~May 27, 2016~

 Legislating Against God
by Pastor Kim Kjaer


                               Pastor Kim Kjaer on Capitol Hill explaining the Biblical truth about "climate change"
"If there is any place in the world that should have the full rays of present truth, it is Washington D.C., the city that is the very heart of this nation. Those who act a prominent part in framing laws for the nation should understand what is written in the law of God, which lies at the foundation of all right laws." Review and Herald, July 28, 1903.

Recognizing the importance of the city of Washington, DC, that in this city the final decisions regarding the Sabbath/Sunday issue will be decided and seeing the emphasis that the Church of Rome is putting forth there, a group of Seventh-day Adventists spent the last three months seeking to educate the legislators of this nation regarding the principles involved in the Three Angels messages.

From March 1st until May 31st, 2016, a rented building a few blocks from Capitol Hill has been home to a team of Adventist volunteer workers. Their mission: to offer biblical solutions for the economic, environmental and health problems facing legislators today.

The team spent their time visiting all 535 offices of the Senate and House of Representatives multiples times, cultivating relationships with the staff and Congressional leaders and inviting them to health and prophecy lectures. Their friendly and positive approach was well received with some of the staff greeting the team on a first name basis.

Literature was passed out on each visit including Amazing Health Facts from Amazing Facts. Leaders and their staff were pointed to solutions on the economy, the environment and health offered in the teachings of the Bible. On more than one occasion, there were those who overheard the conversations and would come up to the team members and request the material being handed out.

In addition to handing out literature and inviting the Congressional leaders and their staff to the health and prophecy lectures, our team handed out a Health & Temperance pledge. This pledge encouraged the staff and leaders to abstain from alcohol, tobacco and other harmful substances as a patriotic gesture. Upon returning in a week or so, one of the staff greeted our team with a smiling testimony that she had not had a drop of alcohol since she signed the temperance pledge.

Others on our team stood outside the Supreme Court with a table holding urns of a coffee substitute and offering those hurrying to their jobs on Capitol Hill a hot cup to drink. Upon accepting the beverage, we briefly discussed the benefits of our caffeine free beverage as opposed to their standard cup of coffee. The demand was greater than the supply and those handing out the drinks felt they could have given out five times what they did!

On April 9, 2016, Don Frost had a lecture on Climate Change on the west lawn of the Capital Building. This lecture was to invite members of the UnitedCry16 group gathered at the Lincoln Memorial on that day. The UnitedCry16 group consisted of religious leaders from a variety of denominations who gathered at the Lincoln Memorial to pray for the nation and seek to return it to its Christian roots. Several of the attendees were interviewed by our team for their perspective on the Ten Commandments and their support for religious legislation. Some of them attended Don’s lecture.

Over the course of four days from April 11 to April 14, four lectures on health and four lectures on Bible prophecy were conducted by Ron Meinhardt and myself respectively. These lectures were held on the east side of the Capitol Building each evening around 5:30 p.m. People from
the surrounding buildings including the Senate and House attended as did some from Democracy Spring, a group of people protesting big money in the political process. One of the attendees remarked after the lectures concluded for the evening, “I’ve never heard anything like this before.” He continued to stay, enjoy the provided vegetarian meal (which were provided each evening) and engage with our team there. An independent reporter stayed and interviewed some of our team members about the meetings being conducted.

There were people who attended from different faiths including Islam. One lady in a hajib was very interested in what we were presenting and she, too, engaged with our team for some time after the lectures were over.

The week after the lectures, we received a call from a friend of Don’s who said he and his girlfriend saw two congressional leaders being interviewed on a local news station. The leaders stated they were not so sure about the Pope’s climate change encyclical, that perhaps there is an ulterior motive behind its promotion.

Our work was supported by local church members and some church institutions. Workers were trained how to reach out to the higher classes and our team in addition to feeding those who came for the lectures, fed hundreds of homeless people during their time in Washington, DC.

Now that the lectures are over, we are preparing them to be delivered to each congressional office and placed in the hands of every Congressional leader and interested members of their staff. One Congressional leader who was not able to attend the lectures stated, “Get the lectures to my office. I will watch them.”
Over the course of May, our team continued to visit the Congressional leaders, held health lectures, provided massages and trained students from Hartland how to reach these leaders with the message God has given us.
There are plans for a team of trained Hartland students to regularly visit the Capitol and carry on the work there. Though our team will be leaving at the end of May, the work on Capitol Hill will continue.

We plan to target other principal cities to sound our God-given message wherever we can while we have time left to do so. We encourage you to ask God what you can do with the leaders of your community.
"We have no time to lose. The end is near. The passage from place to place to spread the truth will soon be hedged with dangers on the right hand and on the left. Everything will be placed to obstruct the way of the Lord’s messengers, so that they will not be able to do that which it is possible for them to do now. We must look our work fairly in the face and advance as fast as possible in aggressive warfare. From the light given me of God I know that the powers of darkness are working with intense energy from beneath, and with stealthy tread Satan is advancing to take those who are now asleep, as a wolf taking his prey. We have warnings now which we may give, a work now which we may do; but soon it will be more difficult than we can imagine. God help us to keep in the channel of light, to work with our eyes fastened on Jesus our Leader, and patiently, perseveringly press on to gain the victory." Testimonies for the Church, Vol. 6, p. 22

Pastor Kim Kjaer is a former Amazing Facts evangelist. He also pastored in the Potomac Conference and recently served as the Executive Director of Blue Mountain Television, a Seventh-day Adventist television station in College Place, Washington. Pastor Kim is working with a group of dedicated lay people to bring the message of the soon coming of Jesus to Washington, DC.
Pastor Kim presented in front of the U.S. Capitol building, a message on the cause of climate change.  You will be blessed to view this Biblical teaching on Climate Change.

For more information or to watch the other presentations made on Capitol Hill, visit www.healtheirland.org   or call  (800) 875-1776


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