Temple Beth Am Library Minyan February 2013
Introducing a new Library Minyan program
OHEL PATUACH/ Open Tent — A joint effort between the Membership and Social/Hospitality committees
Most of us know what it’s like to be a newcomer – to our children’s school as a parent, to a neighborhood or a new extracurricularye activity, or to a synagogue community such as ours.
The aim of Ohel Patuach /Open Tent is to welcome the newer members of TBA’s Library Minyan and facilitate the building of relationships, which is such an important part of synagogue life. Friday night Shabbat dinner at home seems like a thoughtful and easy way to connect to Minyan members.
Here’s how it will work. Library Minyan matchmakers, Vered Hopenstand and Lori Port, will facilitate shidduchs between “old-timers” and “new-comers”. And because we know how long some of us can feel new, we define “new” as within three years of membership at the Minyan.
Our yentas will assemble a list of LM members who volunteer as Ohel Patuach hosts. The list of newcomers will be assembled in several ways. Sheryl Goldman will provide membership information based on High Holiday LM records for the past three years. In addition, Membership and Hospitality committee members—as well as Greeters, Gabbaim, and Minyan regulars —will be on the lookout for newcomers and directly ask them if they're open to being invited for Shabbat. They will give them the new Library Minyan business card (on the back of which they will have written their name and contact info) and arrange to get in touch after Shabbat.
The requests will be turned in to our matchmakers, who will make the matches and connect the newcomer(s) to a suitable host family (based on neighborhood, children’s ages, etc). The host is responsible for calling to invite their guest(s) and picking a date.
If this way of strengthening and enlarging the Library Minyan speaks to you, sign up as an Ohel Patuach host by replying to this message.
Any questions? Please address them to Ohel Patuach co-chairs  Vered Hopenstand, myveredh@gmail.com, 310-652-1888, and/or Lori Portlhport@yahoo.com, 424-249-3398. You can also contact Membership committee chair Susan Laemmle, Laemmle@usc.edu, 323-939-4084, or Social/Hospitality chair Carl Sunshine, carl@fastmail.net, 323-934-7889
Name of host(s): ______________________________________________
Other members of the family, including ages of any children: _______________
Maximum number of guests you’re comfortable inviting: ______
Your address with zip & nearest large intersection: ______________________
Your email address: ____________________________________________
Your phone number(s) & best time to reach you: __________________
The Library Minyan of Temple Beth Am, 1039 S. La Cienega Blvd 90035  www.libraryminyan.org