Farm Fresh News - February 2013
grandfather fire
Fire as the bridge to community
In this issue:
  • Ancient Wisdom Rising

  • Sacred Fire Community

  • Farm Membership

Hi Friends,
Here we are in the depths of winter, watching the return of the light. These are the days when we gather around the fire to savor its warmth and the glow it brings reminds us of the spirit that burns inside each and every one of us.

In this issue, I want to introduce you to the Sacred Fire Community, a movement that is touching people on many levels and in many places, nurturing connection and a sense of appreciation, a tool for creating community that I encourage you to explore. Fire circles are a simple, yet timeless way to experience the bridge between nature and spirit, the visible and the invisible. One of the strongest manifestations can be found at Ancient Wisdom Rising, an annual gathering of spiritual elders that I had the good fortune to be part of.

Any person seeking to become a member of The Farm, or any intentional community for that matter, will face a variety of challenges to overcome. In this month's essay, I explore the more subtle, but in many ways, more daunting aspect of membership, the depth of relationships that come from a lifetime commitment.

Thank you! I hope to see you in the spring!



For activities and events, check out: The Farm Community calendar

Green Life Retreat Calendar More to come! Send us your suggestions!

Farm Experience March 29-31

sacrd fire
"Within the sacred space that Fire provides, we share our lives and our gifts."


Farm Experience Retreats and Workshops
Farm Experience Weekends: The best overview of the green life, providing the inspiration you need to fulfill your life goals and live your dreams.
Learn more...
Farm Experience: February
Saturday afternoon will feature a cooking workshop. Whether a confirmed vegan or simply seeking new recipes to better health, you'll find yummy new foods, easy gourmet recipes.
Farm Experience March
Spring is our favorite times of year, and attracts our largest number of participants.
Farm Experience: The Land April
In addition to our regular Experience Weekend activities and tours, on Saturday afternoon we'll hike to a waterfall in the 1475 acre Big Swan Headwaters Preserve. The Saturday night dinner and entertainment will be a fundraiser for Swan Trust.
The Farm School Family Fest May
Music, Tours, Hikes, Games, More!
Community & Sustainability Conference
Memorial Day Weekend in May Your opportunity to explore the connection between lifestyle and intention..
Organic Gardening Intensive June
A week (or weekend) of hands-on gardening as well as garden tours on and 0ff-The Farm to visit Shiitake operations, a bamboo nursery and more...more
End of Summer Family Retreats July
We'll spend the week swimming, hiking, listening to and playing music, enjoying really great food and each others company. Special beginner and advanced Tai Chi workshops.
Don't miss Fall on The Farm, the crisp, cooler temperatures are always a special time of year!
Now it's up to you. Register today!
Midwifery Workshops:
Swan Trust Activities & Hikes
Permaculture Apprenticeships:
Learn straw, cob, earthbag, turf roofs, bamboo, thatch, clay plaster, adobe, alis, and food self-reliance at the Farm community.

Ancient Wisdom Rising

Last November, I had the privilege of providing a sound system and videoing interviews at an event called Ancient Wisdom Rising, a gathering of spiritual elders held this year outside Atlanta, GA.

I was deeply touched by the experience in a way that went beyond words. It was more than sharing space and meeting nice people, more than the quality of the speakers, or the beauty of the place. Something happened inside me that became more apparent as I drove home and in the reflection I continued to experience days later.

Ancient Wisdom Rising is an annual event that brings together spiritual elders from many different traditions. In addition to representatives from several Native American tribes, there was also a Buddhist, a Sufi, and a teacher from Africa, each offering a different perspective, bringing both diversity and unity of mind and spirit.

making offereings
Making offerings to the Fire - photo: Ed Kosmicki

I was personally inspired by something that happened during the closing, which really wasn't even part of the official program. As we gathered around the fire one last time to say our good byes, the organizers recognized each person who had contributed in some way to make the event a success. It was an act of appreciation I have carried back to The Farm through events I am hosting here in February to honor members of our community for their service and contributions.

Appreciation is something we all need to feel, as vital as any vitamin, but we also have the power to give. Is there someone in your life that could benefit from a little recognition?

Each year Ancient Wisdom Rising is held at a new location. At this time, I do not have information for their 2013 gathering, but I do encourage you to consider your participation. I will let you know when and where in a future newsletter.

sufi music
Sufi Musician Nizami performs with his son.

The Sacred Fire Community

Ancient Wisdom Rising is hosted by a group called the Sacred Fire Community, an organization that uses the power of this natural element to join people together "into a full relationship with all the living world and back into community with all our human relatives."

The Sacred Fire Community was started by a group of individuals, many of whom were called to take their pursuit of spirit to a deeper level through training with Huichol shamans in Mexico. The Huichol people are a Native American tribe whose isolation in the mountains of the Sierra Madre made it possible to preserve much of their ancient culture, tradition and wisdom. The training includes regular vigils with Grandfather Fire, a basic ritual that goes back to the beginning of time.

Sacred Fire Community

Susan Skinner, my good friend and house-mate for 35+ years, is one of the founders of the Sacred Fire Community, and an initiated shaman who travels frequently to Mexico on pilgrimages and to continue her training.

Susan hosts a monthly fire circle here at The Farm, and we have often been fortunate to coordinate her community fires in conjunction with my Farm Experience Weekends. Many people here for Farm Experience have expressed that this has been one of their most valued times of the weekend.

Fire circles are now taking place in communities throughout the U.S. and around the world.

To find the one nearest you, visit the Sacred Fire Community web site, which has a directory of locations. You will meet like-minded souls and discover a beautiful way to bring the power of community directly into your life.

fire circle
photo - Sacred Fire Community

Farm Membership

A friend who has considered becoming a resident of the community recently wrote to me, saying,“I don't see the need of such a long wait for membership or the dominate rules on membership...Really, if anyone has money, a sound mind, doesn't own guns, knows a little about something that is beneficial to the overall group, then let them in with love and kindness...”

I understand why she might see it this way. I also acknowledge that our membership process and way of integrating new people has its problems and issues, and that new people may experience mixed feelings, as expressed in the recent CNN documentary.

Membership here is much closer to a marriage than simply moving to a nice community.

For better or for worse.
For richer or poorer.
In sickness and in health.
Till death do us part...All literal, not symbolic.

A group shot - 2002

As a member, you become co-owner and an equal partner in everything I/we own and have built for over 40 years, including all our homes. We will be involved in each other’s daily life as a family...all types of family.

When someone joins the community, we take on, not just them as a person, but their entire family and extended family, and to some degree, their friends as well.  This includes the dysfunctional, the homeless, the addicted, the aged, the ones who are most likely to need care.

Every person who comes into the community has the ability to contribute, or disrupt the fabric of the community. Often over the course of someone’s time here, they will often bring both.

Life in community is about sharing deeply intertwined lives, much more than people may realize or are often ready for. There can be an intensity and interconnection that adds a richness and depth that goes beyond the shallow existence of so-called normal life. This is what I mean when I say it is not for everyone.

And as long as we are mindful, and have had the chance to grow our love for each new person as family, we accept all that they bring, for better or for worse, for as long as we both shall live.

Thank you for your time and attention!


Green Life Retreats
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