Thanks- We just might yet snatch victory from the jaws of defeat.

Please take the time to read the links at the end of this succinct 500 word article.

If you are confused about the Codex issue, this article and the information attached to it will help answer most of your questions.

Many people are coming forward in all 50 states and around the world now to help.

Many are setting up card tables in front of health food stores to pass out this article which they're making stacks of copies of.

Many are helping to break through the spin thats keeping NNFA member health food stores and vitamin companies in the dark on this important issue.

Many network marketers are also coming to see through the spin against IAHF's mssg emanating from the pharma dominated CRN and from the Direct Selling Association- but the fuse is burning closer to the bomb, and the bomb goes off in July in Rome unless you guys can help IAHF to wake a lot more people up re the Codex agenda to ban our access to healing nutrients.

If we can break through the pharma generated spin against IAHF's mssg, we will be able to do the following things:

1) Launch a lawsuit against FDA to get an injunction to block them from ratifying the global trade standard for vitamins and minerals at Codex at the meeting in Rome July 4-9th. Remember, an FDA employee- Christine Lewis Taylor is "on loan" from FDA to the WHO where she is spearheading the "Nutrient Risk Assessment Workshop" which will be filling in the blanks on allowable potency levels of vitamins and minerals at Codex. There is zero transparency in the selection process re participants in this "workshop" and Taylor is a Dietician, and you know how they think...... (you get all the nutrients you need in your food, and anything more than the RDAs just enriches the urine.)

2) Pressure Congress to hold a proper oversight hearing on the Codex vitamin issue. On March 20, 2001 Congress WHITEWASHED the hearing that I pushed for for 5 years. I had DEATH THREATS for pushing for this hearing. In the end, I wasn't allowed to testify, my witnesses weren't allowed to testify, the only person who WAS allowed to testify was a pharma shill on the International Committee of NNFA who regurgitated spin emanating from an employee of Pfizer. We have been set up like bowling pins, but its not over til the fat lady sings, and when hell freezes over we will fight on ICE.

3) Conduct a global PR campaign against ratification of the Codex vitamin standard. South Africa is the only country in our corner at present. That must change, but a global PR campaign can't be started without donations. I have been to South Africa. I was invited there in '97 to speak before a gathering of health freedom fighters, and with your help I will return there to help our allies rally the whole continent of Africa against this eugenics agenda.

Your monetary assistance will help me do the traveling necessary to do public speaking before enough groups while we still have time to turn things around.

Please watch the DVD of our Emergency Health Freedom Mtg in San Diego in November at ACAM at

Please order copies to show to more people. You have my persmission to burn extra copies if you have a DVD burner, and some have been able to download it from the web and burn copies directly off the web.

Just keep in mind that the one on the web does not have the navigational menu that the actual DVD you'd get from me has so without that its not easy to navigate around in our hour and a half program.

Many of you are calling me here. Please keep in mind that I have no staff to help answer the phone, and I can't return all the calls. I could hire someone to help full time in my office but lack the cash flow to do so. This is a true grass roots effort!

God bless all of you who are trying so hard to help, especially those of you who are setting up coffee tables in front of health food stores to pass out this article
