but still needs ongoing support from the whole community to preserve this excellent service
    I.T. & Communications Lisa MacDonald The new website is coming, including the electronic version of the new Pittwater Offshore Directory (POD)
    Finance & Insurance Roger Corrie  SIRA has a very healthy balance sheet and (as well as we can understand) all required and necessary insurance coverage
    Community Events & Internal PR Lisa MacDonald  We can get posters printed and distributed; group emails & PON communication arranged and sent in a few days if needed. Refreshments etc on the day are a bonus
    Membership Cass Gye We have probably the most up-to-date database of any fully voluntary community group in the world – takes a lot of time!
    Media & External PR Karin Krueger Everyone should have a professional PR company on call
    Pittwater Offshore Directory (POD) Deryn Vokins After much voluntary work the new POD is almost ready for printing and distribution to every household

    Most of the above Projects have team members as well as a “team leader”. I do not have the space to list all their names, but I thank them all.  If you think you can constructively contribute to any of the above please contact the team leader. You don’t have to be a committee member to contribute to these issues.

    It is very difficult to make headway on all these issues with volunteer time only. I have previously suggested that the community hold a meeting to choose one issue a year and then persevere as a whole until that issue is satisfactorily resolved. Of course, the challenge is that almost all of the above issues require ongoing attention be it ever so minor and, as famously said by General George Marshall, “the price of peace is eternal vigilance”, that is it is necessary to be always vigilant on several fronts.

    There is another impediment to getting things done. As said above, local and state governments are influenced by a united community sentiment, but unfortunately some people avoid meetings because they say that they do not like argument and controversy, which makes obtaining such united agreement very difficult. It is true that conflict resolution and negotiation skills are hard won and something which I think should be more effectively taught in school. In this regard our courthouses and parliaments are not good role models, based as they are on adversarial argument with winners and losers. Our common pattern of forcefully presenting a point of view to win a debate needs to be subsumed into a broader and more socially intelligent pattern of clearly and calmly expressing our varying views, as a sub-component to a more primary task of thinking creatively to design effective solutions to local problems that, as far as possible, encompass our varying viewpoints.  

    Critical thinking is a great skill, but if your only tool is a hammer everything looks like a nail. Let me encourage you to participate more in community discussion and community action this year and bring at least two additional tools with you - creative design focused thinking with an ability to listen and where possible encompass the views of others in your solutions.

    Bill Gye
    June, 2009

    Motor Vehicle Registrations
    Saturday , July 18
    Time: 9am to 2pm
    Requirements: Rego Papers
    Plus:  Your motor Vehicle
    $50.00 Per vehicle
    $10.00  S.I.R.F.B.
    TOTAL: $ 60.00
    Please Note:
    This will be a once only inspection!! 
    Please have vehicles in roadworthy condition

    Rejection slips will be issued for vehicles not conforming with RTA regulations
    CONTACTS:    TIM BYRNE              0416 003 205
                           FIRE STATION        9999 4404 

    An Invitation to view the works by;
    Paul Smith, Michael Kempson and Charles Arnot
    An exhibition about the artist as master printer; how being artists has informed their role as printer for other artists' works.
    Opening Friday 24 July 2009, 6-8pm
    Manly Art Gallery & Museum
    24 July - 6 September  

    Click here to load the flyer


    Kindy News
    The children have been embracing a new rhythm at the Kindy. The new schedule creates the opportunity for the Possums (2- 31/2) and the Wallabies (31/2 - 5) to spend a couple of sessions each day with their age peers. This has allowed not only for some wonderful group efforts to emerge, but also for interactions between the groups to be nurtured. A highlight recently was when small groups of Wallabies cooked muffins and then set up picnic mats and invited a Possum each to join them for dining.
    Berkelow Book Fair:July 14,15,16 and 21, 22, 23
    Open 8.00-10.00am, 3.30-5.30pm

    Come, support the Kindy and browse in our little book shop.  Buy and/or donate a book.
    Thanks to Cher Bailey for the donation of the dolls house and furniture, and Poppy Fitzgerald for all the wonderful plastic food. The new items are being well used.
    If you have unwanted working CD walkmans we would love them for the children to listen to stories in quiet time. Please drop at the Kindy or call to arrange pickup! Thanks.
    The Kindy Bush Care Group will be meeting the first Monday of the month again!
    Here’s your chance to learn what the native and weed species in your garden are; whilst helping make this area of the park even more beautiful!  We will continue concentrating on weeding the exterior garden beds and path edges approaching the buildings.
    Monday 6th July, 9am to 12 noon
    Tools, bush care supervision, good people, and tea & cake provided.
    Meet us between the Kindy and Hall!
    Any queries please contact Emmie Collins 0405 330 781
    There have been sightings of some school aged children climbing and sliding down the shade sails at the Children’s Centre.  This is an extremely dangerous activity and could lead to serious injury.  If you are aware of any children participating in this activity or sight any children in the process, please caution them.  It is also not helping the state of our shade sails!!
    Shona Forsyth

    On-site Sewage Inspection Extension Granted

    WPCA has negotiated an extended deadline for the on-site wastewater Inspection – now due on 30 September 2009 – see below response from Robina Warburton.

    From: Robina_Warburton/Pittwater_Council@pittwater.nsw.gov.au
    Date: 26 June 2009 4:37:22 PM
    To: m2wiener@bigpond.net.au
    Subject: request for extension to submit on-site sewage inspection forms

    Receipt of the submission from the West Pittwater Community Association dated 21June 2009 regarding the On-Site Sewage Management Strategy is acknowledged.
    I wish to confirm that Council raises no objection to the Association's request for a three month extension of time in which owners are to submit the completed on-site wastewater Inspection Report forms. Therefore, the owners that have not yet had their on-site system inspected by a third party and reports submitted to Council are to do so by 30 September 2009.
    As discussed today, all high risk (water/creekfront) properties require an inspection to be undertaken every year.  This means that where a high risk property was not inspected during the 2008/2009 financial year it will now be necessary for the property to be inspected twice during the 2010/2011 financial year. 
    Yours Faithfully,
     Robina Warburton
     Principal Environmental Health Officer
     Pittwater Council
     phone:   9970-1141
     fax:         9970-7150
     office:    5 Vuko Place, Warriewood NSW 2102
     mail:       PO Box 882 Mona Vale NSW 1660
     DX:         9018 Mona Vale
    Internet: www.pittwaterlga.com.au <http://www.pittwaterlga.com.au>


    Clean Up needs you Help
    Dear Friends of Clean Up
    As Clean Up celebrates the 20th anniversary of our flagship campaign it's clear that the environment is top of mind with communities right across the country.

    What's also clear is that we cannot simply depend on our governments to take the lead where action is needed to reduce our environmental impact.

    Communities need our help.

    Clean Up Australia Day is our powerful flagship event but every day is Clean Up Day for us. From day one, our mission has been to inspire people to come together and take charge by arming them with simple and easy-to-achieve actions. Collectively we have jolted governments, industry and our fellow Aussies into action.

    Today Clean Up is one of Australia's most recognised and credible brands.

    One in three Australians has participated in a Clean Up activity; supporting our call for action because what we offer is simple, non-confrontational and brings tangible results.

    And we need your help.

    A donation to Clean Up will assist us to work with communities as we help them learn to live with the challenges that a changing climate will bring. Clean Up Australia is ahead of the pack in our ability to mobilize hundreds of thousands of Australians to produce fundamental, positive change.
    Donations received during the past twelve months have assisted our volunteers around the world to:

    • Mobilise an estimated 35 million people to take part local action as part of our global campaign Clean Up the World.
    • Showcase the efforts of more than 730 organisations through our new google mapping website http://activities.cleanuptheworld.org
    • Encourage kids to reduce their impact on our climate by delivering lessons from our Kids Climate Change kit into classrooms all across Australia
    • Remove more than 7,000 tonnes of rubbish from Aussie streets, parks, bushland, beaches and river systems
    Join forces to lobby for changes in legislation that prevent items such as plastic bags, containers and electronic waste becoming rubbish by turning them into a resource
    What's next:
    • Continuing to expand our global reach in partnership with the United Nations Environment Programme
    • Rewarding and recognising the one in three Australians who have participated in Clean Up during our 20 years of cleaning up, fixing up and conserving our precious environment
    • Assisting northern communities to prepares for the cyclone season with a pre-cyclone clean up north of the Tropic of Capricorn
    • Expanding our Kids Climate Change Kit with additional lessons that can be adapted for rural and remote communities
    • Showcasing innovative technology and products that mimic natural process - making every day a clean up day
    Your contribution will make a real difference, for example:
    • $50 will provide a kit for a retailer to help them get rid of plastic bags
    • $100 will provide clean up bags for a remote community
    • $500 will assist us to showcase one new product under the banner of Clean Up Our Climate
    • $1,000 will research, develop and produce a new Clean Up the World Fact Sheet on marine litter
    • $5,000 will create (research, develop and produce) a the new Clean Up the World Activity Guide on Tree Planting
    • $10,000 will allow us to research, develop and produce one new lesson within our Kids Climate Change Kit - a series of lesson plans K-6, designed by teachers for teachers
    • $20,000 will create an online campaign to inspire communities around the globe to join the Clean Up the World
    All donations to Clean Up are tax-deductible and we undertake that 100% of all donations are directly allocated to delivery of initiatives that support Clean Up communities.

    To make a donation on-line click here
    To make a donation by phone give us a call on (02) 8197 3400
    Australians are proud of the beauty of our natural habitat. We enjoy sharing it with the millions of visitors who come here very year.

    But, there is no denying that the Australian landscape we love is under threat from the challenge of our generation - climate change.
    Every one of us can make a difference. Join me today by donating to Clean Up.
    With kind regards,

    Ian Kiernan AO
    Chairman of Clean Up Australia

     Local Council Notices   

    Places are now open for primary school-aged children to attend the July school holiday program at Pittwater Council’s Coastal Environment Centre.

    The school holiday program runs between 14 and 24 July and has great activities with an environmental focus. 

    This school holiday program will also be one of the first events held in the newly upgraded Coastal Environment Centre. The Centre has been undergoing renovations for the past month, aimed at making the building more sustainable and attractive to users.

    Improvements include a sustainable sisal-type floor covering made from cactus husks and a mini ‘eco-cinema’ for film and DVD screenings with theatre-style seating and surround-sound.

    Pittwater Council’s Natural Environment & Education Manager Mia Dalby-Ball said the school holiday program offered a combination of art, craft, adventure, discovery and learning activities in small groups.

    Highlights include:
    • Octopus Antics – exploring the world of one of earth’s most intelligent creatures. Amazing stories of how an octopus can be trained to perform complex tasks!
    • Coastal Capers – children turn into coastal investigators by combing Turimetta Beach for washed up treasures and signs of underwater life
    • Squirrel Gliders & Spotted Gums - ideal for children who enjoy getting up close to native animals and plants
    The Kids on the Coast program runs every day throughout the July school holidays, offering two-hour activities between 10am-12 noon and 1pm-3pm for $20 per child per session.  For children wishing to attend two sessions the cost is $55 per day (10am-3pm), which includes care between sessions.

    Each activity is led by an enthusiastic and experienced educator. The Coastal Environment Centre is located at Lake Park Road, North Narrabeen.

    For more information or to book a place visit www.pittwater.nsw.gov.au/cec or call the Coastal Environment Centre on 9970 1675.

    Pittwater Council has released the results of its second water survey of residents, which was conducted last month.
    The survey was held as part of the NSW Government’s Water for Life campaign, which aims to promote water conservation education across the state.

    Natural Environment & Education Manager, Mia Dalby Ball said the results would assist the Council in planning Pittwater’s water needs over the next ten years.
    “It’s essential we get an accurate picture on how residents use water, given the pressures of drought and the threat of climate change,” she said.

    “Over 90% of those surveyed said they consider water conservation critical or very important.”
    Ms Dalby-Ball said there had been a slight drop in the number of people concerned about having enough water in the future, (91% of respondents compared with 98% in 2007, when the first survey was conducted).

    “This change may be in part due to Council’s recent water recycling projects,” she said.
    Ms Dalby-Ball said that close to 9 out of 10 residents responding to the survey were aware of how much water their household used and around half acknowledged that they could do more to save water.

    “Most reassuring was that almost all respondents (97%) said that they were taking steps to conserve water, slightly higher than the previous survey in 2007 (91%),” added Ms Dalby-Ball.

    The May survey was conducted online on the Council’s website and attracted 235 respondents.
    For more information about water saving tips visit www.pittwater.nsw.gov.au/environment 

    Water for Life information kits with free shower timers are available at Council’s customer service centres at 1 Park Street, Mona Vale and 59a Barrenjoey Road, Avalon.

    Media contact:  Mia Dalby-Ball, Pittwater Council  Ph: 9970 1369

    Pittwater Mayor David James announced today that Council is committed to continue working with the community on ensuring that any future development of Careel Bay is conducive to its sensitive environment.

    Cr James statement follows a recent ruling by the Court of Appeal on a point of law in favour of the applicant Austral Monsoon.

    In February 2006 the NSW Planning Minister refused a Development Application by Austral Monsoon for expansion of the Marina in Careel Bay. Austral Monsoon appealed this refusal and in March 2007 Pittwater Council supported its community and resolved to participate with the NSW Department of Planning in the court hearing of the appeal.

    Cr James said the decision of the Court of Appeal on the point of law is a setback, however we will continue to vigorously support the Minister’s decision to refuse the application as I am sure will the community.

    “The Court of Appeal’s decision means that the application will be referred back to the Land and Environment Court to consider its merits.”

    “Council will continue to work with the NSW Department of Planning to demonstrate that the development is inappropriate in line with the Minister’s original refusal,” added Cr James.

    Austral Monsoon’s proposal includes a new marina building with a 24-berth floating marina.
    Mayor James acknowledged the local community in their continued fight to prevent over development at Careel Bay.
    Media contact:  Steve Evans, Pittwater Council Ph: 9970 1133

    Pittwater Council announced today the inaugural Sustainability Awards.

    The awards are to recognise and reward residents and businesses who are committed to making Pittwater sustainable.
    Entries are being sought in three categories; ‘sustainability in design’, ‘sustainability in business’ and ‘sustainability in landscaping’. 

    Pittwater Mayor, Cr David James said the awards formed an important part of Pittwater’s efforts to minimise its environmental footprint as outlined in the 2020 Strategic Plan.
    The sustainability in design category will focus on recognising architects, owner-builders and designers who have developed buildings with sustainable features.
    Entries can include new residential buildings, extended, renovated or refurbished buildings, medium density housing and commercial premises.

    Sustainability in business will offer awards to both small (less than 20 employees) and medium to large businesses (over 20 employees) who have become more sustainable through innovations involving staff, resources or new business practices.
    The sustainability in landscaping category will recognise homeowners, landscape architects, landscapers or garden designers who have committed to making Pittwater more sustainable through landscaping and gardening. This may involve practices such as designing gardens to be drought-resistant, creating vegetable gardens or havens for native wildlife and birds.

    All entries for the awards must be within Pittwater and be submitted by 15 August. Awards will be announced at a special ceremony in October.

    Entries can be submitted online at the Council’s website www.pittwater.nsw.gov.au   Nomination forms are also available from Council’s customer service centres and libraries at Mona Vale and Avalon. Alternatively, entries can be hand delivered to Simonne Shore or via mail to PO Box 882 Mona Vale 1660.

    Media contact:  Paul Reid  Ph: 9970 1102

    Waterfront Jazz
    Sunday, July 5

    The next Jazz on the Waterfront concert at Church Point will be held on Sunday, July 5, weather permitting. The concert, which begins at noon, will feature The Offbeats, with Evan Harris on sax, Brendon Paul on drums and Tom Gatward on bass guitar. The concert will be held near the waterfront Store/Cafe.


     Author Talk@ Mona Vale Library
    Rudd's Rise and Howard's Fall
    Mona Vale Library will host an Author Talk with renowned journalist Peter Hartcher on Tuesday 7 July at 6.30pm.

    His book, To the bitter end. The dramatic story behind the fall of John Howard and the rise of Kevin Rudd has been described as ‘the real story behind closed doors’.

    To the bitter end is a penetrating, riveting and revealing exploration of an election year when the political stakes had never been higher.
    The book covers the tumultuous year of 2007 in the ranks of the Liberal Party, in the back rooms of the ACTU and the campaign war room of the Labour Party. 

    With unprecedented access to key players and countless hours of confidential interviews, Peter Hartcher reveals how Kevin Rudd secretly forged his alliance with Julia Gillard to topple Kim Beazley. He also exposes the way Labor’s factions intimidated Rudd. 

    The book also lays bare the unending struggle between John Howard and Peter Costello for control of the national budget. 

    Peter Hartcher is the political and international editor of the Sydney Morning Herald. He is also the chair editor of the Australian foreign affairs journal The Diplomat, and a visiting fellow at the Lowy Institute for International Politics in Sydney.
    The author has been cited as one of the most objective opinion-setters in the country in a 2007 independent survey of Australian pundits.

    Peter Hartcher’s Author Talk will begin at 6.30pm at the library in Park Street, Mona Vale. Books will be available for purchase and signing by the author. Bookings are essential and can be made by phoning 9970 1600.

    The admission fee which includes light refreshments is $7.50 or $5.50 concession (please show cards at the door).

    This talk is filling up quickly. Those who have already booked, need to pay within 3 days to confirm booking

    Media contact:  Catherine Buddin, Librarian  Ph: 9970 1605

    The True Story of Butterfish
    Curtis Holland is no longer a rock star!
    His dad is dead. His wife has left him and his life is a mess.

    The Daily Telegraph Big Book Club selection for July is The True Story of Butterfish, by award winning author Nick Earls.

    Curtis is the kind of guy most of us know, and plenty of us are. He’s not exactly sure where he’s heading, and he’s not exactly sure where things went wrong. He’s working from home, thinking too much, eating too much. 

    Curtis, unlike most of the rest of us, is also a burnt-out rock star. With album sales of twenty million behind his band, Butterfish, imploded, first privately and then publicly. Curtis moves back to Brisbane to reconnect with his brother, Patrick, and work as a music producer from his home studio.

    Curtis pictures himself as a recluse, with a house on the edge of town, but then he meets his neighbours, Kate, Annaliese and Mark, who perplex and draw him in, each in their own way. He begins to live a life far removed from the incessant clamour of touring, until Derek Frick, Butterfish’s lead singer, reappears, apparently still intent on living the rock god cliché to the max . . .

    Nick Earls is the author of twelve books, including bestselling novels such as Zigzag Street, Bachelor Kisses, Perfect Skin and World of Chickens. 

    Zigzag Street won a Betty Trask Award in the UK in 1998, and is currently being developed into a feature film. Perfect Skin was the only novel nominated for an Australian Comedy Award in 2003, and has recently been filmed in Italy.

    He has written five novels with teenage central characters. 48 Shades of Brown was awarded Book of the Year (older readers) by the Children’s Book Council in 2000, and a feature film adapted from the novel was released in Australia by Buena Vista International in August 2006, and has subsequently screened at festivals in North America and Europe. 

    Nick has an honours degree in Medicine from the University of Queensland, and has lived in Brisbane since migrating as an eight-year-old from Northern Ireland in 1972.

    Meet and hear Nick Earls at the following literary event:

    Time: 6.30pm (wine & Cheese evening)

    Venue:  Mona Vale Library, Park St, Mona Vale                              

    Cost:   $7.50 or conc. $5.50

    Bookings:  02 9970 1600

    Nutrition & Exercise: The Facts

    Q: I've heard that cardiovascular exercise can prolong life. Is this true?

    A: Your heart is only good for so many beats, and that's it...don''t waste them on exercise. Everything wears out eventually. Speeding up your heart will not make you live longer; that's like saying you can extend the life of your car by driving it faster. Want to live longer? Take a nap.

    Q: Should I cut down on meat and eat more fruits and vegetables?

    A: You must grasp logistical efficiencies. What does a cow eat? Hay and corn. And what are these? Vegetables. So a steak is nothing more than an efficient mechanism of delivering vegetables to your system. Need grain? Eat chicken. Beef is also a good source of field grass (green leafy vegetable). And a pork chop can give you 100% of your recommended daily allowance of vegetable slop.

    Q: Is beer or wine bad for me?

    A: Look, it goes to the earlier point about fruits and vegetables. As we all know, scientists divide everything in the world into three categories: animal, mineral, and vegetable. We all know that beer and wine are not animal, and they are not on the periodic table of elements, so that only leaves one thing, right? My advice: Have a burger and a beer and enjoy your liquid vegetables.

    Q: How can I calculate my body/fat ratio?

    A: Well, if you have a body, and you have body fat; your ratio is one to one. If you have two bodies, your ratio is two to one etc.

    Q: Aren't fried foods bad for you?

    A: You're not listening. Foods are fried these days in vegetable oil. In fact, they're permeated in it. How could getting more vegetables be bad for you?

    Q: What's the secret to healthy eating?

    A: Thicker gravy.

    Q: Will sit-ups help prevent me from getting a little soft around the middle?

    A: Definitely not! When you exercise a muscle, it gets bigger. You should only be doing sit-ups if you want a bigger stomach.

    Q: Is chocolate bad for me?

    A: Are you crazy? HELLO..... Cocoa beans ... another vegetable!

    You Asked.. 
    Community Radio needs you help

    FBi was founded all the way back in ‘03 with a mission to bring you the best new music and emerging sounds from Sydney, Australia and overseas

    In the last five years FBi has grown into a damn fine music station that is proudly independent and not-for-profit. We don’t get millions of dollars from the government to help pay our bills and sponsorship only covers about half of our running costs. Your financial support is what keeps us broadcasting loud and clear across Sydney.

    If you are interested, go to the following web site to find out how you can help


    For Sale 
    If you have something for sale that you think locals would like - let us know and we will put a SINGLE line entry in the PON at the beginning of each month...

    • FRIDGE. Fisher and Pykyl. About 250L. Frost free. Dimensions 1.4 H, 0.64 W and 0.68 D. 6 years old. Excellent working order and condition. $275. Pip Atkins 0414 496 414
    • Toyota RAV 4  4x4 1997 model 200,000kms. Reliable. Rust free.  $6,250 Ph 99992445
    • Half Size Violin Good condition  $100   Ph: 99992445
    • FRIDGE. A double door fridge/freezer  already on the island in good working order is for sale for $750.  Must be collected before 10th July from close to Bells Wharf.  Call 0411 113 317 for more information


    The Local Guide
    What's On in Pittwater - Self Editing Event Calendar click here to go to the Calendar
    Scotland Island Community Vehicle: click here for Contact Number, Usage, Charges etc 
    Offshore Photo Gallery - http://picasaweb.google.com/offshoregallery/ 
    Scotland Island Water:
    SI Emergency Water Contacts and Guidelines for water: click here for information and contacts
    Scotland Island 'Water Agreement' - click here download
    Scotland Island Traders - On-line shopping from your computer, through your door on Scotland Island. Contact Graeme on 0419460331 or click here for full details
    Scotland Island Children's Centre
    Catherine Park (Long Day Care Service)  8.30am - 4.30pm (Tues, Weds & Thurs)
    Playgroup @ Children's Centre every Monday, 10.00am - 12 midday
    Other services include: School Holiday Programme / Facility & Equipment Hire
    For information please call 02 9979 7856 or email:  siocs@comcen.com.au
    Scotland Island Community Hall Bookings:  Kez on 9999 4092 or kezborthwickbolton@gmail.com
    Local Transport:
    Scotland Island Community Vehicle: Info: click here. Phone (0404103700)
    Church Point Ferries (0408296997) Church Point Ferry Timetable click here
    Pink Water Taxi (0428238190)
    Manly Warringah Cabs (0299725600)
    Palm Beach Cruises (0299974815)

    Local Real Estate Agents:
    Century 21 Showcase Pittwater (click for property news)
    L.J.Hooker Mona Vale
    PMC Hill (subscribe to their newsletter here) Pittwater Real Estate
    Government Organisations:
    Local Pittwater Council, or email them at Pittwater_council@pittwater.nsw.gov.au  or by clicking here
    Federal: Bronwyn Bishop, Member for Mackellar by clicking here or Bronwyn.Bishop.MP@aph.gov.au
    State: Rob Stokes, Member for Pittwater, at pittwater@parliament.nsw.gov.au or by clicking here
    Local Accommodation:
    Bed & Breakfast: Scotland Island Lodge: or http://www.scotlandislandlodge.com.au (0299793301)
    Yacht Clubs: Woody Point Yacht Club  or http://www.wpyc.com.au 
      Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club or http://www.rpayc.com.au/
    Short Term Holiday} Accommodation    } Wiringulla Retreat (0299718375) or here
    Treetops on Towlers Bay' (0293322611) info@walkabouttours.com.au
    Budget Accommodation: On the doorstep of the Ku-ring-gai Chase N P: Pittwater YHA, Ph 0299995748 www.yha.com.au/hostels/details.cfm?hostelid=31 
    Local Pittwater Studies Website: http://www.pittlink.net/ls
    Scotland Island Rural Fire Brigade: http://www.sirfb.org.au

    Emergency Contact Numbers:     
    ALL EMERGENCIES (Police - Fire - Ambulance) 000
    Police Assistance Line & Information 13 1444 or 9281 0000
    Broken Bay Water Police 9910 7899 or 0412 162 093
    NSW Fire Service General Information 9265 2999 9265 2999
    Rural Fire Service General information 9450 3000
    State Emergency Service, Warringah/Pittwater SES 9486 3399
    National Parks & Wildlife Service: 000, general information 9457 9322
    Dept of Community Services: general information 9977 6011
    Sydney Water 132 090
    Energy Australia 131 388, (ah) 131 909

    Airlines, Buses and Railways:
    Sydney Airport:
    Arrivals and Departures
    Virgin Blue:

    Sydney Buses: Information.

    Sydney Ferries:
    City Rail:
    Timetables & Information.
    Country Link Rail:
    Join SIRA You can now join the Scotland Island Residents Association by clicking here. Please print the page and return the completed form to SIRA at this address: The Treasurer, SIRA, PO Box 70, Church Point 2105. Please NO CASH. Contact SIRA at sirapittwater@hotmail.com
    Join WPCA To join the Western Pittwater Community Association, contact Michael Wiener at m2wiener@bigpond.net.au

    Archived Newsletters:
    A complete set of past electronic newsletters since May 2000 can be found and read at https://www.ymlp.com/pubarchive.php?sira or by clicking here topor by visiting the Mona Vale Library.
    The Island website is at www.scotlandisland.org.au

    If you would like to contribute to this newsletter it's easy!. Send an e-mail to the editor by clicking here. Type your short contribution (100 words would be fine) and assuming it is of general interest to the community, does not include matter of a political nature and is not offensive to your neighbours, it will appear next month.

    To get on and off this newsletter, click here or got to: http://www.scotlandisland.org.au/signup . To change your address, click the 'modify' link at the bottom of this newsletter.

    The views expressed in this newsletter are not necessarily the views of the Scotland Island Residents Association (SIRA), or the Western Pittwater Community Association (WPCA)

    Newsletter Design:Paul Purvis [0403-442-764]