Thursday, December 29, 2005
Fifth Christmas Day

Luke 2:11 For unto you is born this day a Savior . . .


What an exciting night that was in Bethlehem! A Child was born. The heavens about the village were bright with the glory of the angels that appeared. And out of the brightness came the clear and joyous voice of the Angel of the Lord proclaiming "Unto you is born!" But there were not many who were caught up in this excitement.

Each year there is excitement again on this anniversary of the Christchild's birth. There is no other season with so much tinsel and glitter, so much feverish activity, so much singing and rejoicing. But may our gracious God grant that we know the reason for the excitement, that the songs of joy come from our hearts and that for us the tinsel and glitter truly reflect the brightness that filled the heavens that first Christmas night. May we not lose sight of the fact that the Angel was speaking to us, that the child was born to us -- for in that way all the Christmas excitement will be meaningful and not be empty mockery.