In issue 291 of BPS in Focus it was reported that Richard Kay had gained his Associateship of the Royal Photographic Society. In this special issue we show Richard's successful panel of prints, together with his Statement of Intent.
Enjoy Richard's images:
Richard's Statement of Intent:
Birds and Brown Bears of the Northern Wilderness
During the last few years I have had the good fortune to be able to visit Scandinavia, Northern North America and Hokkaido, Japan to photograph wildlife. The initial objective of my visits was to photograph raptors and other birds which reside in these places all the year, or migrate there in the spring or winter. However, after an early visit to Finland I also developed a passion for photographing brown bears both there and in North America. The purpose of my panel is to portray images of some of these birds and brown bears, making use of the changing light, colours and weather to create images of them and to give an impression of the context in which the wildlife lives.